- Now, take a shower and come into the kitchen and I'll give you something to eat.
- Thank you.
- No, call me Carmine.
- Thanks Carmine, but I have nothing to wear.
- That's okay, Rachelle left some things here when she left. Besides, you're practically the same size. Here, we always wear work clothes, so look in the closet and you'll find work clothes.
- Okay, thanks Carmine.
As soon as she comes out, I go into the shower to wash up. Once I've finished, I get dressed in the outfit. It's an all-black dress with a white apron. It's below my knees.
I fix my hair and go out. I've always been admired in the street because I have a beautiful shape with a wasp waist, a good posterior and a nice bust. It must be said that the Lord has spoiled me. I try to find my way to the kitchen, this house is so big you could get lost.
I find a man on my way, as tall as the first one I found at the salon.
- And who's this? Little Red Riding Hood! Where did you come from?
He's getting closer to me, he's circling me and he's getting me closer to him:
- Monsieur...
- Armando.... leave my surrogate alone!
We turn to Madame.
- Go to Carmine.
- Yes, ma'am!
I run to leave near this gentleman.
He's so big! He scares me as much as the other one. I run into the kitchen. Carmine looks at me surprised by my entrance!
- What's up? What's going on? Why are you running?
- I ... it's monsieur.... the other monsieur
- Does he scare you?
- Yes, he looked at me in a funny way.
- You'll have to do your best to avoid him, he's capable of raping you!
- I know, I'm really scared. Should I clean his room, too?
- No, you're only going to look after madame and monsieur's room. You start tomorrow morning. Take a seat, you must be hungry.
- It's true, I haven't eaten in two days!
- Oh my little one! But why?
- It's a long story Carmine, I'll tell you one day.
She serves me and I start to eat.
A woman enters the kitchen, given her uniform she works here with us.
She is very beautiful with loose hair. She looks like an Indian. She must be of mixed race.
- Carmine, who's that?
- Let me introduce you ... how
are you called?
- My name is Aretha.
- Meet Aretha, one of our own and Madame's new surrogate!
I see the young woman burst into a sarcastic laugh.
- If I couldn't give the bosses their child, is this puny little thing going to make it? She's skinny like she doesn't eat.
- That's enough Marina! Leave her alone!
- Anyway, I don't care, my Armando is already my business! So one less won't do anything for me.
She takes an apple from the table and comes out.
I finish eating and ask Carmine:
- I don't know if I understood correctly, but I thought she was sleeping with both bosses!
- Yes, you've got it right, there's so much going on in this house! Your eyes will see many things, but your mouth must always remain closed.
- Okay, Carmine, but doesn't Madame know that Monsieur is fooling around with her?
- Yes, she does.
- But isn't she jealous?
- No, she knows that her husband can't love a servant?
- And why?
- That's the way he is! When Madame isn't there and he's in the mood, you know what I mean?
- Yes.
- When he feels like it, he grabs one of the girls and does what he has to do!
- Oh my God! What if she doesn't want to?
- None of the girls refuse, on the contrary, they're all ready whenever one of the men needs them! It seems they're good at what they do.
- What does it mean to be a good shot?
- It means they know what they're doing when they do it.
- What thing?
- You weren't just born either! That means they know how to use their third foot.
- Ho....
- Do you understand now?
- Yes, I understand.
You should get some rest, tomorrow morning I'll wake you up to go to the master bedroom for cleaning.
- Okay, but I want to help you do the dishes.
- No, there's no need. We have a machine for that.
- Okay, but...
- There's no buts about it, young lady. Get some rest.
- Thank you very much Carmine , you are very kind .
- You're welcome. Rest well.
I go out and walk along the walls so as not to run into one of the men of the house. I get to my room quickly. Phew, I'm safe for the night.
I change, look in the wardrobe and find an old nightdress, which I think will do the trick!