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Chapter 3

Royce's P.O.V

"Hey Royce, where were you last night?"

"I saw you sneak out, so might as well tell me."

"I hate how well you can ignore people."

I continued to kill zombies on the screen but couldn't help but chuckle at Pablo's last sentence. Ignoring people was probably one of my greatest talents.

"I went to some girls house for a quickie." I replied honestly and blew up a zombie with a grenade.

"Did you atleast have protection?" Pablo questioned like I was dumb enough not to.

"I didn't." I lied and cursed when a zombie bit my player's arm.

"You have to be kidding me, Royce! Do you not know all the dangers? You can get and STD or get a girl pregnant if you don't wear protection." Pablo started to scold me like a child.

"Pablo, shut the hell up. I did wear protection." I yelled back at him and hit his face with the pillow that was on my lap.

Pablo snatched the pillow from my hand then tried to wrestle me down to the ground. Even though Pablo was older than me, I was still the one who could get him in a head lock faster.

I laughed when he started to hit my butt with my game controller. "I'm not giving up so easily. I'll just use your weakness against you!" Pablo teased.

"Unfortunately for you, I don't have a weakness." I replied and tightened my hold on him as I felt his body slipping away from my arms.

As I was about to flip him over we heard somebody talk. We stopped our fake wrestling and looked up at the annoying brat with a plate of popcorn in his hands.

"Um..I don't meant to interrupt but I put a timer on a movie I really wanted to watch." he nervously said.

"No problem, Chris. Let me change it for you." Pablo kindly replied like the kissup he was.

We got off the carpet floor and sat back down on the couch. Chris made his way towards us and sat between Pablo and I.

"I wasn't done playing my game." I protested towards Pablo but received a warning look.

I huffed and crossed my arms in anger. This movie better be worth me being killed by zombies.

"Thanks, Pablo." Chris said in such a sweet tone it made me want to punch both of them in the face.

What a pair of sweet cupcakes.

"What movie are we watching?" I questioned and didn't bother looking at the brat who was munching on his popcorn.

"It's called Brokeback Mountain." he skeptically replied.

What the hell was Brokeback Mountain?

"What's it about?" I continued to question and took the brat's bowl of popcorn away as the movie started playing.

"Royce, quit being a jerk. Give him back the popcorn." Pablo scolded again like he was my father.

I flipped him off and shoved more popcorn into my mouth. Chris giggled causing me to stare at him.

I have never heard the boy laugh since he's been here and a part of me liked that he finally did.

I layed back on the couch and tried to pay attention to the movie that showed two cowboys talking to eachother.

Great, a boring cowboy movie.

I threw popcorn up in the air and tried to catch it in my mouth through the first part of the movie. I glanced back at the t.v and almost rushed out of my seat when I saw the two cowboys having sex in the tent.

What the hell?!

I looked at Chris and Pablo and was suprised to see them watching like it was a normal scene.

Chris turned his head and stared back at me but deeply blushed when the cowboy started to moan.

"Relax Royce, it'll be over soon." Pablo tried to assure once he saw my terrified expression.

"That's freaking disgusting." I stated and got up to leave.

"Hand me my phone. I would rather be with some hot babe than here watching two gay guys banging in a tent." I told Pablo seriously.

He handed me my phone then I gave the frowning brat his popcorn back, which wasn't much since most of it was now on the ground.

I walked out of the livingroom and didn't miss the disappointed look Pablo gave me like I did something wrong.

I left the house and quickly sent a text to a girl I've been getting serious with lately. Her name was Cymphony and was just a complete cutie.

She had nice long brown hair and had eyes that could captivate any man in this world. I met her in a party I went to last week and since then we've been seeing eachother.

But of course she wasn't the girl I had a quickie with last night. That was a different girl that Cymphony didn't need to know about.

I took the long walk towards her house and knocked on her door a couple of times. I was not surprised to see her mother answer the door.

"May I help you, young man?" she questioned as she looked me up and down with lust clear in her eyes.

Cymphony's mom looked like a complete cougar with her makeup overly done and the tight dress she wore. She was actually pretty hot for a woman her age.

"I'm here to visit Cymphony." I replied.

Cymphony's mom nodded then opened the door for me to step inside. I entered the somewhat clean house and noticed it was smaller than mine.

"She's in her room studying so why don't we chat a little as she finishes up. I'm Martha, how about you handsome?" the cougar questioned seductively.

I definitely needed to tell Pablo about this once I got home. Martha wasn't the first older woman to hit on me but it always caused me some enjoyment.

"Well, I'm in a tight schedule so I'll just come back some other day." I lied and tried to leave but Martha had other plans.

"You want to know what else is still tight?" she whispered by my ear, causing me to laugh at her horrible flirting.

Even if I wanted to, I would never be so low to have sex with my girlfriend's mother.

It was just wrong and I really wasn't into cougars.

"I really need to leave and by the way I would never sleep with you even if we were the last humans on earth and the world needed to reproduce. " I replied honestly and left the house before I got myself killed by a horny cougar.

My plans to meet Cymphony went down the drain so instead I headed to the bar, hoping Frankie was working today.

I entered the old bar and sat in the front where luckily Frankie was serving some older men.

I sat down on the tall stool and waited for Frankie. I looked around the bar and saw some seats filled with depressed men who had serious alcohol problems.

The typical customers.

"What can I get for you today, Royce?" Frankie questioned as he cleaned a glass cup with a rag.

"Just a simple beer." I replied, not really in the mood to get drunk.

Frankie nodded and left to the small fridge in the corner filled with a variety of beer. He handed me a cold one and popped the cap off.

"So how is it living with a new mom and brother?" Frankie asked as I took a gulp of my beer.

"First of all she's not my mother and the kid is definitely not my brother." I corrected.

Mark chuckled and continued to clean the glass cups. "Neither is Pablo but you love him as one." Frankie replied back.

"That's different." I informed frowning at the reality of things.

It was true that Pablo really wasn't my brother.

"Then why does it bother you so much to actually have a mom now and new brother?" Frankie asked with curiosity.

"Because it annoys me. Simple as that." I replied and took another large swallow of my cold beer.

Frankie was going to question me some more, but luckily some guys asked for refills across from us. I used that opportunity to slip to the bathroom.

I entered the disgusting men's bathroom and found an empty stall. I took a quick piss and sighed in relief when I finished.

I've been holding it since I was playing videogames but I didn't want to pause it to go to the restroom.

I started washing my hands when a man maybe my dad's age entered with his friend. I ignored both of them as I left the smelly bathroom.

Once I was back in my seat, I looked at my watch and cursed knowing my dad would be home soon. I was still grounded which meant I wasn't allowed to even be outside my room.

"Thanks for the beer, Frankie!" I yelled at him from across the table and waved before I left.

It was 6:45 and my dad got home at 7 which meant I had just enough time to walk home in time.

But unfortunately some people had other things in mind...


Royce's P.O.V continued...

I don't know how it happened or when it did, but what I did know was that I was now being threatened.

A knife was pressed right on my neck and my pockets were being searched for money.

The men from the bathroom were now holding me against my will and I should of known they would do something like thise when I saw them.

"Where's all your money pretty boy?" the fattest one spoke up.

I looked down and pushed away the knife from my neck. I searched all my pockets and shrugged.

"If your looking for money then I'll help you search because I could really use some as well." I replied lazily.

This was just keeping me from getting home on time. I glanced at my watch and cursed under my breath when it was 6:55.

"We're not playing games here pretty boy!" the fat one spoke again and pressed the tip of his knife again towards my throat.

Well then.

"Look I need to get home in less than five minutes so can we please cut this short already. Maybe try getting a damn job if you need the money so much and while your at it? join the gym, fatty." I stated honestly and once again pushed the knife away from my neck.

"Maybe we should let him go, Erik. He's still young and we could get into a lot of trouble for this." the accomplice nervously told his partner.

I watched with a bored expression as the two then began to argue. I looked back at my watch and groaned when it was already 7:05.

I took the opportunity when the two idiots were fighting to make a run for it.

But of course luck wasn't on my side today when I tripped on a damn trash can. How in the world did I not see it?

I landed on the dirty ground and scraped my palms but I didn't even flinch at the pain.

"Got him Erik!" the accomplice yelled as poor fat Erik was still running towards us.

"You should really get him a gym membership or something. This is just embarrassing waiting for him." I told the guy honestly as I pointed at Erik.

The accomplice looked at Erik and I used the chance once more to punch him right across the face. He fell to the ground as I made a run for it again.

I turned around and saw Erik chasing after me. I laughed as his fat stomach bounced up and down in rythm.

He was close behind so I turned around and ran backwards to show how slow he was going.

"Great work, Erik. Just a couple hundred more laps and we'll stop." I taunted with a smile and caused Erik to growl at me with anger.

I was surprised when Erik suddenly threw his knife at me causing it to stab into my right arm. I quickly pulled it out and threw it back at a now wide eyed Erik.

I guess he couldn't believe that I didn't even show a single sign of pain.

The knife I threw back at him stabbed deeply into his left leg, making him fall with a shout of pain. I turned forward and continued to run home.

Once I was outside my house, I inspected my arm and frowned knowing I would need stitches since it wouldn't stop bleeding.

I entered the quiet house and sneaked my way upstairs only to bump into Chris.

What I didn't expect was for him to be sneaking out an unfamiliar boy from his room...

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