She went inside the house with her beast mood, and told everyone who is preparing for her big day that the wedding is cancelled.
“ Hi everyone, I just want you to know that the wedding is cancelled. Kindly throw all of that invitation in the table to the garbage and set it on fire with my wedding gown thank you.” Sophie said that makes everyone curious. Sophie is not the type of woman who easily back out on her decisions in life.
“ Wait a minute, can you please tell Me why you suddenly change your mind? We already prepared everything.” Her mom followed her upstairs and tried to stopped her for a while to talked to her.
“ Mom. I made up my mind. I don’t want to get married anymore. Maybe I’ll stay single and just adopt a child in the future. That would be great.” Sophie said and continued to walked until she arrived in her room. She took of her earrings from her ears and erased her make up.
“ Oh holy mother Mary, what was happening to you? And wait, are you crying?” Her mom asked.
“ No.”
“ how about Michael? It is shameful to just dump him like that.” Her mom said worriedly and she breath out in frustration .
“ Seriously mom. Michael is fine with it. I already told him about it. Look, I already returned that cheap ring.” Sophie said sourly.
“ Did you guys fight?”
“ No. I mean. I am tired ,maybe we will talk next time Mom. I’m tired and shattered.” Sophie said sadly and kissed her mom in the cheeks and her mom left her alone. Sophie closed her bedroom door and cried inside silently until she fall asleep. She dreamed of her dream wedding again and she cried because she knew that it won’t ever happened again. She cried even in her sleep. And God knows how painful betrayal is. But it’s better to know the truth earlier than to know it later . Sophie awoken and wiped her face with towel and she felt terrible seeing her haggard looking face with big eye bags and reddish eyes because of crying.
“ he is not my lose. “ She uttered. And cussed silently
.Sophie stood up and try to fix herself do that she won’t look like depressed. She sighed and decided to divert her attention in something else. But the fact that the wedding is cancelled is replaying in her mind making her more heartbroken and in pain.