Waking up hard didn't work. Especially when a certain hot tigress wasn't around so I could get my fill. I couldn't stop thinking about her, walking in like she was, in that black lace dress making her hotter than she already was. What would she be wearing under that dress? I hope a panties. I would be pissed if I found out my hot tigress was walking around in that dress, sexy as fuck, and no panties on top of that.
Did she hook up with those fucking strippers? I hope not, I couldn't take it. Wait, what were these thoughts I was having for her? Since we didn't even know each other well… I was crazy with jealousy, and that's okay, I wasn't ashamed or afraid to admit it, I didn't want her around any man anymore, and now it was decided, I was going to stay with my tigress.
I got out of bed and went straight to the shower. Another sleepless night, this night shift always got to me. I didn't know why those motherfuckers were up to no good in the wee hours instead of staying at home with their family. I didn't understand why they did what they did, they drank like it was the last day of their lives, they took the car to go out and enjoy life and they crashed the vehicles, they were run over, etc.
That night was sad for me, I couldn't stop thinking what a world we live in. People, instead of drinking and staying at home or even ordering a taxi, what do they do? They go looking for adventure, and adventures never end well, always with tragedy.
I finished taking my shower and went looking for an outfit to wear. I'm the typical man who hates to wear social. I took a black t-shirt and jeans, changed soon, because I would have to take this shift, and what I wanted most was to stay at home. I took one last look at my bed and left. Before getting my revolver, I closed the house and went straight to my car.
There was still some traffic. Another thing I hated was getting into traffic jams. I was boring as hell, but, hey, I just wanted to sleep a little longer, is it too much to ask for that?
I couldn't complain much, because the salary was good, I wasn't rich, but I had a good financial situation, which helped me a lot. And yet, living alone, he spent almost nothing.
I arrived at the police station and went straight to the coffee machine. Oh, I didn't tell you something: I'm very addicted to coffee, and I don't even smoke, but I don't know, I think that, since I was working so much at night, it was normal to have to get addicted to something.
I went straight to my room, but before that I remembered that I had to talk to Davi. We always got along well, thank God. One of David's main characteristics was loyalty, and that was one of the qualities I most admired in him.
When I was about to open the door, it opened quickly, not even giving me time to recover, I just felt something warm falling on me and my tigress, which I immediately held in my arms, preventing her from falling.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Diogo, I didn't see you opening the door," she said, blushing, and I was all happy.
It had been days since I saw her for the first time, and then I haven't seen her since. I tried to ask Davi, but he was elusive about Antonella.
- No problem. And you, are you okay? I asked, holding her close to me.
— I'm fine, I came to talk to Davi, but I saw he's busy, so I was leaving.
As I wanted more contact with her, I had an idea:
"While Davi is busy, don't you want to come to my office?" I suggested quickly and afraid of hearing a no.
"Of course, but first you'd better let me go," she pleaded.
“I'm sorry, are you hurt? I asked, not wanting to let go.
“Don't worry, of course not, and another thing: I don't think you'd hurt a woman.” I was glad she thought that way.
"Glad I don't look like a murderer," I teased her.
“No, you don't,” she said, and I was curious. How did she know how to identify the killers?
- Come on, I'll enjoy and change the shirt - As I said that, I noticed that she blushed more.
We entered my room, and I showed her the chair to sit on.
— Make yourself comfortable, Antonella, here's more coffee.
“Thanks, and I'm sorry I spilled coffee on your shirt.
“Don't worry, I'm just going to change.” I went to the closet to get a shirt. I took advantage of her back to me and quickly changed, putting on the other shirt, when I heard a sigh. — I'm sorry, Antonella, I didn't mean to embarrass you.
- To me? Of course not, but I can tell you have a nice body, by the way,” she said, still embarrassed and still staring at my chest.
“Thanks, I try to work out, but it's hard.
“I don't think you need to.
“Thanks again, but I need to, I'm getting old.
— Old man where, Diogo? Your wife should keep an eye on you,” she joked, and now I'm the one who blushed, I've never been praised for my physique.
"If I had a wife, she wouldn't I would need to be jealous.” I could see from my tigress's expression that she was happy to know I was single.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," she replied awkwardly.
“Imagine, my life is an open book. I said, watching her sit down.
Today she was wearing jeans and a smock, which made her even more beautiful.
- Serious? Good to know,” she said, laughing, and now I was curious.
“Make yourself comfortable,” I teased, and saw her eyes light up.
— Diogo, it's better not, maybe your girlfriend shows up here...
“As far as I know, I don't have a girlfriend, so don't worry, you can ask whatever you want.
“I don't think so.” I could see she dodged my taunt.
"Then you can, it's my turn to ask questions, Antonella." I noticed that she was surprised by what I said.
"Ask me, I'm an open book," she replied.
“OK, my question is this: are you being fucked by someone? I asked suddenly, taking her by surprise.
— Wow, you're pretty straightforward with your questions, huh?! - She said, getting embarrassed.
— Tell me, Antonella, is someone fucking you? I asked once more, standing up and heading towards her. I noticed her breathing quicken as I approached.
- Why do you want to know? Antonella asked, both curious and apprehensive.
"Because, Antonella, you're going to be mine," I said, in surprise, and she looked furious. She got up and came towards me.
- Who do you Think You Are? “She was irritated.
“I am the man who will fuck you with a lot of affection and a lot of horny.
- You are crazy?
"I am, I'm crazy about you, woman," I confessed. She took a step back and I pulled her into my arms, grabbing her. “You belong to me, tigress.
"I don't belong to anyone, not even you!" - Antonella exclaimed. - Let go of me, Diego.
“I don't want to,” I said, bringing my face closer to his.
"Let go of me, Diogo," she whispered.
- Talk looking at me, look into my eyes and tell if you're being fucked by someone.
— I'm not going to answer you, Diogo.
“Then I won't let you go.
"Let me go, Diogo," she asked once more.
"No, Antonella, until you answer me!" I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tighter, making her gasp.
— Okay, okay. I'm single,” she finally replied.
Without her expecting it, I attacked her mouth with fury and desire. At first, she tried to push me away, but gradually she gave in, and before we knew it, we were kissing like we were hungry for each other.