Saturday afternoon saw me and Roxy wandering around the market. Everly tucked up in her pram, sleeping soundly whilst we stopped at various stands, sampling the food and having a look at the tempting displays.
"Oh my god, you have to try this." Roxy sighed, taking another sample of some kind of meat skewer.
I reached over, plucking another cocktail stick from the little cup and pulling it from the skewer, the flavour exploding onto my tongue.
"Damn that's good."
The man behind the counter smiled in gratitude, continuing to serve up more skewers.
We moved along, venturing into the spice stall and making some other purchases. I loved these little moments with Rox and Everly. Even though things had changed since she became a mother, there was no drift between us. Sure the clubbing nights had gone down a fair few, but it wasn't an issue. Seeing how happy she was with Sean was worth it, and we still had our fun whenever we were together. Just in different ways, and I adored spending time with the littlun. Nothing made me smile more than seeing that little face light up, and hearing that giggle.
"When's Sean getting here?" I asked, wandering towards the chocolate stall and picking up the samples basket.
Roxy glanced down at her watch, flicking her hair back from her face as she checked the time.
"Anytime now. He had to stop at the office and pick up some paperwork."
I bit into a dark chocolate truffle, a rich, velvety caramel drizzled from the center and coated my tongue. I let out a small satisfied moan and sucked the chocolate from my fingers, glancing over to the pram as Everly awoke with a small grisling sound that grew to a loud cry.
"Shh, shhh, shhh." Roxy cooed, tucking her hair behind her ear, and bending down, scooping Ev into her arms and clutching her to her chest. "It's okay baby, Momma's here."
She made a soft bouncing motion, shuffling her weight from foot to foot in an attempt to calm her daughter down.
"Oh dear, is someone giving Mommy a hard time?" A voice sounded from behind me.
Sean stepped up, clapping his hand on my shoulder with a nod and reaching his wife and daughter. He kissed Roxy on the lips before pressing a gentle kiss to Everly's head, and rubbing her back. She seemed to calm with both of them. Whilst they chatted behind me, I continued to peruse the chocolate stand. I'd always had a sweet tooth, so this was like paradise to me. I continued to enjoy the various samples, and gathered a collection in my arms, ready to checkout.
"Just how much chocolate are you getting Ev?" Roxy laughed, picking up a box of milk truffles.
"I need it all, but I'll settle for just..." I reached out adding another block of honeycomb to my stack, "This."
"Never knew you were a girl Ev." Sean's teasing voice rumbled in my ear.
"No idea what you mean." I shrugged.
"Well, stockpiling sugar, isn't that what girls do to cure heartbreak. Are you heartbroken?" His adopted tone of mock sincerity was cut off by Roxy elbowing him in the ribs and shaking her head with a laugh.
"That was for the girl comment. We aren't all chocoholics."
He smirked at her and a mischievous glint in his eye preceded his next words.
"Of course, some of you are addicted to doughnuts instead."
"He's got you there Rox." I laughed, allowing the woman who ran the stall, to take and bag up the order.
"Not another word, unless you want to be eating that chocolate through a tube."
I pretended to think it through. Her face making it hard to stop from laughing.
"Chocolate intake without having to even chew it, sounds pretty perfect to me." I shrugged.
Her eyes flashed and she took a step forward, Sean dodged out of the way with Everly, laughing as Roxy lunged at me, wrapping her arms around my neck as I turned away, and clinging on tight whilst I made a weak attempt to throw her off. As she playfully wrestled with me to the amusement of all of us and many passers by, I felt my phone vibrating against my hip. Holding Roxy at bay with ease, I pulled it from my pocket and answered the call.
"Jamie, what's up?"
"Hey Jamie!" Roxy called down the phone.
I rolled my eyes as she wrapped her legs around my waist into a piggy back whilst Sean grabbed the chocolate bag from the stall.
"Is that Rox?" Jamie answered.
"Yup, She's currently imitating a Koala Bear, and I'm the bloody tree, so make it quick."
Jamie let out an amused laugh, which Roxy joined in on, bumping her leg against me briefly.
"I don't even think I wanna ask what that means."
"Mind out of the gutter bro, Sean's here too."
"I didn't see him as the sharing type."
"And he's going to kill you if he hears that."
Jamie laughed as Roxy gave me a peck on the cheek and slid from my back, landing on her feet with a small thud.
"Wanna head out tonight, you and Rox?"
"Thought you had a date?"
"Not anymore. Cancelled, just wasn't feeling it. So you guys coming?"
"I'm in, but Rox is going to her in-law's."
"Fair enough, Well, I'll see you there then, usual place, same time."
I hung up, pocketing my phone and turning back to the others.
"What did he want?" Roxy asked, tearing open a bar of milk chocolate and snapping a piece off for herself and for Sean.
"Inviting us out for tonight, I told him you had plans already."
She nodded and we walked on, continuing to browse for a while before calling it a day.
I spent the following few hours going over schematics and documents for the following week at work. A beer in hand and a half eaten sandwich on the table next to me. I knew I had to get a bunch of it done before going out to meet Jamie, and naturally my brain was lagging and unwilling to cooperate.
As it got later, I decided that I had finally completed enough to call it quits, and went off to get ready. I crossed through my room, grabbing a pair of grey jeans from my dresser, and a black button up shirt from the wardrobe, I laid them out on the bed, and standing back, pulled at the neck of my t-shirt, parting it from my skin and balling it up, tossing it at the basket in the corner, I stripped down to my boxers and gave my skin a quick spritz of the fragrance that Rox bought me at Christmas. I breathed in the familiar rich and woody scent and placed the midnight blue bottle back on my table, before dressing, calling a cab and briefly tidying my hair.
The music could be heard from the street as always. I saw Jamie leaning against the wall a short distance from the doors, a blonde woman in black hot pants and a top that barely covered her breasts was standing in front of him, flicking her hair and visibly trying way too hard. I laughed at the familiar scene, nearing him just as she reached out, running her hand along the sleeve of his leather jacket, pushing herself closer and pouting at him.
"Hey, Casanova!" I called, stopping short of where they stood, deciding to stay far from the woman's clutches.
Jamie turned in my direction, clearly irritating the blonde who scowled as he slipped from her grasp.
"Finally! Was gonna send out a search party mate." He said with a wink, moving towards me.
The woman, now clearly forgotten, stormed off along the street, towards the club looking both annoyed and put out. Jamie clapped a hand on my shoulder and fell into step beside me, both of us drawing nearer to the entrance.
Inside, the beat pulsed through my chest, and I smiled, firmly back in my element, looking around at the sea of dancing bodies. Descending the staircase, there was long legs, tight dresses and incredible high heels at every turn. Sexy women dancing alone, or among others, bodies pressed together and flashing every man in here the best of every angle. I had no intention of making a play for anyone this early. I rarely ever did. Instead we proceeded through the crowd, stopping at the bar where Ritchie was lining up shot glasses. He glanced up as we approached and then continued pouring the tequila across the row of glasses.
"Hey, what's up guys."
He took the money off the people next to us, pushing the shots towards them, then wiping the tequila from the bar.
"Alright Ritch." Jamie nodded, jumping up onto a bar stool and leaning against the freshly wiped surface.
"Not bad, thanks, what can I get ya?"
"Two Corona's please mate." I replied, taking the next seat along.
Ritchie walked to the nearby fridge, collected two bottles and returned, handing them over and taking the note I was holding out.
We took a few moments to chat, before he was called over by a guy at the end of the bar, leaving me and Jamie alone. We chatted over more drinks, occasionally joined by some of the women who wandered over, but none had so far taken our fancy, and were soon on their way. A pretty young blonde split from her nearby group, her eyes fixed on Jamie as she drew nearer. It didn't take long before he had spun his best lines and lead her off to dance. I relaxed against the bar, the hard wood pressing against my back whilst I looked out at the crowded dance floor. Taking another drink from the bottle I was on, I spotted a small group at the far end of the room. There was a guy there, sitting on the edge of a chair, a woman was sitting on his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck as she spoke to another woman standing beside them. It was her who had caught my eye. She was facing away from me, her concentration on the pair at her side. But I was captured by her slender, petite form that was highlighted in her short, fitted dress and incredibly high heels. My gaze drifted up her toned calves and lingered at the curve of her hips. She tilted to the side slightly, flicking her long dark hair, causing it to fan across her shoulder and unveil a small sliver of a tattoo between her shoulders. It triggered a memory, one I couldn't quite place. Something was suddenly so familiar. I shook it off, my mind quickly focusing back on the already blossoming impure thoughts, ones in particular involving those legs draped over my shoulders, framing my face as I worshipped that sexy body of hers. Finishing my drink, I left the bottle on the bar, ready to make my move. That was the girl I wanted tonight, and I saw no reason to hang about. I moved through the crowd, gradually nearing them, a sense of familiarity beginning to dawn on me as I got closer. I still had no idea what it was, until I stopped at their side, and the couple I recognised the woman in the booth.
"Poppy?" I said shocked, realising what was coming next.
"Evan, hey!" She said cheerily, already pretty drunk.
The man who she was perched on, wrapped his arms around her and steadied her, laughing and kissing her cheek as I turned to the woman I'd come for, the one who had now caused my brain to have a complete blackout.
"Hi, Kat."
She looked surprised, and something else that I couldn't quite place. I didn't even know what I must have looked like at this point. I'd been picturing fucking a sexy brunette stranger a moment ago, and now, the realisation that it was Kat had thrown me for a loop. The worst part was that the images in my head weren't going away, now the random woman had Kat's face. They were becoming more vivid and I had to close my eyes and shake it off.
What the fuck am I thinking?!
"You okay there Ev?" Kat asked.
My eyes flew open, resting on her face and instantly regretting it as they locked onto her beautiful brown ones. Picturing them flickering closed in orgasmic bliss.
Fuck no!!! Brain shut up! Please!
"Yeah, great!" I said, a little too cheerily in my flustered state.
She hid a small smile behind the glass that she sipped from.
"Oh Evan, you remember Poppy, my best friend. This is her boyfriend Owen, he works at the hospital with us."
I turned to Owen, who smiled, holding out a hand and snaking the other around Poppy's waist to keep her steady.
"Nice to meet you."
"You too, so you're a doctor?" I asked.
"Nah, not my scene. I'm a Paramedic."
Poppy took a sip from her cocktail, her golden skin shimmered under the lighting and her honey brown hair flipped over one side of her face.
"Want to join us for a drink Evan?" She said happily, resting her head on Owen's shoulder and smiling at me.
"Thanks, but I'm good, here with Jamie."
Kat looked at me, her eyes narrowed in thought.
"Where is he?"
I nodded back over my shoulder in the general direction of where I'd last seen Jamie dancing.
"Dancing, somewhere."
"And you're over here, because?" She asked in her usual teasing manner.
I smirked at her, pushing aside my internal unease.
"I just thought I'd come over and congratulate you on finally removing the stick from your ass, and having fun." I smirked, reigniting the cocky attitude that she was used to getting from me.
"I have plenty of fun actually, just not to your definition."
I leant against the booth, enjoying the fire that was burning in her dark eyes as she engaged in our verbal sparring match. I could see the way I got under her skin. Her body language radiated both contempt and amusement, I enjoyed it more than I probably should, but our back and forths were addictive.
"Maybe you should try it, it's guaranteed to please." I said playfully.
Her expression changed a little, and I thought I noticed her cheeks darken a touch.
"Thanks, but I'll leave the whoring around to you, you do it so well."
I closed my eyes, clutching at my chest and sniffling dramatically.
"Thank you!" I looked up at her unamused face and winked, "I really do, don't I."
I heard muffled laughter from behind me, where Owen and Poppy sat. Kat rolled her eyes and bit her lower lip, something she often did when trying to bite back a scathing reply. Usually such a move would cause laughter and amusement to bubble up inside of me, knowing that I was pushing her buttons and irritating her. But tonight, it wasn't those feelings that were swirling inside me, I had a sudden burning need to bite that lip for myself, elicit a sweet moan from her and steal a kiss, tasting that smart mouth of hers and drawing her body closer until I felt it pressing against me. I couldn't tear my eyes from her, my heated blood surging South and causing a tightening sensation beneath my jeans as my cock reacted to this strange new found hunger for the irritating beauty that stood before me. Each passing second seemed to make it worse, and I knew that soon I wouldn't be able to control myself.
"I'm gonna go grab another drink, I'll see you around." I said with a smirk, playing it off as naturally as I could, and turning away.
Lie, I do not need another drink. I know exactly what I need.
Reaching the bar again, I scoured the area, noticing a brunette that had spoken to us earlier, standing alone at a nearby table, looking like she was getting ready to leave. She was pretty, and had been sweet earlier. It was just what I needed. I saw Jamie a little way ahead, his tongue down the blonde's throat, seemingly not ready to resurface any time soon. Laughing, I tapped out a text to let him know I was leaving, and moved in on the brunette girl.
"Leaving already?"
She looked around in surprise, her silvery grey eyes widening as she saw me.
"Oh, hi," She replied nervously, "Yeah, my friend met a guy, so she left with him."
"You didn't find a guy for yourself? Now that is a shame."
I closed the space between us, my eyes locking with hers.
"Well, I found one, but he didn't seem very interested."
There was barely an inch between us now, I could see the effect I was having on her.
"Maybe he's more interested than you think." I said softly, speaking into her ear, and feeling the shudder run through her body.
I pulled back enough to see her eyes flare in response. Seizing the moment, she made her move, kissing me, her soft lips moving against mine, slowly at first as her nerves unsettled her. I took hold of her waist, pulling her in and taking control, dominating the kiss and pressing my tongue against her own. She bumped against the table as my need to step it up, caused us to stumble. She broke apart, chuckling slightly and pressing her fingers to her ruby red lips.
"Maybe we could continue this back at mine?" She smiled, more confidence in her expression, making her sexiness shine brighter.
I nodded, following her through the crowd and out onto the street, catching sight of Kat as I left, and feeling the eager twitch in my boxers that I now needed to take care of, and fucking fast.