As predicted most of the school already knows about mine and James' breakup. Gossip really does travel fast; it's not even been twenty-four hours yet.
I ignore everyone's questioning glances as well as the people who vocalise their questions. The reason so many people are curious about the whole ordeal is because James and I were sort of the 'it' couple at school. This is because of how long we'd been together and us both being popular, him more so than me, helped too.
I force myself to pay attention in lessons and not on everyone who is making theories about the reason for our breakup. Honestly, why can't everyone mind their own goddamn business and leave me alone?
Luckily because my mind is so preoccupied, time flies by quickly and before I know it it's lunchtime. Thank heavens, I'm starving.
I get there early so I get some pasta before the line gets long and make my way to my usual lunch table, situated in the nice part of the cafeteria away from all the bins.
Max is already at the table, sitting with the some of our friendship group. As well as him, Mason and Ava our group includes: Chase and Oliver, the twins. They are identical in every way, the only differences that I've noticed are that Oliver has a small beauty spot on right side of his jaw and his dimples are slightly deeper than his brothers. They both have ash brown hair and blue eyes and they do that twin thing that Mase and Max sometimes do only worse.
Let's not forget about Jessica. She's a wild one, I tell you, always out partying and having fun. She has crazy red hair and bright blue eyes that compliment her personality perfectly. She's also quite the daredevil and I believe has never turned down a challenge or dare in her entire life.
Finally, there's Jordan, he's a bit of a man whore. He has dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. He's obsessed with his appearance and you could say his personality is skin deep. However, even though he's a narcissistic asshole, he is decent enough as a friend and a good laugh to be around, especially with all his stupid remarks.
When I sit down everyone is already in deep conversation so none of them notice. I'm grateful that not a single one of them has asked me about the breakup over text or today, probably because they know better. I'm sitting beside Max and decide to listen in on his discussion with Jessica.
"No, absolutely not I refuse to believe it," Max says, shaking his head in disbelief.
"It's true. I don't understand why this is so difficult for you, it's not a big deal."
"Not a big deal?! Are you on drugs woman? This is a serious life or death problem."
Jessica sighs in exasperation and snaps her head towards me, acknowledging my presence.
"Thank god Ari, can you please tell this idiot that Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, not Leonardo DiCaprio, he's throwing a fit."
Seriously. We've already had this conversation.
I'm not even kidding, we have actually had this conversation before. Max says stupid things sometimes and is always adamant about being correct even if he's clearly wrong. He'll argue for the sake of arguing, even if he actually knows he's wrong he refuses admit it. Take this as an example, one time we had a four hour argument about what weighs more: a kg of bricks or feathers. He couldn't seem to wrap is mind around the fact that they weigh the fucking same because they both weigh a kg. I tried everything but he wouldn't fucking listen. He was adamant that the bricks weighed more. By the end I think he realised I was right but refused to admit it. He wouldn't talk to me for two days after that, I'm not even joking.
"Max, didn't I already tell you that Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, not Leonardo DiCaprio? As much as you probably hate to hear this, Jessica is right. Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor not a painter. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way but I had no choice," I say, my voice layered with irritation, fake sorrow and sarcasm.
He glares at me and turns his head in the other direction and joins in Chase and Jordan's conversation. I just roll my eyes at his foolish antics.
"Hey guys," Ava says as she sits down with Mason. She has a cheerful look on her face but I've no idea why usually she's downright miserable at school.
Her chirpy attitude continues throughout lunch but I don't question it, maybe she's just had a good day or something.
Mason, on the other hand, looks antsy, like he's worried about something but I'm not going to ask him about it in front of everyone. Something's definitely wrong though, he's usually so laid back but right now he's on edge and I need to talk to him about it later.
It was nice just to talk to my friends about nothing in particular and take my mind off of current affairs. I'm not just talking about the whole James thing, my future is another thing on my mind. What college or university am I going to go to? What am I going to study? I've no clue what I want to do with my life and they want me to have made a kind of decision by now; It's ridiculous.
"Ari, you're coming to the party tomorrow night, right?" Jessica asks me, snapping me out of my internal rant.
"What party?"
She gives me a shocked look. "Have you seriously not heard about it? It's at Jordan's house for goodness sakes."
I give her a sheepish smile so she rolls her eyes and continues. "Well our dear friend Jordan is having a party tomorrow night and you're coming," she states, leaving me no room to argue.
"No buts. You are finally a free bird and no longer have a man tying you down. Embrace it. Tonight I'm teaching you to have fun."
"Sorry, Jess but I'm not really up for it at the moment."
"Are you really going to be that boring? Why can't you loosen up and be reckless for once?"
Boring. Now Jessica has said it too. I can't be boring. Not happening. I need to prove James wrong, not just for him but for myself. I'll show everyone, I can have a good time and step out of my comfort zone. "Alright, I'll go."
"Really?" Everyone — yes everyone, they must have all been listening — at the table says in unison.
"Why is that so hard to believe?" I ask, a little offended.
"Because you never want to go parties, you'd rather have nights in and watch Disney or read," Oliver points out.
I huff in frustration. "Maybe I want to try new things and spend time with my friends."
"Bullshit," Oliver and Chase scoff.
I shoot them both a glare but they just give me an innocent look back, those cheeky buggers.
"Whatever, can't a girl go to a party without being interrogated these days, jeez."
"It's not that, it's just very unlike you is all, Ari," Ava says softly.
"Well, I'm glad you're coming," Jess says, enthusiastically and I give her a smile in return.
"If you're going I'm going," Ava says, putting her arm around my shoulder.
"You were going anyway," I point out.
"Pshhh po-tay-to po-tah-to." My best friend ladies and gentlemen.
"I guess everyone is coming, that's a first," Jordan points out. Now that I think about it, he's right, ever since year nine (when I moved here), I don't think there has ever been a time when all of us were at a house party together. Sure we've all been on outings together but never a house party — huh, I never realised that before.
"We'll see you there Jordan," I say. "You should feel blessed that we're all coming."
"Sure. I feel honoured and privileged. I thank you all profusely," he says his voice laced with sarcasm.
Everyone rolls their eyes as the bell rings and we go to class.
I'm now in English, the worst lesson ever, no exaggeration needed. The lesson feels like an eternity. I don't know why I chose It in the first place, I hate this subject, so many words, maths is more my thing. Numbers are just easier than letters in my opinion.
After tirelessly tapping my pen for almost an hour, the bell finally rings, signalling the end of the lesson, finally. I hastily leave the classroom ready for my next lesson, anything — and I mean anything — is better than English.
It's finally the end of the day so I head for Ava's car and home I go.
The next day passes in a blur. I block out all of the people asking me questions and focus on my work. However, my mind can't pay full attention to it because I'm too worried about the party tonight. Let's just say I've never had a good experience when it comes to parties so I'm not looking forward to tonight.
I go home with Ava as per usual but as I'm leaving the car she calls after me. "Ari, make sure you're at mine for half six so we can get ready together, I doubt you have an appropriate outfit so you're borrowing one of mine."
"Sure," I reply as I walk inside and hear Ava drive away.
"How was school sweetie?" I hear my mother ask as she's shuffling about in the kitchen.
"Fine," I reply, shrugging. "I'm going to a party with my friends tonight, is that okay?"
Suddenly all the noises stop and I hear mum scurry from the kitchen until she's right in front of me, her eyes wide. "Did I hear you right? You're actually going to a party?" I nod. "Oh my baby is finally acting like a normal teenager, I'm so proud."
I playfully glare at her. "Why is it so hard for everyone to believe that I want to go to a party?"
"It's just a bit out of character for you. Anyway, I'm encouraging you to go, so go. I want you to experience these things." My mother ladies and gentlemen. Most would be opposed to their child going out late at night, getting drunk, possibly getting high, and being around horny teenagers but not my mum. My mum wants me to be a part of that.
"I'm going to Ava's around six thirty to get ready."
"That's fine sweetie, just be safe. I already had that talk with you a while ago so I don't need to again. Just have fun." After saying that she hurries back to the kitchen.
I'm not sure if you've noticed but my mum loves cooking, it's her passion. She's actually an amazing chef who owns her own restaurant with several chains all over the country. However, she doesn't like to show off money too much so we live in a nice house that isn't too extravagant, just a decent size in a nice area. My mum has never been the flamboyant type, she's quite humble and modest and it's one of the many traits I admire about her. She wanted Hugo, Alice and I to have a normal upbringing, not surrounded by money even though we have it. She wanted us to be a regular family; it's quite incredible really.
I run upstairs to do my homework. I only got some maths today so it is pretty easy. As I've previously stated I find maths quite easy so I sail through the work in no time.
Once I finish, I go downstairs and find that my mum has yet again cooked an incredible dish. She likes us to eat as a family so I have to wait for Hugo and Alice before I can dig in.
After finishing, I go back upstairs and grab my stuff before grabbing my car keys from my bedside table and exiting the house. "Bye mum, bye Hugo, bye Alice," I call.
"Bye sweetie."
"Bye Ari."
"See you."
Yes, I can drive. It's just easier to let Ava. Driving is a chore so why not get a ride from her instead. My house is on the way to school anyway so she's fine with it.
I hop into the car, start the engine and begin to drive to her house. God, I'm actually going to a house party voluntarily, this never happens. Usually one of the guys drags me to a party and I leave within an hour or two claiming it's boring, which it usually is.
Maybe if I let loose it will be fun. I can do this. No backing out now. You're going to be reckless and have fun, Ari. No one will be able to call you boring anymore.
Here goes nothing.