“Anything unusual today?” Suzi asked.
Aimee almost choked, but covered it with a cough. Maybe she did know. She forcibly kept her voice calm, “Same-old, same-old. You know how it is.”
Suzi dropped down onto her own bed, grabbing a notebook as she leaned back against the wall. “Yea, I know how it is. After you’re here a few years like I’ve been, you’ll do damn near anything to break up the monotony.” She started to read her notebook after she finished speaking.
“Well, looks like you’ve got studying to do roomie, I’m going to head to the library and start a paper I’ve been putting off. See you later.” She picked up her book bag and headed out the door.
“See you later, Aim.” Suzi called out as she shut the door behind her. Aimee breathed heavily and leaned against the dorm hallway wall until she relaxed enough to continue on. Suzi didn’t know.
Aimee lay awake deep into the night, thinking about what she had seen earlier in the day. Thinking about what it felt like to masturbate and have an orgasm. She turned over and watched Suzi’s sleeping form, the steady rise and fall of her chest. She wondered how Suzi had learned to pleasure herself, and if she had had the same thoughts about it that she was having.
Without conscious thought, Aimee realized that she was touching one of her breasts, softly, through the thin material of her pajamas. Her nipples poked out, erect and stiff. Aimee smiled as she looked down at her covered breasts. It was exciting in a way. She had made them stand up like that. It felt good. Even though she knew it was wrong (or so she had been raised to believe), she no longer cared as much as she had before, she felt like going on.
Imitating Suzi, she unbuttoned her top and let it fall open to her sides. She looked down at her moon-light bathed breasts and really studied them for the first time. They really were quite large, round and full. They lay proudly in the center of her chest, nipples dark and firm. Her areola were dark and puckered up, like goose-pimples. She reached up and lightly touched her breasts with her hands, feeling for the first time their soft cushiness. How warm and tender they were, and how good it felt to caress them.
First she started with the pink flesh itself, slowly working her way up to her rock hard nipples; kneading, rubbing, caressing slowly and tenderly as she went. She rested her head back and closed her eyes, reveling in the moment. She had never imagined that she would do something like this, or how good it would feel to do it. Then she touched her nipples, lovingly touching and squeezing them, rolling them between her fingers, twisting them slightly. She lifted her head up and gazed at her wanting nipples. She sucked in her breath and gently blew the air out over herself. The cool breeze gave yet another incredible sensation.
Images of Suzi sucking her own tit flashed through her mind. Could she also do it? Looking at the size of her breasts she was sure it would be physically possible, but could she bring herself to do it? Touching herself like she was doing was one thing; could she actually lick herself for pleasure?
She thought about it for only a moment before starting to slowly lift one of her round, supple breasts up to her lips. She stopped with it just within reach. Swallowing hard, she pushed her lips out and touched her nipple with them, dryly kissing it. Was that so bad? she thought. Did it really feel that bad? Did it make her feel dirty? Actually it was exhilarating. To think that she could lick her own nipple if she wanted. It made her feel only a little uneasy, but that only added to the overall excitement. She realized that she was salivating heavily thinking about sucking her own nipple.
She pulled the breast up closer to her face and parted her moist lips, placing her engorged, brown, nipple between them. She wrapped her lips tightly around the spongy tissue, just holding it in her mouth for a moment. She flicked her tongue against it, and started tracing it with slow, wet circles. God it felt so good, she thought. No wonder Suzi had done it. She sucked it deeper into her mouth, pulling the flesh of her breast tight. “Mmmmm-mmmm!” She moaned out loud inadvertently. But she was so wrapped up in pleasuring herself for the first time ever that it went without notice by her.
Suzi, on a bed only five feet away from her, opened her eyes at the sound, noticing the form of her roommate holding her own breast in her mouth. Instantly she felt herself get hot and horny. Unlike her naive roommate, she knew what pleasure was like and wasn’t afraid of it. In fact she wanted it.
Suzi had started having sex early. She had her first sexual encounter when she was fresh out of high school, after her eighteenth birthday, and loved it. She went boy crazy and slept with just about anyone who wanted to screw her after that. It was fine for awhile, but her parents where strict Catholics and insisted that if she went to college, it would be at an all girl catholic school.
Like she had told Aimee earlier in the day, after a while you’ll do just about anything to break up the monotony. She had started to masturbate regularly soon after she arrived at St. Teressa’s Academy for Girls. Then one afternoon her older roommate walked in on her during one of her self-pleasuring sessions.
Jackie reacted in the one way that Suzi would never have expected; she stripped off her clothes and lay down on the bed next to her. She had been terrified at first, wondering what Jackie was doing. Then Jackie kissed her, not rough and demanding like a boy would, but tenderly and lovingly, like she had never experienced before. It set her on fire. What followed was the first of many, many, bi-sexual encounters.