We stayed like that for about 5 minutes before he pulled away and held his head down.
He look up.
"Do you want to be my friend?".
He gave me a soft small smile before he nod.
I heard the bell rang for lunch.I look in Bobby's eyes.
"Bobby we're going out now".
"No".fear swam around in his eyes.
"I won't let anyone hurt you,I promise we're just going out".
He slightly nod.I walked to the door and opened it.Bobby held on my arm and walked behind me.I like the way he held on to my arm,it felt like I was protecting him.We walked down the hall until I saw my best friend West.He looked at me and smiled.
"Hey bro where have you been?"he said coming up to us.
Bobby grip my arm tighter and hid behind me more,he was trembling.I put my free hand out to stop my friend from coming any closer.He stop instantly and gave me a confuse look.
"Um who is that?"he point at Bobby.
"A friend".
I took both of Bobby's hand off me and turn to him.He had water in his eyes and was trying hard to hold them back.He held his breath and I put my hand on his shoulder and he exhaled slowly.
"Bobby,this is my best friend West".I told him.
"West this is Bobby,he's new".
West smiled.I know what he was going to do next,he greets everybody the same was with a punch in the shoulder.He move to Bobby.
"Hey man,nice to-".
"NO!!". Bobby shouted and hid behind me again like I was his protector but I knew I was.
"Don't touch him".I glared at west.
"Jeez what's with you two".
"Nothing".I sighed.
"Cafeteria?".West ask.I turn to Bobby.
"N-not hungry".he said.I turn back to west and shook my head.
"Okay see you in class then".He walked away.
I walked with Bobby outside where no one was and sat on a bench.He looked around and took in the wonderful surrounding. He looked calm and he hand a small smile on his face.Let him relax for a while before I said anything to him.
"So Bobby,what do you like to do?"I ask him.
"Watch tv."he replied.
"Anything else?".
"You like to go out ?".
"I don't leave my house".he said.
He was starting to relax around me.He stop stuttering too.
"Why?".I ask.
"I'm afraid of people".he said.
I want to be around Bobby more,to understand him.
"Let me see your schedule," he looked at me but dug in his back pocket and took out the paper.
"Wow we have every class together"I smiled at him.He gave me another small smile too.
"Bobby do you want to hang out after school?".
"No".he said flatly.
Oh I forgot he don't like to go outside and he don't like to be touch and he don't like when people swore.I was learning more about bobby fast and I'm going to help him.
"Okay can I come over at your place then?".I ask.
"At four".he said.
"Okay I'll be there".
He smiled,a real smile this time as if he was glad.
The bell rang and we got up.I let bobby hold unto my arm and I lead him to his locker for his books.We walk into class together and I sat with him at the back beside West.Bobby held his head down and hummed to himself.It sounded like a sad song.West and I began to talk about star wars but I couldn't keep my eyes off Bobby.
"Dude?".West said. I turn to him.
"Oh sorry,you were saying?".He continued.