It was 7 am. I was preparing to go and visit Rose when my phone rang. ‘Hello! Cynthia. How are you doing? Guess what?” From the tone of her voice. I sensed that she was very happy. “ Please Rose spill the beans. You know I'm not very good at guessing. What happenedd?” Rose knew how impatient I could be when asked to guess. Cynthia, Prince just proposed to me” Rose said and started laughing.” please dress up. I'm on my way to your house. I want to go and buy my toiletries. Before I could say a word. I heard “ See you soon!”
Rose was in her 11th grade and was so excited that her days in high school will soon be over. She wanted to enjoy life after school to the fullest. She met Prince when she was in her 10th grade. They became good friends. Their relationship grew stronger when she lost her dad to a road accident. Prince was by her side all through her mourning period. He was like a brother to her. They had little misunderstandings once in a while but would always resolve them within a short time. One of the days I was talking with her about Davis. She told me that the best thing that would happen to her was to spend the rest of her life with Prince. “Really? You love this guy. Has he said anything intimate? You know what I mean” I looked at her patiently waiting for her response. “ Well, he tells me time without number that life without me is meaningless” She replied with so much passion in her voice. I didn't need anyone to tell me that she was in love. I loved Rose so much, like my sister. So much so that I started praying that Prince should not break her heart. I was still thinking about this when my doorbell rang and I ran to open the door for her. “ Oh, dear! I'm so happy for you” I said and hugged Rose. We were of the same age and about the same height. She entered high school at the right age. I couldn't because of the death of my parents. We respected each other as age mates should. “Cynthia, Prince said after graduation, once he gets his first job,we will start plans for our marriage. He has told his mother about me. I'll be going to see her next week” Rose was so happy. She continued talking about Prince while I hurriedly dressed up.
Rose traveled as she said to see Prince’s mum. She was very hospitable. Rose described her as an angel. She pampered her like a baby. She taught her how to make some of their favorite meals and even gave her some money before they returned to school. She would call every evening to know how she was doing. The two love birds became the envy of everyone in school.
I hardly see Tracy in school. On this fateful day. I decided to go to her room to check on her. I got there and saw her in her room and went to hug her but she gave me a cold shoulder and shifted. “ Please, please, please if you have any messages from home just give me, I don't have time to rub shoulders with backstabbers,” She said this so bitterly that I stood in the middle of the room shocked and bewildered.” Tracy, what is it this time? I think you are taking this matter too far. If anyone should be angry here I should. Davis met me before you and from what he told me, he has never asked you out. You've been the one falling over him” She was staring at me with contempt. “ Oh really? So you've been discussing me with him. That's fine. I promise you that if I can't be with him you can't. The battle line has been drawn” I hissed and left her room. That was the beginning of my problems.
“ What's the matter? I've been talking for almost five minutes you look withdrawn and uneasy. Did I say something wrong? “ Davis inquired putting his hand on my shoulder. The look in his eyes melted my heart. I didn't know when the tears I was holding for a while dropped freely. While he was talking to me, I was thinking of telling him to stay away from me. Having seen that my relationship with him was going to worsen my already bad relationship with Tracy. I wanted to gather enough courage to tell him to give me a break. But it felt like heaven in his embrace. I felt like staying in his arms forever.” Cynthia,I love you and can't imagine life without you” My heart was panting as I listened to him. I couldn't hide my feeling when hot tears flowed down my eyes. “ Davis I'm sorry but I need a little break. I'm not ready for anything serious right now” Davis put his hands in his pocket and brought out an immaculate white handkerchief and wiped my tears. The handkerchief smelt like roses. I liked Davis for his neatness. I never caught Davis looking unkempt. He emerged neat all the time.”I promise to give you all the time you want but on one condition. That we can see each other once a week” Davis stated and put his two palms together. Begging for my acceptance. I was left with no option but to say “Okay” If only he knew what he meant to me. If only he knew how I longed to be with him every minute of the day. Well. I had to apply caution to protect the blossoming relationship. It was so painful to tell him goodnight. But I finally did and we started walking down to our different dormitories.“Oh thank God Jane is asleep!” I muttered and entered the bathroom to have a bath. I didn't have the energy to talk with Jane when I got in.