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Episode 4: You Look Beautiful

" Yes Alpha Brandon, I said Human to Wolf's footprint,” I responded poisely. I am the youngest Alpha here. I suppose that's why they didn't believe me when I said it was probably a werewolf hunter.

"And what is that if I may ask?" Alpha Fred asked.

"Let's just say it's a kind of footwear created to have a werewolf footprint.”

"Oh, so that's why we don't see any human footprint and we see wolf prints making us think it's the rogues. That's pretty clever," Alpha Luca said.

"So now that we know what we are dealing with, how are we going to handle it?" Alpha Mike asked.

"Well, I will suggest we all go back to our various packs and ruminate about it and we can all suggest a solution at our next meeting,” Alpha Brandon said.

"Okay then, if we all agree on that then we can call it a day and return to our various lives, "Alpha Mike said and the meeting was dismissed.

Ana’s Point of View.

"Are you saying he still hasn't reached out to you "Mum enquired for the umpteenth time today.

"Yes mum he still hasn't " I replied lividly.

"Look mum, he hasn't shown up for two days now and he has my number. I can tell you that much, I am certain he will use the number if he sees fit or perhaps he has changed his mind.”

“Hey, young lady you better make certain he hasn't changed his mind, do your best she said sternly.


"Can you give me one reason why you and Dad are hell-bent on this man?" I asked curiously, because honestly I have had just about enough of this and I really want to know. 

"I can give you more than one reason but I won't. Just focus on doing what we want.”

I can't with these people, why are they acting low-key shady, Almost like they are hiding something from me? Minutes later I was lying on my bed reading a novel when my phone chimed.

Unknown Number:

Get ready I will be at your place by 7 pm to pick you up. I am taking you out for a dinner date - Red.

What a quaint way to ask a girl out on a date, I should say no but I can't, my parents have made me so curious that I really want to know more about him plus there is something different about him... I am going.

I need to call Nika, that's if I want to go, she picked up after the third ring...

ME: Hey Nika.

NIKA: How are you doing Ana?

Me: I am fine but very nervous.

NIKA: Why is that?

ME: I have a date.

NIKA: You what? She Squealed.

ME: Yeah, a date with Red.

NIKA: Okay, I am on my way with everything you'll need.

ME: I don't think I need too much but okay, see you soon.

In two hours, Monica was here with a bag and a very huge smile plastered on her face.

"Why are you so excited?” I inquired smiling back at her.

"My best friend is going on a date, if you ask me that's smile-worthy,” She said, whilst dumping the contents of her bag on the bed which happens to be a whole lot if you ask me.

There are dresses, make-up kits and even hair products... This girl is always so extra.

"What are all these?” I finally asked.

"To prepare you of course.”

"But I have clothes," I said while she shook her head at me.

"If you're to pick something from your wardrobe for this date what will it be?” She enquired waiting expectantly for my response.

"I can wear denim with one of my brother's hoodies, I will definitely look nice in that,” I said whilst she face palmed herself.

"You will indeed look nice but I have to break it to you, we are not looking to look nice tonight. We are aiming to look great, so please stay mute whilst I work my magic on you.”

"Okay fine.”

"Now that we have an understanding, go take your bath and wash your hair.”

That she is euphoric about this is an understatement, she has always been looking for an opportunity to do this... And so just like that, the drama started.

By the time I got out of the shower, my hair was washed and Nika was in full swing of action. Dresses were laid out on the bed, the chair was facing the mirror and she was ready with a blow dryer and a stretcher.

I sat down and in one hour, forty-five minutes, I was looking like someone out of a magazine.

I haven't looked like this ever, I never looked like this. With how stunned and sheen I looked, she was as proud of herself as she should be.

"You did a great job Nika,” I complimented and she blushed. 

My hair was perfectly done in waves with it parted in the centre and a simple nude make-up.

"Now that we're done with that, it's time to pick a dress.”

After trying out a few of them we later settled for a long-sleeved off-shoulder V- neck army green long dress that has a long slit in front.

It was simple and beautiful and it flattered my body type.

"I look different,” I mumbled to myself.

"Is that a good thing?” She asked nervously, like she's spooked I might just change my mind.

"Absolutely, it's a good difference,” I said, making her squeal joyfully and gave me a hug.

By the time I was completely ready with my 3-inch stiletto and clutch purse, it was 10 minutes to seven so I decided to go downstairs and inform my parents. Not that they will whine especially since it has everything to do with Red.

"You look so beautiful darling, going somewhere?” My dad asked whilst mum was waiting expectantly to hear my response.

"Thanks, Dad, I have a date with Red.”

With my response, their faces lit up even more.

Mum was about to say something when the doorbell dinged. Red was standing in front of me in his full glory, staring me down.

He looked as though he was born in a Tux, tall, poised and handsome... He was looking more handsome than I remembered.

"You look very beautiful,” he said with a smirk. 

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