The guards got there on-time to rescued them then took them on their horse back to the castle immediately.
Richard stood by as people at the market were stoning and beating us like a slave, "said the princesses" if not for our servants and our father's guards we could have died miserably. They were angry that the man they were willing to get married to wasn't caring and instead he continued with his business In the market.
The idea of getting to prince is that of our father who always say to us that he wishes we get married to a Prince so that people will not maltreat us because of our physical challenges is becoming discouraging after what we encountered with one.
"We can never marry such a man" never!.
They never grew up to this kind of hatred till that day, ever since then they have been forbidden by the Alpha king never to step out again but the thoughts of leaving the palace has been "triggered" in their mind ever since they turned 25 years of age. seeing "Laura" coming and going out of the palace freely has indulge them to feel they need to pursue their own freedom..
Amelia and Maya has made up a plan to escape with the assistance of their friend Laura who will come to visit them the next day. The last time she came visiting they laid down the plan of escaping out of the palace through her "Carriage", Laura is to travel from her city with a big box that can contain a body filled up with alot of clothes to cover up when inside it, on her arrival to the palace she went straight to their room. "Princesses am here" soon as they heard her they ran out faster like a " lion chasing it's prey in the bush".
Laura! Laura!! Welcome, We are so glad to see you, they exchange pleasantries and started discussing about their escape plans, I have delivered a gift of clothes to your father Alpha king, so, I need you to get into the box before my escort carry it to the carriage but before then, go inform your father you are sleeping early today so you won't be eating with him on the table. Amelia and Maya heeds all these instructions.
They informed their father of sleeping early and he believed them because that's their first time of requesting such from him.Amelia and Maya got into the cloth box very fast and 'Laura'folded some royal dresses on them to cover their traces incase the Palace guards decides to search them on their way out.
When Laura was ready to go she ordered her escort to come carry the box but as expected the box was searched but they didn't see anything suspicious they could only see the remaining Royal clothes gift given to the Alpha king by Laura who told the king that it's a gift from her father George
They got out and Laura's carriage took them far far away from the city's border before dropping them at an abandoned Farmstead built closer to by an unknown farmer closer to Dunwitch.
They were so exhausted and almost suffocated in the box because they only have little space to breadth before they got to the Farmstead.
"The farmstead was silent just like when a werewolf died back then at Salem", it looks "unkempt! Like whoever is leaving here has left some months ago... "Maya asked who is there?" But no response from any part of the house, so, we habituated the farmstead, we were exhausted and hungry but we had to fix and clean the house in order to have a good rest.
"This is just like a hell- hole compared to the castle where we came from said Maya", "Maya!!! Amelia calling with her deep voice, you only love your comfort, this is just for the main time, we've our freedom to do whatever we like now, we need to have a mate", Amelia trying to convince Maya, knowing fully well she cherish her comfort as the princess of Salem more than anything and doesn't like going through Tautness.
So, she's not the type that likes doing anything, she only loves to be the Queen controlling many servants.. " there is a four legged made of tree Table, opposite the chair we sat, on it there is a Clickety-clack straight needle and other materials on it", Amelia moving towards but was stopped by Maya who doesn't like to knit.
"Both coordinating to different directions", like two dogs dragging a single bone.
Maya you know how much proclivity I've for knitting, "said Amelia who finally agrees not to knit and she settled down not to cause a fall for both of them".
About 8 feet away from the Table is the kitchen to the Farmstead, stored with alot of sheep and cattle meat with other food stuffs that could last three person for months, Let walk to the kitchen and cook us what we can get there, Amelia said.
"Who could've postulate we'll have our first outdoor food in a Vineyard", where there is no servants or guard watching us. This is the freedom I dreamed of, I don't want to be controlled like a sheep taking to the farm to eat grass. For me, there is no going back home, "Maya, Sighed!" You are absolutely correct on that, I can feel it too Amelia but let take rest for tomorrow lies a very long journey for us.
"A clear light reflecting through the window to the bedroom, Two birds by the window singing melodiously while the window was opening and closing like it's been controlled by some magic, I guess it's the same wind that flew these leaves on our face, I could hear the footsteps of a horse getting clearer each minutes".
Maya woked up first because she couldn't sleep properly, "A farmstead's bed can't be compare to that to a castle bed", it's not the same comfort she had back there at "Solem"...