"We can each change the world, with genuine acts of kindness."
Ayushi was returning from her office at about 6'o clock in the dusk when she saw that an old lady was walking towards her direction but suddenly that old woman started panicking. Due to high blood pressure, she had sweats coming down all her body and due to which she was just going to slump on the harsh ground but on the right time, Ayushi sprang towards her and held her strongly by her shoulders, and then she laid that old woman on her lap on the ground.
"Aunt? Aunt?" she patted that old woman's cheeks but didn't get a response. Since this happened near her office, so she knew all the area quite perfectly so without wasting a moment, she hurriedly called a passerby man and asked for help and then took that woman to the nearest hospital.
She got her admitted there and filled the form as the patient's acquaintance. She got that old lady's name from that old lady's passport which was there in her purse. Thankfully that was her salary day and she had taken out money from the ATM otherwise only a few bucks always accompanied her.
From the place where that woman was going to fall, she found a purse in which mobile was also there. So without wasting any moment, she took out that mobile phone and fortunately that phone hadn't a password so she swiped the screen and went to the contacts list instantly. She contacted a person who was saved as "Dhiraj Beta(Son)" in that woman's most recent calls.
"Hello! The person whose phone is this has been hospitalized in 'Care hospital'. Please come here as soon as possible," Ayushi spoke hurriedly as it was getting late for her too and she was worried about her stepmother but she just wanted to go from here only when that woman's family would be here.
"What? What happened to Maa? And who are you?" the man from the other side spoke anxiously.
"I'm Ayushi. I saw her when she was going to faint. So I helped her and took her into this hospital. Please come soon," Ayushi spoke worriedly. Worried for that lady as well as worried about the disaster that was waiting for her in her home as it was getting late.
"Ohh! Thank you so much, my child. We are just coming," the man on the other end spoke hurriedly and cut the call.
Ayushi after calling the relative of that old lady took a breath of relief. Now the relatives of that old lady were coming. Ayushi had noticed that the lady was looking very sophisticated but yet so soft and generous. She just prayed for her good health. Even though that lady was a stranger to her but she wanted her to be safe.
After a few minutes, the doctor finally came out from that room and Ayushi ran towards him, asking him about the whereabouts of that old lady.
"Doctor! What happened to her?" she asked the doctor anxiously.
"She hadn't taken her medicines from many days that's why her blood pressure level rose up and then this attack. Please take care of her. You can meet her now. She's awake," the doctor told her about her conditions and at last, also scolded Ayushi for not taking care of her Grandma as the Doctor thought that she was that woman's granddaughter.
"Thank you, Doctor," Ayushi said smiling a little and rushed towards the hospital room.
Ayushi entered that room and she saw that now that lady was fully awake, smiling thankfully at her when she was entering the room.
"Thank you for saving me, child," the old woman spoke thankfully, asking Ayushi to come near her & sit on the stool beside her, gesturing with her hands.
"Don't thank me, Dadima(Grandma). You're like my Grandma. I'm thankful to God that you're safe now. I was very much anxious about you. I called your family too. They'd be coming any moment," Ayushi spoke in her sweet voice smiling beautifully at that old lady.
"You're so beautiful, child. From outside too and from inside too. Who'll help a total stranger in this world? But you helped me and saved my life. I'm grateful to you. Thank you again," the old woman spoke, caressing the cheeks of Ayushi who just smiled at her compliment.
Ayushi could feel the love and warmth of a Grandma in her like her Nani (Maternal Grandma).
"What's your name child? And where do you live?" the old lady started asking some questions from Ayushi who gave her answers smilingly.
And then they started talking a little about their lives. Ayushi told her a little about her life. Before they could talk more, a voice on the entrance of the door, stopped them further.
"Maa...," a man spoke anxiously and ran towards her direction.
"Dhiraj," that old lady cheered happily and hugged her son.
"What happened to you Maa?" that man whose name was Dhiraj asked his mother.
"Some blood pressure problems. But I'm 200% fine now. So please take me home now. I'm tired after attending your cousin's wedding in Rajasthan. You couldn't go there but I had to. So take me home," at last that old lady whined a little causing both Ayushi and that man to chuckle a little.
Ayushi's chuckle got both of their attention towards her.
"Ayushi? Right?" Dhiraj guessed as now he could relate that the holder of that sweet & concerning voice over the phone was this girl only.
Ayushi nodded her head, smiling a little in acknowledgment.
"Thank you so much, dear. You saved my Mother. I'm so much grateful to you," that man spoke thankfully, keeping his hand on her head in a blessing kinda way.
"Uncle, please don't thank me. I must help others as human. Humanity comes first before anything. Please, don't thank me," Ayushi spoke smiling a little, getting up from the stool as it was getting late and her 'family' would be waiting for her.
"Okay, Grandma. I'm going now. It's getting late. And please take care of your health," Ayushi said smiling a little sadly as she was connected to that old woman within few minutes like she was her own Grandma.
"Namaste (A greeting Hindu people do to show respect)," she folded her hands and greeted them one last time.
"Child, wait!" that old lady stopped Ayushi.
"Child, take this money as you paid for my treatment," that old woman said asking her son to give her some money from her purse as it was a little far from her.
"Grandma! No! I don't want this money. As a human, I helped you. And for doing some humanity, we aren't paid. Please. I cannot take this. Please. Please take care & Namaste," Ayushi spoke hurriedly as her phone started ringing now. Her family! She got tensed and was just going to exit the door when the old lady asked for her number. Ayushi hurriedly took out a notepad and a pen from her handbag and wrote her number on that and gave that to Dhiraj and finally she got out of the hospital.
"Maa! Isn't she the kind of Princess we used to hear in your stories? She's kind, beautiful & a humble person too," that man spoke smilingly to his mother who was also thinking the same thing.
"I think, yes," his mother smiled.
"She's so generous. Beautiful at heart & a natural beauty too. Dhiraj, I talked to her for about 15 minutes and I got to know that she was so down to earth person with a golden heart. She saved my life, she called you only after admitting me here. She's intelligent too. We should also payback to her for her generous nature," that old lady spoke proudly as she was influenced by Ayushi's character.
"Yes, Maa. You're right," Dhiraj agreed too smilingly.
"So how was the wedding, Maa?" Dhiraj asked his mother about the wedding from where his mother just returned.
"It was nice. Although I missed you all but your Grandmother and her extended family were very welcoming and nice. By the way, this time, I got some really good matches for our Prince. At the wedding, many parents approached me for their daughter's marriage with our Prince. Now, I think we should start finding the perfect match for our Prince," the old lady spoke a little solemnly.
"Yes, mother. You're right. He's getting no younger but older day by day. It's high time for him to get settled in life," Dhiraj too agreed with his mother who smiled at him knowingly.
"Well, I even got a meeting fixed for him. I think they are good. But we shouldn't pressurize him," she added later.
"That is so great, Maa. We'll first meet the family and then we can decide whether the girl is good or not for our son," Dhiraj spoke with a little concern.
"Yes. You are right. But where's my Prince and Princess? Hnn? And their mother?" that old lady asked her son as she couldn't see her daughter-in-law, her grandson & her granddaughter.
"Maa...," Dhiraj was cut off by the entrance of three people, rushing inside the room.
"Dadi Maa(Grandma)," both the grandson & the granddaughter of that old lady were now in front of her as well as her daughter-in-law who also acknowledged her Mother-in-law, calling her 'Maa' in an anxious way.
"What happened? Why? When? How? Before you all ask this query, I want to answer it first. Blood pressure problem. Now don't ask me any question. And I'm 300% fine. Take me home. And one by one, hug me. I'm seeing you all after like one whole month," that old woman whined and all chuckled at that as they knew that this 'oldie' can be very stubborn if they'll not do what she asked, so they started hugging her one by one.
She missed her family so much and they all also missed her. Their Grandma & their Maa - Gayathri Singh Rajput who was gone for a family wedding in her native town, Jaiselmer, Rajasthan.
Today only she reached Bhopal. But she wanted to meet her late friend's children first, as, from Rajasthan, her friend's family sent some belongings of their late Mother with her. So she sent her luggage with the driver to their house and went towards her friend's house in a taxi. So after giving them those belongings, she was returning home walking a little, when her blood pressure rose and the rest is history.
She was Gayathri Singh Rajput. The stubborn lady. And yes, she was Dhruv's & Payal's grandmother. And Dhiraj was her son and Pratibha, her daughter-in-law.
After some paperwork, finally, she was discharged from the hospital and now she was in the car along with other family members. She was sitting next to Dhruv who was driving the car.
"I've got a surprise for you, Dhruv," his grandmother spoke teasingly and also eyed her son as he also smiled at her whereas everyone had a frown on their faces.
"What surprise, Dadima?" he asked his grandma as he also got a little impatient as his grandma wasn't a 'Surprise! Surprise thing'.
"Wait a little more my child," she smiled again and Dhruv left that topic sighing as he knew how much stubborn his grandma is.
"Dadi! At least tell me na. Please," Payal pleaded her grandma giving her famous innocent look.
"You too, wait, my princess," their grandma smiled more.
Payal huffed and everyone laughed at that as her 'innocent look' didn't work on her 'Sweet Grandma' for the first time.
"Can you see the time what it is now?" Ayushi's father roared at her when Ayushi just entered inside her house.
She was trembling in fear, anticipating what more worst could happen to her in the next ten minutes.
"Sorry, Papa. The auto I took, in the midway only, its tire was punctured so I had to wait because there wasn't any other vehicle around," Ayushi lied still trembling in fear.
"Ohh! Let's leave that. I've something important to discuss with you. You're soon going to get married. Yes, the family contacted me a few minutes ago for your hand for their son. They are gonna come tomorrow to see you," her father gave her the shock which shook her to the core.
Ayushi never thought that she could be ever married because her family was so greedy and cruel & she never thought that they could even marry her off to some man because spending even a penny on her was like the toughest thing for them. But still, like an obedient daughter, she just nodded her head and was going to enter the kitchen, when her father stopped her.
"Your mom isn't here. She has gone to do some shopping for your dress for tomorrow. So you can guess right now that how much profit we are gonna make out of this marriage because they are so rich and they even made a deal to us. In exchange for you, they'll give us 1 Crore rupees (10 Million)," and her father smirked because his pockets were soon going to be filled with loads of money.
That deal just broke her heart. She was not even a human in their eyes, her so-called family's eyes but just an object to them which they used just the way they wanted & now they made a deal out of her. She just controlled her tears and rushed into the kitchen to cook some dinner as she didn't want her stepmother to be angry with her.
When finally her stepmother returned, shopping a beautiful outfit for Ayushi, she just gave her some instructions to follow in front of 'those' people. Her stepmother was even more greedy & cruel than her father. So she didn't want to lose this golden chance to get so much money like she had won a lottery. So she gave Ayushi some instructions.
"Be quiet & shy, because you're a girl.
Talk only when asked, because you're a girl.
Eyes down on the floor, because you're a girl.
Serve them tea & some snacks, because you're a girl.
Do everything they ask you to do because you're a girl.
And say 'Yes' for this proposal, you are not given any choices but our orders,
because you're a girl".
Ayushi just nodded her head as she knew that if by any chance this proposal will be rejected, her family will kill her.
And her stepmother then took Ayushi to her room for some private kinda talk that she couldn't talk in front of her father.
"Look you earth's biggest useless! If by any chance this proposal will be rejected, then we are not going to leave you. So better, don't let this happen. That guy is an NRI, so behave yourself in front of him. Do you get that? And after your marriage with him, you'll satisfy all his needs, his wants. We are selling you to them, so you're their slave, you've to follow their rules, regulations & orders," her stepmother warned Ayushi, holding her chin tightly in her hand.
Ayushi was so much disgusted after hearing all this. How could she do this to her? How could she even think of that for her? How could she stoop so low just for some money? Ayushi hated her stepmother. She hated her now after this. How could she sell her!
"Why are you doing this? I'll work for you all day & night, but please don't sell me to them. Please," Ayushi pleaded her stepmother to not to do this, trying to convince her stepmother to not sell her to that NRI guy.
"Can you give us 1 Crore? No, right? So just accept it peacefully, you useless. I'm again warning you. This marriage will happen at any cost," her stepmother warned for the last time & went away from there.
Ayushi broke down on the floor. How could they do this to her? How could they sell her? They were worst than a demon.
"I cannot be sold like this, I'm not an object. I can endure their abuses, beatings, bad words but not this. I cannot let them sell me," Ayushi decided and wiped away her tears.
There, on the other hand, Dhruv & his family were sitting on their sofa in the living room as now it was time for the surprise which Dadi (Grandma) had planned to be opened. Dhruv was excited as well as nervous that what that surprise could be.
"So the surprise is; we have decided to get Dhruv settled with the best girl through a perfect alliance. We in the sense, me & Dhiraj. So we are going to meet the girl's family tomorrow," Dadi said smilingly but it was like a bomb that had been dropped on Dhruv's head as he was so much shocked.
Marriage? Now? To a different girl who's not his Chandani? The girl he loves? Not possible, eh?
His Grandma and his father had talked to a respectful family that his Grandma had met at the wedding that she had attended in the last month. She liked their daughter, so she wanted to at least try this out. And yes, they already had agreed to have a meeting tomorrow.
But now Dhruv was so shocked after hearing all this. For some time he couldn't even speak.
"But how? I mean when did you find that girl?" Dhruv asked his grandma anxiously as he couldn't quite digest the fact that he was soon going to be tied in a knot with a different girl who was not his Chandani.
"I met her & her family at the wedding only. They are good people with a nice background. The girl is an engineer and working in a reputed company. She's beautiful & generous too. And I've their address too. I got that from our sources only. Tomorrow, we all will go there for asking her hand for our Dhruv," Dadi spoke smilingly and everyone also smiled except Dhruv as they too wanted to meet this girl.
Now, Dhruv knew that his Grandma will not stop until he marries that girl because his Grandma liked that 'girl' so much as by her description about that girl clears everything. And he knew, his Grandma was stubborn, too stubborn.
"Dadi liked her. Means she must be something," Payal remarked and Dadi smiled at that.
Finally, after greeting each other good nights, they all got up to their respective bedrooms.
Dhruv was pacing here & there in his room like a restless man that he was now.
"How can I marry someone else when I love Chandani? How can I? I can't even say 'No' to Dadi as I know she'll be hurt because that 'girl' is her choice and also I don't think that they'll accept Chandani as their daughter-in-law because she's too modern and also she doesn't want to live in a joint family. Urgh. God! Please help me! I don't want to hurt my family," Dhruv had spoken out his thoughts loudly.
Dhruv then dialed Chandani's number and soon she lifted his call.
"Hey, Dhruv baby," Chandani greeted him seductively.
"Hello, Chandani. I've got a very important thing to tell. My family wants me to get married to their choice of girl. And I don't want to marry any girl other than you because I love you. Now, tell me what should I do," Dhruv told her anxiously.
"Ohh! That's quite big news. Dhruv, I have an idea. What if you persuade that 'girl' to say 'No' to this marriage? Ask her to say 'No' to this marriage because I know when she'll only reject this proposal, then only your family will move back from this idea of you marrying to her because I'm well aware of their stubbornness," Chandani told him her plan.
"You're right. I'll do this. Anything for us," Dhruv whistled and soon they started all their 'lovey-dovey talks.
But he didn't know what was waiting for him!
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