Jayden spent the whole day listening to music and left immediately the bell rang, though he couldn't find Kayden around as he left the school and went to his apartment and met his mom outside.
"Hello, mom". Jayden said in a low voice. " how are you doing son". Fiona asked.
"am cool". He replied and opened the door for Fiona who came in and looked around the dark large building he was introverted to a son who decided to stay in.
"son isn't it high time you get a maid". Fiona said as Jayden turned on the lights. "Mom please just stop it okay, I don't need a maid and that's it period". Jayden said boldly as he went to the fridge and bought out a can of monster drink.
" son I know it's hard to forget about Nicole but you've got to move in and find yourself a lady, you can't just mourn her for the rest of your days". Fiona said making Jayden feel terrible as Nicole's face appeared in his head.
Mom please just stop it, I can't take it anymore. Jayden said as he stared at his mom with angry eyes.
"Calm down son I never meant to hurt you, you don't have to see her or talk to her, just have a maid to take care of all the minor jobs in the house and that's all I'm asking for. Is it too much to ask for as a mother"? Fiona said getting emotional which made Jayden soft.
" Fine I'll get a maid but I never want her to leave in the same house with me". Jayden said to his mom who was rejoicing already.
"No son the house would be extremely lonely, so please just let her stay in one of the guest rooms and she'll sign a contract to come out only when you've left the house". Fiona pleaded with puppy eyes.
"Okay mom I've agreed now would you please excuse me I have to take a shower". Jayden said as he started going to his room.
"Thanks, son, I'll publish it and try to find the best for you". Fiona said as she started hatching a mischievous plan in her head.
Her cell phone rang making her clear her thoughts and pick up the call. "Hello". She said to her husband's PA.
" Hello ma'am, there's trouble and you need to get home quickly ". The PA said with panic which made Fiona scared.
She hung up the call and informed Jayden that something terrible has happened at home. Jayden got dressed fast and took his car keys before racing to the park where he drove above the normal speed to get home.
Upon reaching the house, he saw the whole relatives and the shaman and a few wolves standing around another wolf who seemed dead.
" probably another wolf was killed by a hunter". Jayden thought. He and Fiona walked hurriedly walked towards the dead wolf and was surprised to see that the dead wolf is his father.
Fiona out of shock passed out and was rushed inside the house immediately. Jayden knelt and buried his head in his father's corpse and Kayden joined him for a few minutes.
They neither felt like crying nor did they feel like screaming or doing anything. It feels like a nightmare as each just looked at their father's wolf form.
Their uncle tried to console them as they both stared at their father's corpse not being able to do anything.
They neither stood up nor moved when their uncle pleaded to stop. Jayden checked around his father's body and discovered he was shot.
"He was shot right".?Jayden asked as his eyes started turning red which was more dangerous than turning blue.
Jayden stood up and went to the forest beside his house and with a loud cry used a whirlwind to blow out every human who was in the forest and with the loud rumbling of thunder and flashes of lightning he made it rain heavily.
Fiona woke up later and started weeping, she sobbed and was being consoled by her sister ." where's Jayden "?. Fiona asked suddenly as she heard the rumbling of thunder. " I heard he left towards the forest side. "Her sister replied.
Fiona hurriedly wore her slippers and ran to the forest as it began raining and saw Jayden in the cold heavy rain as he increased the thunder.
" Please just stop it, doing this won't solve anything". Fiona pleaded as she held his hand.
Jayden let his mother take him home as he felt empty inside, he's losing someone he loves the most and all because of humans who hunt in their forest without caring about any other thing.
They got home and saw the shaman performing the rites on his father's corpse and he started crying as he went down beside his father and hugged him for the last time before taking him away.
"Fiona we need you inside please". Marie, her sister called. Fiona went inside and met, Harry, her husband's brother sitting with his head bowed and the other wolves who worked with her husband.
"Fiona, your husband is a very popular figure and his death would affect a lot of things, especially Jay and Kay". Harry said to Fiona who sniffed and sobbed silently.
"So we need to make a funeral that would clear the thoughts of those humans, while we perform all the rights in secret". Harry said to Fiona who nodded with tears.
" Fiona, the court would decide who takes over the company and who becomes the alpha". A minister said as he pats Fiona's shoulder and leave.
"No, please it'll cause a rift between them, and they're too young to take responsibilities please". Fiona pleaded.
"face it Fiona they would be 18 soon and would that also be called being young"?. The minister questioned as he angrily left.
Jayden who had heard what they said entered to console his mum's show just sobbed on his shoulder.
Kayden came inside with his eyes red and stayed beside his mom who held both sons together. "Mom when would Dad be buried". Kayden asked looking at his mom.
"A date hasn't been set son, it's up to the court to decide everything now and you both would have to stop school for some time till your father has been buried and it has been announced to the public". Fiona said as she pats Jayden's shoulder.
Jayden and Kayden decided to come live with their mother till the whole thing was over. On the day of the rites, Fiona, Jayden and Kayden couldn't hold back their tears as their beloved one was lowered to the ground.
After the funeral, everybody headed to the house where Fiona and the court members when to discuss in the office. "Jayden is the right one to become the alpha". One of the members said.
" no Kayden should be the one to become alpha since he's the open one, Jayden is quiet and more dangerous than Kayden, and he isn't after becoming alpha so Kayden can be made alpha". Another argued.
"No the right to become alpha is Jayden's by right. Remember Kayden was born first but was quiet till the next day but Jayden was born a few minutes after his brother and he cried out immediately he was born so automatically Jayden is the first and would be made the alpha and head of the company". Harry said which got the members nodding their approval.
Kayden who had been outside eavesdropping got angry as he heard what his uncle said and left the house with anger, he went to Forest and made the whole forest rumble. He used a large fireball to burn up half of the forest.
With anger, he made way to the city and was about to burn up a house when Jayden stopped him.
"enough, burning half of the forest is more than enough to vent your anger". Jayden said as he held Kayden's hand. "Let go, you bastard". Kayden said as he stared at Jayden with anger.
" Enough let's head back to the house, it won't be good if the humans discover about our existence ". Jayden said which angered Kayden the more.
"must you always be the one?".Kayden asked with disdain. "What do you mean?". Jayden asked.
" you're always the one mom gives excess attention, always the one who girls are willing to fall at your feet, the snobbish one yet they went you over me, and guess what the court wants you as their head".
Kayden screamed furiously as he pushes his brother and throws a fireball at him. Jayden dodged the fireballs and used ice balls to retaliate.
Not minding any consequences they both floated on air and started throwing balls at their selves.
The fireballs hit the building and started setting the street ablaze and people rushed out in panic and watched the most strange scene they've witnessed.
Fiona turned on the television to listen to the numerous lies reporters would formulate about her husband.
She was astonished to see her sons up floating in the air and fighting. With a swoosh sound, she teleported to the place where they were.
"Enough you two, today your father was buried and the least you could do is fight and try to burn up the whole street"?.Fiona said angrily and ordered Jayden to use his ice breath to quench the fire.
After quenching the fire they all teleported home and Fiona scolded them for letting their anger get the best of them.
"The court would like to see you both". Harry said and pointed at the boys with a look that told them they were in big trouble.
They both went to the office . "so nice of you to give the humans something great to talk about". A member said as he turned on the television and the reporter delivered the news about mysterious beings who wrecked the streets.
" and so cool that you decided to expose our little secret lives without our permission ". Another replied and the others grumbled their disapproval.
"one of you need to be made the alpha and we have decided that Jayden becomes the new alpha and CEO of the company". A member said as the others nodded their approval.
"Congrats Jayden the rites would take place immediately". A member said as he left the office.
Kayden stormed out in anger and went to his house as he vowed to become the alpha at all cost.
Jayden was too shocked to utter any word as the whole court left leaving him behind with his uncle.
"You deserve it". Harry, patted Jayden on his shoulder. "But what if I screw everything up, I don't think I'm ready ". Jayden said with his hand in his hair.
"Just calm down and do what's right, if you need any help you're free to give me a call". Harry said as he left the room when Fiona came in. " where's Kayden?". Fiona asked as she looked around.
"He left angrily". Jayden replied with a shrug. " oh no this isn't a good sign". Fiona panicked as she called Kayden but he didn't pick up her calls.
"I have to go see him but promise me one thing son, no more fighting from now onwards". Fiona said with pleading eyes.
''It has always been Kayden who starts the fight, why not tell him to stop"?. Jayden said angrily and left the house.
Fiona sighed as she remembered the good old days when they were harmonious. With a choked sob she dressed up and teleported to Kayden's house.
"Kayden ... Kayden". Fiona screamed as the house was empty. "Just leave and go back to your alpha son". Kayden replied from the roof of the building.
"oh, Kayden I know you feel terrible but please don't let your anger get the best of you".Fiona said As she floated to where he is.
"I shouldn't let my anger consume me, you say mother"?. Kayden asked with contempt. " son try to understand". Fiona said to him as she patted his shoulder.
" I should try to understand that your son is better than I'm in every aspect, try to understand he should be made alpha while I get nothing, he should be given all the attention while I get dismissed each time have a problem, your son is flawless while I'm the lousy one who is full of excess flaws. You don't care about me yet you call yourself my mother ". Kayden said angrily as he removed her hand.
"Calm down, I care about the both of you equally, never for once have I loved your brother more than you". Fiona said sitting down beside him.
" if you care and love me then why would Jayden be the alpha, I work my ass off trying to know details about what an alpha should know, I spend time with Dad and ask lots of questions because it has been my dream to become the alpha, but iñstead they choose my snobbish brother over me". Kayden said bitterly as tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Son you have to embrace your destiny, you might not be an aloha but you could achieve more than what an alpha could dream of. It's all a matter of time, you would be great to son". Fiona said as she tried to comfort Kayden. " Time ?. You say?". Kayden said sarcastically.
"it's now or never. Jayden should be ready for battle. When the battle gets tough and Jayden loses then the court would know who is the right alpha". Kayden said as he laughed hysterically.
" Kayden please don't try to do anything that will hurt anyone please, don't endanger your life son, I just lost your father it'll be unbearable if I lost any other person". Fiona pleaded as she held his arm.
"no mother no one would die, don't be a sad mother it'll be a mere sword fight ". Kayden said feigning innocence.
" How about you go home now mother, I promise to keep a low profile now and not anger the alpha". Kayden said sarcastically with a low chuckle.
"Is that a promise dear"?. Fiona asked with hopeful eyes. " yes mother it is". Kayden lied