Part 5
“Ah.” Bomil nodded. “You should know that if I tell him that last, he will inquire as to your new circumstances, and if I tell him that, he will certainly ask me to place you in contact with him, so that he can press you for an introduction to Yazadril for diplomatic purposes, or better yet for him, an introduction to Alilia.”
“Oh. What do you think, Yazadril?”
“Hmm. Hold that thought, Mark.” Yazadril mused. “Now there are three major magical events that have struck recently within the environs of Finitra, that may or may not be related. The curse upon Alilia and I, the atrocity at Shinosa Valley, and the assassination of a Finitran king. Do any of you know of any other events of note that involve diabolical magic, that have happened since Alilia and I were cursed?”
“Many.” Jaromer snorted. “Though only one on the scale of Shinosa Valley.”
“I agree.” Bomil nodded. “The truth of politics has never been more true than today.”
“The truth of politics?” Mark asked.
“A saying among the politically minded.” Alilia said. “I quote; The truth of politics is that magic runs the world, and wizards rule it.”
“At any rate, though over the last two centuries there has perhaps been a sporadic increase in acts of diabolical magic, as you put it Yazadril, I doubt anyone has tried to find a larger pattern in it all, which is what I believe you’re suggesting.” Bomil nodded. “It’s hard to say whether the increase is any greater than the increase in the general population.”
“The thought of such events being linked in any way is worrisome.” Jaromer said. “As it would imply that there is either a very powerful and evil wizard with some long term plan to destabilize the nations of this continent, or a conspiracy of evil wizards with such a plan. I assure you, tomorrow we will begin study of the possibility with every resource I can bring to bear.”
“Thank you.” Yazadril nodded. “Bomil, if you would, skip that part about Mark’s loyal citizenry, and convey my regards to King Dren directly. I’ll have a letter in your hand for him before you leave here, informing him that we wish to bring a delegation to his country next week, and that it will include myself, Mark, and a group of wizards who will assist us in investigating what happened at Shinosa Valley. We will wish to visit his capital, as well as Mark’s relatives; wherever they may live in his country, before we go to Shinosa Valley. And I will imply, without saying so directly, that if this goes well I will consider further contacts of a more diplomatic nature.
“And I think that is quite enough seriousness for a young bride and groom on their wedding night. You two may notice that a small but quickly increasing number of those around you are anticipating your leading the first dance.”
“All right, but you are not sending us off like children so you can discuss adult matters without us.” Talia stated firmly. “We are central to any proceedings in these matters, in every way, and furthermore, as accredited professionals; a warrior and a wizard, our skills and insight are fully pertinent.
“So when we dance, so should you all, and we will be honored to have you join us on the dancing ground.”
“Well said, my love. I couldn’t agree more.” Mark declared equally firmly, as he met the eyes of those around. Then he grinned. “On the other hand, I doubt I know any of the dances you do here.”
“You’ll just have to show us one you know, and we can teach you one of ours.” Talia laughed, and kissed him on the tip of his nose. “Shall we?”
“I believe we shall!” he laughed, and stood with her in his arms. “Will you be joining us?” he asked the group.
“After all the valid points your wife made, we couldn’t very well refuse, could we?” Nemia laughed as she stood.
“I’ll get my husband!” Pimall laughed as she turned in a swirl of blue velvet hooped skirts, and the silent Knight of The Warm People who hovered a discreet pace behind her and to her left went with her.
“My Lady, may I have the honor of this dance?” Jaromer asked Hilsith with a bow and a sweeping gesture toward the dancing ground.
“All right, as long as we clear the table now.” Hilsith smiled. “I more than half like you, Jaromer, and I’m honored to know you, and I even find you rather charming. In a completely-not-attracted-to-you manner of speaking.”
“Ouch! And ouch again!” Jaromer laughed with a shake of his head as she took his arm.
They all got a chuckle out of that as Nemia and Yazadril led them around the circle of tables.
“Since I am both morbidly curious and a glutton for suffering,” Jaromer said as he continued the banter, “May I ask what aspect of my person or character dismays you so?”
“You play a great game, but still, you’re only playing. You’re Prince of the second most powerful elven nation, but I get the impression that life is all just a great jest to you. It works well for you and I respect that, I’m not criticizing, but those I’m attracted to are more serious than that. You are simply far too frivolous.”
“And ouch again!”
A quarter of the way around the clearing lay a perfect circle of white ribbon on the ground, a hundred meters wide. A ring of expectant elves had formed around it, obviously waiting for the bride and groom to begin the dancing. The orchestra had broken into three smaller groups, so that one third could perform in turns while the other two-thirds enjoyed themselves.
The ribbons above it all drew pictures alternating with elven writing. Mark realized that as it had gotten dark, all the ribbons had begun glowing with increasing brightness, and now cast a comfortable light throughout the clearing.
“What’s that say?” Mark pointed to the ribbon writing.
“Dancing in this area only, please.” Talia chuckled.
“Ah, I should’ve guessed. You know, it strikes me that you could dance on the moss, or I could pick you up and carry you, but either way, we’re going to look silly, and maybe awkward as well. I don’t mind looking silly that much, but I’d rather not on the very first dance, if we can think of something else. Do you have any wizard’s tricks that would come in handy in this situation?”
“I’m sure I do!” Talia laughed. “Let’s see, I’ll start with a standing levitation at a consistent height above the ground,” she rose a meter in the air, floating along beside him as he walked, “I’ll apply a coefficient of friction and a state of resiliency similar to those of the moss to my pseudo-surface,” she bounced on her toes, “I’ll apply a horizontal movement locked to my motion over the ground,” she started walking beside him with quick little steps to match his pace, “And I’ll reduce the horizontal component by a ratio equivalent to the proportional difference between your pace and mine. Ta daa!” She walked the remainder of the distance to the circle of ribbon with her steps timed with his, and her smaller stride still carried her along beside him at the speed of his longer stride. “You can’t hold me too close while we’re dancing though, or my toes will be bumping you!”
“Well, done, Talia!” Yazadril congratulated. “That’s an extremely ingenious combination, my girl!”
“And a solution quickly arrived at!” Nemia added proudly as Yazadril swept her into his arms in preparation for the first dance. “I might have arrived at an equally elegant solution, but it would take me far longer to do so!”
“Even if I could do the spell, I couldn’t walk like that!” Mark chuckled as they reached a spot near the center of the dance floor. “I definitely couldn’t dance! I couldn’t ignore the ground going by at the wrong rate like that! I’d trip over my feet!
“Now let’s see…” He turned to the waiting musicians. “Could you play something like; DUM tum tum THHRRumm tum tum DUM tum tum THHRRum tum tum… Like that?”
The players smiled and nodded, and conferred for a moment, then the harpist tapped her fingernail on the frame of her instrument three times, and they began to play My Love’s Shining Eyes.