The four chat a few minutes about the music and show. They are talking when the hot dog on a stick guy shows up. Joann is delighted. Two other guys from the band also come over to meet the girls. The group has now grown to three girls and four guys. The hot dog guy suggests they all go to the carnival area. They all agree, and the seven of them are off to the carnival. They are one big group, but Richard is sticking next to Christine. Christine is pleased Richard likes her. She really likes him.
The seven of them stick together at the carnival for a while. They split up on those who want to ride the wild rides and those that want to roam around. Christine and Richard want to try some of the games and split from the main group. The rest of the group heads to the roller coaster.
Richard and Christine go on a couple of, not too scary, rides. They check out the arcade games. Richard is surprisingly good at the games. He wins a few prizes for Christine. They come upon a ring toss game with hundreds of soda bottles upright. All you have to do is ring one and win a big stuffed animal. Christine thinks it must be impossible because you get twenty rings for a dollar.
Richard studies the bottle layout. He carefully aims one ring at a time. He picks one bottle that is the closest to him, he spins the ring causing it to fly almost flat toward the bottle; it bounces off. The second ring also misses its target. Christine figures it is hopeless, until the next ring Richard throws drops right over the head of the bottle and sticks. It is a perfect shot; they have won. Christine picks a gigantic stuffed giraffe. It is almost four foot tall and super cute. Christine is thrilled.
Richard and Christine stroll through the carnival area carrying the giraffe and holding hands. They laugh often; they are enjoying the evening. They come upon a park bench off to the side a bit and take a break. Christine sits close to Richard, so there will be room for the giraffe. The three of them fill up the park bench.
When Christine looks up at Richard, he gives her a small kiss. The kiss is followed by several more kisses. The kisses are the most passionate Christine has ever experienced. Christine wants more. She has heard about French kissing, but she has never done it. She is not a hundred percent sure how it is done, but she knows her tongue plays an important part. With the next kiss, she lets the tip of her tongue touch Richard’s lips. He feels her tongue and lets his tongue meet hers in a moist and erotic kiss.
Richard backs off a little and tells her, “Christine, I really like you. I don’t want to rush you into something you’re not ready for.”
“I’m ready!”
“No, come with me.” He takes her hand. They carry the stuffed giraffe. He walks her to the cotton candy stand; they share a cotton Candy. “I want you to think about all this when you get home tonight and during the day tomorrow.” He adds, “There is a rock and roll band in the plaza tomorrow night. I will be here.” He takes a bite of cotton candy. “I would love to see you again. If you want to pick up from where we left off tonight, meet me tomorrow night.”
“No pressure Christine. I want you to want more.” He gives her a kiss and walks her to find Kathy and the others. They rejoin the group and hang out together another hour, until everyone heads home. Christine thinks about what Richard said and decides he is right. If she is hot for him tomorrow evening, then she will be ready.
When Christine gets home, she names her giraffe George. She puts him in the corner of her bedroom. It was such a nice evening with Richard. Every time she looks at the stuffed giraffe, she thinks about Richard and all the fun they had. She also thinks about the French kissing. She liked that a lot too. The stuffed giraffe will be an important memento to Christine for the rest of her life. When things do not go as she planned, she can always snuggle up with George and make it better.
In her bed that evening, Christine is thinking about Richard. He could have taken advantage of her this night, but he chose to give her a way out. She has never had sexual intercourse with a guy…not even close. Holding hands a few time and a good night kiss is the most she has done until tonight. She was ready tonight to make love with Richard…she wanted it. Christine thinks about having sex with Richard. She thought she was ready earlier, but now at home, she is not sure. This is a big step; she is nervous about it. Christine enjoys imagining his body is touching hers, but she is not sure. She falls asleep thinking of being naked in a bed with him.
When she wakes up in the morning, she is still horny for him. She has decided she is going to play it out. If it happens, she thinks she will be fine.