Maverick left his solitary seat and headed for a barstool. He had to be closer to her—no reason, just a need. The young man was down at this end of the bar and Maverick just waved him away holding up the beer that he had in his hand.
His eyes strayed back to the beautiful woman who worked endlessly and effortlessly behind the bar. She was an amazing bartender, filling orders and carrying on conversations with those around her. Watching her work was like observing a masterpiece. There was no showing off, but everything was flawless and without hesitation.
“Dak,” her voice reached over the crowd, catching the younger man’s attention. When he looked over at her, she finished with, “Can you bring up some more popcorn, pretzels, and nuts, please?”
“Sure thing,” he hollered back. Sliding the current drink he was working on to the customer, he made change and went to the side door where Maverick had first seen her come from this evening.
There was movement beside him and Maverick saw a woman slip on the stool. She was dark blonde with a very curvaceous figure. “Hey,” she said with a wink.
“Evening,” he returned as he reached for a handful of nuts.
“Haven’t seen you in here before.” Her blue eyes traveled blatantly over his body.
“Passing through town.” Maverick looked up as Tempest walked past him to attend to some people at the far end of the bar.
“Where are you from?” she asked as one hand dropped to rest on his leg.
Maverick looked at her hand and moved it back to her own leg. “Around.”
Not easily deterred, she fluttered her lashes at him. “Buy me a drink?”
While it was on the tip of his tongue to flat out refuse, the little voice in the back of his head told him that Tempest would have to get the drink. “Sure.”
She giggled. “Wonderful.”
Maverick pulled out some money and reached out with his hand to get her attention. Tempest acknowledged him with a wave, indicating she would be right there.
Shit! Why is he at the bar? Placing a smile on her face, Tempest finished up with her patron and moved down the bar toward where he sat. Next to him…next to him was Nikki, who rarely paid for her own drink.
“Evening,” Tempest said with a smile.
“Evening,” Maverick’s deep voice resonated through her entire being.
“What’ll it be? A refill?” she asked, pointing at his beer.
“No, Tempest,” Nikki interrupted. “He’s buying me a drink.”
“Of course he is.” Her eyes hardened as she looked at the devilishly handsome man for a moment before turning her attention to the woman beside him. “And you would be having…?”
Nikki licked her lips and leaned closer to Maverick’s body, her eyes were full of lust as she looked over her man of the moment. “I’ll have,” she paused to glance toward Tempest. “I’m gonna have me a Slow Comfortable Screw,” she purred.
“Of course you are,” Tempest said, shaking her head. She circled around and reached for the bottle of sloe gin, unaware that motion showed off her tattoo to the man behind her.
Spinning back around, Tempest ignored Maverick and placed an ice-filled Collins glass before Nikki and quickly mixed her drink. “There you go.” Silently, she took the money from Maverick and made change. Never once did she touch his hand, opting to leave the money on the counter instead. “Sure you don’t need a refill or anything?” she asked him.
Maverick shook his head. It had been one hell of a shock to see his name tattooed across her lower back. The artwork was amazing, and it showed that the name, Maverick, was very painful to her. He wanted to know the whole story.
“If you’re sure,” she said with a shrug. She noticed Dakota had returned and for a moment, there was a lull at the bar. Her son was filling orders for the waitress.
Before she could move away from him and down the bar, he said, “You are an amazing bartender. How long have you worked here?”
Her eyes narrowed, filled with uncontrolled rage. “Why are you so interested in my life?”
Maverick could easily tell she was struggling to remain polite to him. That threw him off. He wooed women, pleased them, but they weren’t mad at him. “You are very beautiful.”
His response was so automatic it made her skin crawl. Tempest didn’t even notice Nikki walk away, having gotten her first free drink. One full lip lifted in a snarl as she stared into his onyx-like eyes. He had a half-grin on his face, like a man who knew he was handsome and charming. Like a man who had no problem using his charm to get him what he wanted.
Tempest sneered. “I can’t believe you actually think that is going to work with me!”
“Sweetheart,” he drawled. “I don’t know you and have no idea what is going to work with you. I would love to get to know you, however.”
For a moment, Tempest stood there rigid with fury. Her chest rose and fell with each breath she struggled to inhale. Her hands wrung the rag in her hands as she fought valiantly to maintain command of her unrestrained emotions.
Maverick couldn’t understand what her problem with him was. She looked at him like he were less than a damn leper and now she seemed furious about something. He was just having some fun. I thought bartenders were supposed to flirt.
“You don’t get to know me. I learned all I wanted to about you,” she hissed as her hands clutched the edge of the teak bar.
Narrowing his eyes, Maverick drew back and stared at her. She knew him? “What are you talking about? I don’t know you.” What was going on?
Neither of them noticed the young man had moved up behind them. “No, you chose to forget me.” Tempest stood up straight and shot him a glare that froze the air around him.
Standing, Maverick reached across the bar for her. The action prompted two bouncers to materialize beside him, one on each side, and caused the young man to step between them. “What are you talking about? We’ve never met.”
Scorn filled her face as she waved off the men. Stepping as close as the bar allowed her to, Tempest placed two shaking hands down on the shiny surface. “So that’s what you told yourself, to alleviate your guilt? Fine, weave whatever bullshit story you want. I could care less that you say you don’t know me. But I know you, James Chayton Lonetree, AKA Maverick. I know you…and I hate you.” She spun around and walked through the door behind the bar closing it with a finality that snapped him out of his shock.
Maverick sank back to the black cushion of the barstool totally blown away. She’d known his full name. The bouncers moved off which left him facing a distrustful young man. “Hey,” he said to the man glaring at him. “What is her last name?”
Black eyes narrowed as he stared at the man who had made his mother lose control. “Why should I tell you anything?” he snapped.
“Look, kid,” Maverick growled. “I want to know how she knows me.”
Those hard eyes looked him over derisively before he lifted his shoulders. “Don’t know.” Then he walked away.
Draining the rest of his beer, a very shaken up Maverick walked out of the bar and into the night. Casting a glance over his shoulder at the name of the bar, he figured it was time to do some investigative work. It hadn’t been anything less than pure hatred that came from her mouth, and he wanted to know why.