Before the boys gave up and opted to retire, they heard the best answer of the night. - Of course you may join us gentlemen. -The first girl said again, while the other girl looked at her with a murderous look, but her friend paid no attention and immediately took Alberto by the hand and pulled him to the dance floor, while José Luis stood in front of the shy girl.
- Shall we dance? He asked her, a little afraid that she would say no and leave him in total embarrassment.
- Sure, why not, if I came here to have fun. -she said with a smile.
- My mother, but this woman smiles so beautifully that even I was infected by it. -He thought in his mind. -He took her by the hand and they went to the dance floor to move the skeleton for a while.
- What is your name? -The handsome man wanted to know, getting close to her ear when they had been dancing to a catchy song for a while.
- My name is Clara Isabel.
- Wow, what a beautiful name, just like the one who carries it. -She blushed and became nervous when I told her.
She looks so beautiful like that, too bad my goal is not to let myself be conquered by her, because with that angel smile anyone would fall in love. But that won't happen with me, her beauty won't have any effect on me. -he comments to himself.
- Thanks for the compliment, and what's your name? -she asked him.
The man wanted to change her name so that she wouldn't know what his real name was, but he opted for the total truth, she doesn't even have the slightest idea of who this man might be.
- It is a pleasure for me to meet you, Clara Isabel, my name is José Luis. -He also introduced himself.
The music was still playing and the conversation was very pleasant, but his dancing partner could no longer continue dancing because she said that one of her shoes was bothering her, he, like a man who is a connoisseur in the matter, turned to look at her feet.
- Well, no wonder you can't stand it, girl, you're wearing very high heels and at first glance you can see how uncomfortable they are.
- I've always wondered how women can stand to walk or stand for long periods of time when they wear shoes of that height? -He commented to her when they finally decided to sit down. She smiled at his tenderness towards her.
- Being a woman entails a great sacrifice, I am already used to wearing this kind of shoes, but this pair is the first time I wear them and it seems that they have given me a blister on my little toe. -The girl replied as she removed the shoe and rubbed her little toe, which was already red.
- You are very beautiful, Clara Isabel. I imagine that many people, including people of your own gender, have told you so. -She blurted out.
- Phew, the things I have to say just so I can gain his trust. -He thought in his mind.
- Thanks, you're not bad yourself.
- Great! I'm getting there. - Hey, do you think we can keep in touch, that is, as friends, so we can go out to parties together? -She asked him as she was about to leave with her friend and another guy.
- Sure, write down my phone number. -The boy immediately took his cell phone out of his pants bag and wrote it down when she dictated it to him.
- You can't imagine who you've given your phone number to, I know that one day you'll regret having done it! -she exclaimed secretly.
Clara Isabel considers herself a very kind, romantic and above all funny person. She lives alone in an apartment that she bought with the money that her father had saved and that after his death passed to her.
She works part-time in a jewelry store because she is still studying and the situation forces her to do so. She is very happy for the guy she met last night at the party, since she finds him quite attractive and he immediately caught her attention and, luckily for her, he asked her to dance and at the end of the party, the guy asked her for her phone number so they can keep in touch, and she gladly gave it to him in the hope that he hasn't lied to her and that he will really call her because she is very interested in him.
Today is Sunday, therefore Clara Isabel has the day off and it is her turn to do the general cleaning in the apartment, she dedicates all Sundays to that because on weekdays she has no time left since she attends the university in the morning and in the afternoon she spends her time at her workplace.
Clara Isabel is currently studying computer engineering at a public university in the area, her father was a professor in this field and perhaps that is why she is also passionate about it and chose it.
Since she lives alone in her apartment and no one ever comes to visit her except her friend Yeni, she takes advantage of her day off to walk around in her sleeping clothes to be more comfortable.
Her cell phone receives a text message and she runs to read it to see who it is, as she is waiting for the stranger to write to her.
- How is the girl with the uncomfortable high heels? -She smiles and jumps up and down with excitement because she knows it's the message she's been waiting for.
- Hi, I'm fine, thank God. - How about you? - He answers her question, but waits for a few minutes to pass so she doesn't notice that he was waiting anxiously for her to write or call him.
- Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you again so we can chat and you can tell me all about yourself.
- For me, it will be an honor to chat with you.
- How about if I invite you to dinner tonight?
- Well, the truth is that I have to study because tomorrow I have an exam at the university, but it's okay, I'll accept your invitation.
- Well, if you give me your home address I'll pick you up.
- No, I'd better go in a cab so you don't have to bother to come all the way here for me.
- But what are you saying beautiful, for me it's no bother to do it. But if you want it that way, I'm not going to force you. Keep my phone number so you can call me if you get there before me.
The girl was very happy because the handsome guy had asked her out. She hurried to finish the house chores, when she had finished, she took her books and sat on the sofa to study a little, then she took a bath and put on a mint green dress and combined it with some black sandals, she took a cab and gave the driver the name of the restaurant she was going to and that minutes before the boy had sent it to her by text message.
That night they spoke very little, because Clara Isabel had to return early to her apartment to continue reviewing the content for the next day's exam. But both enjoyed the evening, although the one who enjoyed the most was the girl, because the boy only had in mind his plan of revenge.
The boy offered to bring her to his place and she agreed to let him do it, since at that hour she was afraid to travel alone in a cab. José Luis arrived at his huge house after having left the young woman in his apartment, poured himself a shot of vodka and toasted in his solitude.
- That's the way to go José Luis, you are doing very well, since you are achieving what you have set out to do with that girl. -The young man said to himself in his mind, since no one but him knows the plans he has for that girl, so he can't tell anyone how his first date with the new acquaintance went.
A week went by and every day he would text her or video call her, but only in the evenings because during the day she can't talk because she is at work or college.
So far he has not wanted to tell her where he actually works and what his real economic status is, he knows that she will be suspicious about his family if she finds out that he is the owner of the companies "Exportadora del Atlántico".
When the girl asked him what he does for a living, he told her that he is the personal assistant of a man who is a super millionaire and since he earns a lot of money and is single, he has all the luxuries he wants, and the girl, being so naive, believed him.