I've been pacing the entire length of my room for like an hour or so.
“Think, Cassandra, think,” I said aloud as I ran my hand down my jet-black hair. The situation at hand is much more than I'd expected.
I need to look for a solution because I can't bear to see my company crumble before me, never! Not when I'm still alive.
I've given my all to this company and surpassed my Dad's legacy and now when I'm about to go higher things are moving southwest.
I can't let all my hard work just crumble in front of me like it's nothing– All the sleepless nights of tirelessly building the business and pouring my soul into every project, every deal… The thought of losing it all was unbearable.
Even though the news about the company had been taken down, the news was still somehow trending on the internet.
In moments like this, I have to keep my cool– but I can't… it's choking me up and the feeling of being a failure was making me frustrated, angry and desperate.
Urghh!!! My brain is so disorganized.
“I do not know why you are giving yourself an unnecessary headache, Cassie,” I was startled hearing the one voice I never expected. Turning around I scowled at my so-called best friend, Amaya, who was wearing the three-quarter sleeve and silhouette heels she wore to the office this morning as she scooped her chocolate mixed with mint ice cream.
Sometimes I tend to forget she has a spare key to my condominium, and that gives her the leverage to come and go anytime she likes.
“I really need to collect the spare key from you– or better still change the lock,” I grumbled.
Maya rolled her eyes like she always did whenever I complained about this, well mostly because it's what I say all the time.
“Guess Dad already called you to speak some sense into me,” I said, dramatically rolling my eyes.
“Your Dad is right, you know. The best solution is for you to agree to the marriage proposal,” Maya said with a serious look. Apart from Maya being my best friend, she is also my personal assistant and she's been working with me ever since we graduated from university.
People always wonder how a sweet, cheerful, nice girl like Amaya can be friends with a narcissistic, arrogant, rude, self-centered girl like me; well let's just say opposite attraction.
Tch! like I give a damn shite about what they think.
“Are you taking sides with him? You work for me remember, your loyalty stays with me,” I reminded her, my voice getting to a high-pitched tone. I was getting angry, in fact, I was already angry, she just made it worse and the fact all of them make it seem I'm not intellectual is crazy.
“No, I'm not taking sides with him, I'm doing it for your sake. For the sake of the company.” Concern was written all over her face, it was clear she was telling the truth.
Silence filled the room while I was lost in my thoughts. If I were to be realistic with myself and set aside all my emotions to make a decision then marrying Sebastian would be the answer.
I'm so mad at my Dad for throwing the proposal at me like that, but it is the only way I can be able to save my company, I can't take loans any longer.
“Look here Cassie, I've always known you to be the most logical and ambitious person ever, I want you to think about this carefully. Forget about what your Dad wants, I want you to choose the option that is quicker, safer and wiser.
Choose the one that would be benefitting for the company,” She urged, placing a comforting hand on my arms while I let out a frustrating groan.
She just hit a deep spot.
“I know– I know, I've tried to look for a solution, probably a loophole somewhere but nothing seems to add up. We are bleeding money and the investors seem to be anxious,” I hissed out, my hands clenched to my sides, I dug my nails into my palm till it hurt.
“See Cassie, I advise you to meet up with Sebastian, this is our chance to save the company,” Maya said and paused her words.
“Look at this on the brighter side, set up a meeting with him tomorrow, give him a list of do's and don't and when you listen to his response, then you know the next step you'd take,” Maya advised, while I stared blankly at her, thinking about what she has just said.
[16 hours later…]
Here I am in a cafe with Sebastian fvcking Willow, trust me it wasn't an easy decision but after thinking deeply about the suggestion Amaya made, I decided to give it a shot.
I am here doing the fastest thing to get my company out of its predicament even though my sixth sense is screaming at me to get the hëll out of here and be the bossy boss I have always been.
“I didn't expect us to meet a day before our wedding,” Sebastian mused, beaming with a smile so wide it could affect the whole world while I studied him intently with my signatory resting bitch face.
Even though Sebastian appears more experienced and mature now that years have gone by, his lively and endearing demeanor remains the same. With his slightly long and thick platinum blonde hair done to the back with a unique side pattern, he looked both sophisticated and edgy.
The navy blue blazers with immaculate white shirts clung to his physique, embracing his frame in all the right places highlighting his slender, athletic build and conveying an elegant yet friendly confidence. His marble gray eyes gleamed brilliantly as if reflecting his lively energy.
Deep down I want to wipe that smirk off his face brutally.
“As if I had a choice,” I retorted as I leaned my back and crossed my arms around my chest. The scenery of the cafe he chose was nice, with no people, an empty street, perfect for someone like me.
I take solace in quietness.
“Thank you,” Sebastian said out of the blue. I raised my brow wondering why he is saying thank you in the most sincere tone ever which sounds fake to me.
“For agreeing to marry me,” He explained his reasons for the thank you while I stared at him blankly.
“I agreed to marry you for a reason and that was to save my company,” I remarked harshly.
“I know and I'm grateful anyway,” he replied with his lips curved in a smile.
“Don’t be. It's too early to be grateful, you could change your mind at any point,” I stated, letting him know why I was here.
“I guess you calling me here was another reason, alright, I’m all ears,” He said in an enthusiastic tone, I opened my zip and brought a document.
“I brought a contract and a list of do's and don'ts during our marriage and if you have no problem with all of it then we could proceed with the wedding,” I announced before clearing my throat.
“If we are going to get married, I have to inform you beforehand–” I paused when the waitress came to our table to ask if we needed anything, which we declined and she left.
Sebastian reached forward, opened the contract and began to read out the rules I had written, “This marriage is a marriage of convenience, a business proposal that is beneficial for both of us. As soon as things are sorted out with my company we are getting a divorce,” He stopped reading and then he arched his brows with his lips pursed in what I would call an absurd pout.
Marriage means nothing to me, my first and last priority is my company, nothing else.
Not even the guy who has had a crush on me since high school.
His face faltered but then he immediately switched to a happy one filled with contentment, “It doesn't matter, at least I have a chance.”
I rolled my eyes, ignoring his last comment.
“Now let's get to the other things on my list, we won't share the same room; our marriage is a secret wedding. I do not want the paparazzi all around me. I’ve gotten more attention than I could have asked for…”
“Do you have any objections to any of the rules listed above?” I questioned after listing everything I wanted.
He had a half-smirk drawn on his lips, before opening his mouth to answer, “No I don't.”
“It’s like you are enjoying this arrangement more than me,” I furrowed my brows in annoyance.
This is one of the reasons why I do not want to marry Sebastian. To cut the long story short, he's been on my neck since high school and every time he asks me out, I reject him in the most embarrassing and harshest way ever.
I don't like bugs and Sebastian is the king of bugs, always railing around me until the death of his best friend. After her death, he stayed far away from me like he never existed and now he just pops out of nowhere wanting to marry me.
I actually like that she's dead but this minute I wish she could come back from the land of the dead just so she could commit suicide again so this sickening guy here would leave me the fvck alone.
I don't know but there is this feeling bugging me not to agree to this marriage and it's really haunting me. Perhaps, it's because my ego is bruised, still I do not know and I'm not sure I should listen to my sixth sense now since I'm in a predicament.
After he had signed the contract I stood up from the table, ready to leave the cafe since my business here is done. I had already taken three steps before focusing my attention on him, “Just a little reminder, Sebastian, do not get your hopes high, trust me it's a waste of time.” With that I walked away majestically, swaying my hips.