The next morning,
"Morning Dad, morning Mom," Shin greeted and kissed them.
"Morning son, why did you wake up so early today? It's only 6 am." Said Warren while reading the newspaper and sipping coffee without even looking up at him.
"Nothing Dad, I just feel like waking up early today,” Shin said while smiling ear to ear as if he was waiting for something.
Katelyn shakes her head and smiles and then puts a bowl of soup in front of Shin.
"Happy 11th Birthday, son. We wanted to pretend not to remember your birthday and surprise you in the afternoon after school. But I don't want to see you sad all day thinking we've forgotten your Birthday." Katelyn said.
" You're no fun at All, honey, we talked about this last night. You betrayed me." Warren sulks
"Ahh.. my giant baby is sulking, huh? What should I do then?" Katelyn cupped his husband's face and pressed them together making it look like a puckered fish then kissed him lovingly.
"Eiw! Mom, Dad, hello! I'm still here. It's my birthday today but you kiss dad instead of me. So unfair, hmp! Shin also pretended to be sulking then crossed his arms while pouting.
"Oh, what should I do now? My giant baby and my little baby are now both sulkings." Said Katelyn pretending to be sad.
"Hehe, I'm just joking mom," thanks Mom thanks Dad I Love you both." Shin giggles
Mr.& Mrs.Wei got up and hugged him then they kissed him together, Mrs. Wei on the right cheek and Mr.Wei on the left cheek.
Shin was so happy and hugged his parents back.
"Oh, wait here, I have something to give you," Katelyn said and went to their room and came back after a short time carrying a small box.
"Here, this is for you," She said, handing Shin the box. Shin took the box and opened it. It's a pendant.
I should have given this to you before. I'm sorry son, I keep this for so long. Although you do not come from my womb, for me you are my son. My love for you will never change. I and Dad love you so much, It doesn't matter if you're not from our flesh and blood. Always remember that son." Katelyn said with teary eyes. Warren also has a teary eye but restrained himself from crying.
Shin just smiled and hugged his parents so tight. Dad, Mom, it's my birthday today but you made me cry." Aww, Sorry son, " they said in unison.
They broke the heartfelt hug and laughed at their dramatic performance.
"You can wear this necklace now. You were wearing it when we found you. And there's an initial letter engraved on It. Here take a look, it's RX,"
Shin looked at the pendant and there was really a letter engraved and also numbers on the other side. "RX, 10 05"
Mom dad If I am wearing this when you found me. Then maybe this is my real name, and the number is my birthday.
"That's Why we decided to choose this day as your birthday after seeing this," said Warren
"Here, this is a bracelet made of red strings. You're also wearing this, I only remove this when you're growing up. You can't wear it now because it's for a baby. And because it doesn't fit your wrist anymore. But you can keep it by yourself now that you're growing so fast, my baby." Said Katelyn while patting his head.
"Okay, okay, enough the drama Mom, Dad, or I will be late for school." -Shin
"Okay, go take a shower now and come back for breakfast I walk you to school" -Warren.
Mr. & Mrs. Wei just watched their son walking upstairs while reminiscing the day they pound Shin.
"They found Shin in the front door of their old apartment in Beijing. It was 3 am. They were sleeping soundly when they heard a baby cry. The baby was crying non-stop. Maybe crying of hunger and cold as the baby is on the floor with only a blanket wrapping around his little fragile body. Mr. and Mrs.Wei carry the baby inside, but the baby still keeps on crying.
"Hon, I think the baby is hungry, go to the convenience store and buy milk and a feeding bottle." Said Katelyn.
Warren hurriedly put on his coat and picked up his wallet and ran to the convenience store.
"The couple were married for almost eight years. However, Mrs. Wei couldn't conceive a child. So when they pound Shin in front of their door. They thank the heavens and the Almighty God for making their wish come true. To have a baby, although it is not from their flesh and blood.
The very next day, they moved to Chongqing. Mr. Wei's application to a pharmaceutical company in Chongqing has been approved. Their luggage was already packed before Shin appeared.
They didn't hide the truth from Shin. Shin knows that he's not the biological son of his parents. They told Shin when he was five years old. So Shin could slowly accept the truth and don't get hurt in the future case he finds out.
Shin came back to the table after freshening up and changing into his school uniform. After breakfast, his Dad walked him to school. His friends were waiting for him at the school entrance.
"Happy Birthday Shinshin!" Shouted his friends Luke, Riley, Marius, and Dylan in unison. They were in the same class and they never separated ever since kindergarten.
They're now in 6th grade but supposed to be in 5th grade. They accelerated in one year. 'Cause, why not? They are a group of geniuses.
Shin has an IQ of 228. Luke has an IQ of 225, and Dylan has an IQ of 220. Marius with 218 and Riley has an IQ of 210
They've got an offer to accelerate their studies to a higher grade. but they declined the offer. The kids wanted to enjoy the life of being normal kids. They wanted to experience the life of normal kids. Playing, hanging out, doing naughty things, and so on from time to time.
"Thanks, guys, High five " Shin replied and raised his palm for a high five. They love doing it every day whenever they've met.
Shin's father just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. Seeing his beloved son Happy makes him 10times happier.
"Shin I'm going home now, go to your room now kids, and take care, okay?! And invite your friends at home later after class ends," said Warren.
"Okay Dad, Bye dad. Bye, uncle!" The kids in unison.
They wave their hands at Shin's Dad and walk to their classroom.
After class, Shin invited his friends to their house just like his father told him! Not far away from their house Shin and his friends spotted 2 Black vehicles that parked on the side of the road. They didn't pay attention to it so the boys just continued walking to the house. Shin also invited his classmates for his birthday celebration. At 7 in the evening and the party's over, Shin's friends have already gone home. And now Shin was helping his father and mother clean the house, washing the dirty dishes, and mopping the floor.
"You can go and have a rest now. I know you're already tired. Go wash and sleep ok." Said Katelyn. "Let me and Dad finish the cleaning."
"Okay Mom, Dad, thank you so much for today, good night Mom, good night Dad." Shin then hugs and kisses his parents before going to his room upstairs.
"It's 11 In the evening, Shin was sleeping soundly in his room when he heard a noise downstairs. He slowly got up and pecked his head in a slightly open door. "Seems like mom and dad have a visitor, but why at this hour? He thought and looked at the wall clock in his room and it was already 11 o'clock. Shin flinched and was startled when he heard a man shouting.
"You what?!!! You're f*ck*ng Bastard! I lost billions because of you! You ruined my project! You ruined everything! Now tell me, why should I spare your lowly lives, huh?! Is your life worth a billion?!"
The man said and spit onto Warren's face. "Boys you know what to do, take care of these pests! "Yes sir,'' the six men in black suits said in unison. Then the boss walked out followed by two bodyguards.
Shin who's only listening from his room upstairs unaware of what is happening downstairs. He thought it was just a simple argument regarding his dad's job until he heard a gunshot and her mother screamed followed by other gunshots and loud thuds.
Shin trembled but gathered all his strength and ran downstairs but halted and hid on the staircase when he spotted the men with black suits striding towards the door and then shutting it.
Shin just stood still on the staircase and couldn't utter a single word. His mind went dark and his feet couldn't move a single step while trembling in horror. His parents were bathing with their blood.
The sights before him are too terrifying until he hears his mother's faint voice.
" Shin," Katelyn mumbles
Shin hurriedly ran to his mother and cupped her face. "M-mom, w-w-what is happening? Please, don't leave me. P-please... D-don't!" Shin with a trembling voice. His eyes were back and forth to his mom and his Dad's lifeless body on the floor.
"Sshh," Katelyn was trying to calm her son. "H-h-honey...d-don't cry...m-mom, and...Dad, will... al-always here." Katelyn used all her remaining strength and put her hands on Shin's chest.
"F-find your r-real p-parents, a-and live happily, d-d-don't cry...s-so much." Was Katelyn's last word. Shin could feel his mother's heaviness and her hands that slid down from his chest.