Emily's POV
"You have a lot of nerve, Emily Hollen. I don't know who you think you are, and I don't care who you are, but let me make myself very, very clear to you. Stay away from my fiance!" She finished with a small shout and got the attention of several hotel employees, who quickly turned their eyes away from us when I looked back at them.
"Listen, it's not what—" I started, but she cut me off by lifting her hand to my face, and the only reason I didn't slap it away was that she was royalty.
"No. I don't listen to outsiders and to people like you. I believe that you have knowledge about my engagement with the prince but, nonetheless, you came onto him!"
"Where's your proof of that?" I asked, now folding my arms to control myself.
"Oh, I will... I do have... I want to hear you confess with that mouth of yours!"
I laughed and shook my head at her. Of course gossip would start about Sebastian and myself, I had been expecting such, but Princess Naomi had no proof. She just wanted me to fold at her presence because of her title.
"If you'll excuse me now, I'd like to get back to my room," I said softly and sweetly before turning my back to her.
I went back to my room and she left.
I immediately texted Sebastian and he texted back, asking to see me in person. I obliged to his offer.
Lord knows this could be the very last time I see him before he turns into a king and a husband.
After two hours we met at his favorite spot.
"Hi," he greeted.
"Hi," I responded as I walked slowly towards him. I was instantly pulled into his arms when I reached him.
"I'm so sorry. I had no idea she would show up at your hotel and cause such a scene. This is all my fault."
"Please don't put this all on you. I should have left when I had to, and I shouldn't have slept with you, and I shouldn't have..." I was going on hysterically until he cupped my face with his palms to stop the tears that I didn't even know were coming.
I looked into his eyes and he kissed me— hard— on my lips. He pulled me even closer. I was sure not even the wind could get between us. His hands acted like a pair of shields around me and I felt protect from the world and everyone in it.
"There's something about you that drives me crazy whenever you're near." He broke the kiss and put a handful of my hair behind my ear. He kissed my forehead and I laid my head against his steel chest.
"Sebastian, I would have to let you go," I said and my heart felt like it was ripping in two, "understand that I don't want to, but I have to."
"I understand. Let's just enjoy this moment together."
The wedding day had finally arrived. I had cut off all communication with Sebastian ever since our last encounter at his favorite spot, and I had made my mind up to return back home very soon without him knowing anything about it.
The wedding was being broadcast live on television, and although I didn't want to see it through, I had Gen next to me and we watched on together.
Princess Naomi walked down the aisle of a chapel by herself. Her white dress flowed beautifully as she walked— a princess indeed. The camera was fixed on her, and only her, until she reached the alter and faced Sebastian.
My heart squeezed against my chest and my eyes flooded up with tears, yet again, for him— only him.
The chapel was filled with people who resembled pure royals, and they looked on eagerly as the priest began speaking.
"We should have crashed that wedding!" Gen shouted and threw a popcorn at the television.
"And get arrested?" I took a handful of her big bowl of popcorn.
"It would have been worth it, Em. SSHHH! It's time for the 'I do's part!"
"I wasn't even talking. You're the one talking," I replied with a laugh.
"SSSHHHH!" she hissed again and I threw a popcorn at her this time, trying to get myself distracted from the part of the wedding I was dreading the most.
"I can't watch this!" I let out with a cry and ran into my bedroom, leaving Gen in the living room by herself.
"Emily! come back!"
"NO! I CAN'T WATCH IT GEN! LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE!" I cuddled myself up in the bed with my pillows but the sound of the television was clear.
"Do you Prince Sebastian take Princess Naomi as your wife? Do you promise to love and cherish and be forever by her side through sickness and heath until death do you part?"
"Emily! Get out here! something is happening!" Gen called and I peeled myself up and out of the room.
"What's going on?"
"Look, look, look, he's shaking his head instead of answering."
I looked at the screen and Sebastian was now whispering to the priest.
Princess Naomi had a fake smile on her face as she stood still, and after twenty more seconds, Sebastian walked out of the wedding chapel.