Chelsea wasn't the only one surprised in that office, Steven's eyes widened when he realized who she was. For a few seconds, the two were completely silent, the only difference was that she was eager to tell him thousands of expletives, she didn't care that he was her boss, nor that she had just started working there; Whereas, he didn't know how to act, he obviously didn't plan on meeting that girl again, it had simply been his perfect excuse not to waste the night at that restaurant.
What was the probability of running into her again in that big city? New York was crazy and people were walking in a hurry through its streets, it was almost impossible, but it had happened. After a few seconds, Steve finally managed to articulate the words.
"Stephanie, leave us alone, I need to talk to Miss Smith," the girl looked at him strangely, but obeyed his order without problems, when they were finally alone, he moved a little closer to the desk.
"Don't you dare! She said in a low voice, but with great anger in her tone of voice, she didn't want to cause a scene. "Don't even think about saying a single word, you're a jerk, who the hell do you think you are to take me to your room making me believe that you're my date, with whom I've been talking for two months before making that date, I'm not just anyone!"
"Well, to tell you the truth, the fact that you didn't even know that man you talked to for two months gives me the opposite to understand.
"You're an asshole!" You have no idea about anything, nor do I have to give you explanations, unlike you and, I advise you to start giving me explanations or my first action will be to get out of here and go look for my lawyer to accuse you, I can't imagine the repercussion that a trial for identity theft, rape and God knows how many more charges, will have over you.
"Monkfish?" I'm sure I don't have to remind you, but you were having a great time last night." Just as Chelsea was about to vent her anger, she was interrupted by the arrival of a tall, stylish girl.
"Sweetheart, can you explain to me how long have I had to ask permission to come and see you?"
She was such a tall and thin woman that she seemed to be a model, there was no denying that she had a lot of class to dress but, Chelsea would never get along more intimately with someone like that, she knew it from the moment she saw her arrive with her huge heels and her purse held by the crease of her arm. Chelsea still didn't quite know what she was, but she didn't like something about her at all, and to top it all off, the girlfriend of his boss's cretin.
"Never," he replies tersely after she kisses him almost obligely.
"And why didn't the receptionist want to let me in?" She insisted.
"Because I'm working, Larissa, don't you see?"
"No, actually, I don't see you working, but talking," she said as she shot a menacing look at Chelsea, it didn't need to know the context to know that something was happening between her and Steve, the tension was almost palpable in that room.
"Larissa, don't start, she's the new worker, my father hired her this morning," Steve replied withdrawing the arm that she had placed around his waist, after her absence from the appointment they were supposed to have the night before, he now had the perfect opportunity to get her off his back, she had been bothering him for several days, But I hadn't had an excuse to leave her—wait for me in my office, I have to talk to you.
Truth be told, Chelsea was having too much trouble refraining from talking, what she was most eager to do was let her know everything that was going on. As if it wasn't enough to have cheated on her and slept with her, now, the fact that he was in a romantic relationship made everything worse. That man she had been with didn't have a single drop of scruples or education in his body, I could assure that he was one of those fuck boys who only looked out for themselves and went night to night in search of a girl.
The situation was awkward enough for her as it was, now it was twice as awkward for having to pretend she didn't know Steve at all, the only thing that gave her a little satisfaction was knowing that he, just as she was now between her back and the wall, had him in the palm of her hand, If he would only say a few words, I would have him condemned and in a good way.
"Are you taking too long?" The exuberant woman insisted.
"No, just a few minutes.
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you with a little surprise," she said and started walking, unbuttoning the buttons of the blouse she was wearing, making sure he saw her. When they were finally alone again, Steve spoke.
"Look, I don't deny that what I did wasn't right, but obviously you can't go through life going on dates with people you haven't seen once, anyone could take advantage of you," he said with a malicious and provocative smile, it was clear that he wanted to annoy her.
"You can't be serious, it's impossible, how the fuck dare you say something like that? Just so you know, as much as you want to put it in my head, I wasn't to blame for the actions you did, you made the decisions on your own, I didn't force you to pretend to be my date, you're a depraved, a cynical and dirty piece of shit and I'm going to make it very clear to you, I have thousands of ways to make the rest of your life a living hell and accusing you is just one of those ways, I think the others will be much better. You have no idea about the war you've just started and, just so you know, I'm not going to give you a break, when I'm done with you you'll be begging me for mercy." As she was talking at full speed, he moved closer to her desk and his face was already a few inches from hers.
"Oh yes?" What do we have? The beautiful girl at the bar has come out to me with sharp claws, I'll want to see that, so I'll do my best to get you to do it.
She doesn't know why, but something in the air has made her change her mood. Suddenly, their faces are so close that she can feel his minty breath, the same one that had been kissing her just a few hours ago; The smell of dry wood in his perfume wasn't helping much either, it was like a drug to her.
All the details she was realizing now, made her remember the night of debauchery they had just had and all the pleasure she felt, not to mention that it didn't get out of her head that this tall girl was waiting for him in her office and they would probably have sex like she had done herself; To her surprise she was experiencing some jealousy, she didn't want him to do the same things to her, for his hands to touch Larissa the same way they had touched her. She makes a superhuman effort and remembers why he was there talking to her in the first place.
"Well, in that case, I'll give you just what you ask for, but I warn you, you won't find it as fun as it is now.
"Perfect," he said, gently pinching one of her cheeks, then stopping just as he was on the threshold of the door. "OH! By the way Chelsea, just one more thing, don't get confused, this is my company and here, you are my worker and I am your boss, it is not convenient for you to be in bad ways, nothing has happened between us, our relationship will be strictly professional, I hope it is clear to you..."