I thought about how he had saved my life as I waited for the timer. Somehow I felt like apple pie was the least I could do but then I didn't want to go overboard. I've been guilty of going a little overboard in my attempt to show appreciation in the past. One time the girls held a convention to address it.
It had been two days since he rescued me from being crushed to death in the murky desolate cave. His eyes were dark emotionless orbs but I suspected there was something deeper hidden within them. If I could reach in then maybe I'll be able to touch it.
The sound of the timer going off brought me out of my deep thoughts. The pie looked perfect and the scent made my mouth water. He's going to love it!
"He'll hate it," Henry said with conviction when we met.
I felt devastated by his words and the worst part was that I believed him. So far I haven't been able to get him to show any positive emotion. It was like expecting a wall to be more than what it was—a wall.
"What can I possibly do?" I threw my arms in despair.
He mumbled. "Beats me." And then he sniffed the air. "That's got to be one delicious pie. Might as well try."
Henry motivated me further until I was sure I could pull it off. He pointed to a door, keeping a fair distance, and said, "That's his room. He's in right now."
I couldn't shake the feeling I was being led to a lion's den. My legs shook badly as I struggled to make my way to his door. All you have to do is knock and hand him the pie. How hard can it be?
My legs got heavier with every step I took. The small hallway seemed to stretch out to infinity and beyond.
Finally, I reached the door. Abort. Abort. Run for cover! My legs were too heavy to assist in my escape.
The sound of his door opening made my heart skip several beats. I thought I was going to pass out but fate wasn't that merciful. Fate wanted to watch me suffer.
He stood shirtless and studied me with a frown on his beautiful face. I flushed seeing his pale slightly muscled body. I wondered how he made looking dangerous sexy.
"You." He said tight-lipped.
"Yes. Me." I said awkwardly with an awkward smile to go with it.
"You have a thing for dangerous caves." His frown deepened.
"How—" And then it hit me. I'd walked to his territory the same way I walked into the cave he rescued me from.
I stood there feeling super awkward as I tried not to stare at his body. It was impossible.
"Did you want something? Or—"
"Oh," I remembered the task I had to accomplish. "Here."
He stared at the parcel I offered like it was a radioactive bomb. He made no move to collect it.
"It's apple pie." I grinned. "I promise it won't detonate if you touch it."
His frown deepened as he took it. I controlled the urge to run my fingers through his hair.
"Come in." He said in an unwelcoming tone.
I cautiously stepped into the room and was shocked at what I saw. Books were stacked orderly on a shelf, clothes folded in a neat pile, and the bed didn't have a single wrinkle. The room didn't match his persona.
"What's that look?"
I turned around to see he was watching me. There was an intense look in his eyes.
"What look?" I frowned.
"That look—like you just walked into Narnia." He said, his stare intense.
I stifled a laugh. If only he knew. Be careful around him. He might chop your head off and wrap it neatly in the corner.
He groaned, moved to the bed, and ripped the pack open.
"Wait. Are you—"
He cut a piece of the pie and stuffed it into his mouth. I watched, terrified, as he chewed.
"You couldn't wait till I was gone." I groaned, feeling a tightness squeeze my belly.
I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see his reaction. My eyes opened and then shut again.
This is bad. Bad. What if he doesn't like it? Brace yourself.
"Mmm." He mumbled as he chewed. "This is."
I peeked, sure I was about to see a grimace but his face contorted in what seemed to be pleasure.
"Go on." I urged him. "This is?"
"Not bad." He said killing the momentum. "You wouldn't happen to have more?"
"I can make that work," I said with a smile.
The next day I took a bigger pie to his room and he finished it in less than an hour. It was a surprise he wasn't morbidly obese with his ferocious appetite.
That became our ritual and I noticed he only invited me inside to watch him eat the pie and I had to leave when he was done eating so I increased the quantity of pies I brought to him so we could spend more time together.
Henry seemed to be okay with the time I spent with his best friend. He wasn't like other men and I admired him for it.
One afternoon as I lay on my bed daydreaming about Henry, I got a message. It was a message I'd hoped would never come but now it did.
I groaned as I realized it was time to face them. It was time to talk with the girls. Moon goddess, save me.