Stephen had just poured the last drop of the whiskey in the cup into his mouth and clenched his face as it burnt through his heart. Aside from the fact that it was burning hotter than regular, he could tell there was something strange with the drink but he didn’t know what it was.
Stephen climbed on the bed, leaving the rest of the drink on the table, he was already feeling dizzy and now he started to regret not having a shower first. The room service had not returned with the towel he asked for, so he was still dressed in a white robe and underwear.
This wasn’t how he had planned his perfect evening, he had to fight the dizziness if he didn’t want to go to bed without a shower, and where the hell was the hotel staff he had sent to get a towel almost thirty minutes ago? This place literally had the worst customer service in his experience.
Stephen was still worrying about the dizziness when he noticed something else; he was growing a bulge in his pants and it got harder with every passing second. That was a very strange experience, he knew whiskey puts him in the mood but this was different. He was growing an erection in less than an hour of drinking, and he wasn’t even thinking anything sexual at the least.
Stephen sighed and closed his eyes, trying to make it go away but the feeling increased. It was like something was pushing his hormones to act against its will, he didn’t just grow an erection, his mind was simulating to the same hormones as well and he was slowly losing it. It had to be the whiskey, there might have been some improvements to its recipe that explains his sudden urge for sex, his craving and desire to achieve release of dopamine in his system.
Knowing that he couldn’t achieve that through the first hand means, he decided to go for the second option; a cold shower; Stephen climbed down the bed immediately and took off his robes, leaving him half naked in nothing but an underwear; he was starting to see things in doubles but that was the least of his concern. He needed to get rid of his craving more urgently than his desire to be sober.
Stephen walked to the bathroom and then he paused, he decided to give the lady a few more minutes to deliver the towels as there was no substitute for it. He walked back to the room and began to pace around, he was sweating profusely and all he could think about was sex… he had never felt this way before, not even with a full bottle of whiskey, regardless of the brand.
Stephen at that moment was beginning to regret not going home. Yes, they would have given him a hard night but at least it would have ended with his fiancée on his bed by his side, he wished she was here right now to satisfy his urge and lustful desires. With the way his third leg was pushing hard against his underwear, he felt so uncomfortable and it was very frustrating as well. Maybe this was his punishment for lying to his family and his wife in particular; he was in the same city as her, he should have just gone home.
** ** ** ** **
After waiting for half an hour, Rachel picked up the fresh towels from the hotel store room and headed out. She was certain that the effects of the drug in the whiskey must have begun to affect Stephen Grey; that was her cue to proceed to the next step. All she needed was a night together in bed with a horny and drunk Stephen Gray and then her life would change forever. She had slid her cell phone into her pocket with intentions to take naked pictures of them after the deed; she needed them for blackmail if he refused to continue with their relationship on his own accord.
She knew all these rich people; they would discard you once their need for you is over, she didn’t want to fall for that again, she had been a victim of that once and she had no evidence to fight back, but now she was well prepared. Stephen Gray was the man who would give her a good life; if luck happens to be on her side, then maybe this one night stand would lead to bearing a son for the Billionaire CEO.
Rachel had just stepped into the staff room where she intended to document her records for tonight and sign out as she expected that this was the end of her shift for today and possible forever. To make sure no one is searching for her while she is doing her thing in the Billionaire’s hotel room, she needs to sign off and clear her records for the day.
“Rachel… good thing you came by, Did Anna here not mention that I asked to see you?” the manager announced as soon as she walked in.
Rachel growled silently and cursed inwards. She despised this man and he hated her just as much. Ever since she refused to open her legs to him, he had been on her tail and found an excuse to give her extra work.
“Yeah, she informed me but I was busy with a…” she was interrupted before she could complete the words.
“It is fine, you are here now, come with me,” the curly haired manager instructed as he walked to her. There were other staff members in the room, including Anastasia.
“Um… Sir, I actually need to send these fresh towels to one of our clients. The one in room 27 of the VIP ward, he is in dire need of it.” She announced immediately, hoping for an escape.
“You are in charge of that room for the day, so why did you not send the towels there ahead of time? Did you really have to wait for someone to lodge there before sending them a towel?” he scolded.
Rachel growled and muttered a few words with an eye roll before responding. “I am sorry about that Sir, it won't happen again.”
“Yeah, it better not. Now give them to Ana and come with me,” he ordered.
“Huh? I was just about to do it, Sir…” she argued.
“I said you should let Ana do it, I have something else for you. Now come along with me and don’t waste more time.” He instructed and turned to the door.
“Please Sir, just let me…”
“Give the damn towels to Ana!!” he yelled and turned back to her. “What is wrong with you? That was an instruction. If you do not want to keep your job anymore, you can just let me know.” He added, an angry expression etched on his face.
Rachel sighed and cursed silently at him and then she turned to Ana and rolled her eyes at her. She walked to her in haste and dumped the towels in her arms before hissing and walking after the manager. Anna stood there confused on what the reaction was all about, she then sighs and heads to deliver the towels herself. The last thing she wanted was to get involved in all of this drama; she knew exactly what was going on between these two and she kind of blamed Rachel for always dressing seductively; what exactly did she expect after jiggling her boobs in front of a man with a functioning third leg?
To be continued!!