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Chapter 5

‘You weren’t listening to the car,’ Uri said. ‘It told us that there was a roadblock ahead.’

Viperian cars talked, alerting the driver to police activity.

‘Moralis has increased the police force so much that our cars talk constantly,’ she said. ‘I’m beginning to ignore it.’

Uri’s lip flinched, which meant that this was her problem.

‘Especially since, I always obey traffic laws,’ she added. She hit him on the arm. ‘Don’t do that again.’

He smiled, which she knew meant he would in a heartbeat.

‘I used to race when I was younger,’ he said.

‘Don’t be giving Victoria ideas already,’ she said.

‘I just led him in a high-speed chase right to the police,’ he said.

‘Yeah, right, with your wife and two children in the car. No wonder everyone things you still run amok, because you do.’

‘I haven’t killed anyone in ages, and our poor grubbies are only getting yard waste, and whatever Yiggy throws out from her restaurant. That waste alone is making our grubbies fat. We’re keeping both Kate and Zena busy.’

‘Yeah, good thing. Being in the apartment hardly keeps Mag busy.’

Uri pulled into the parking lot.

“No golf carts. Looks like you’ll be walking,” he said, switching languages. It was his way of signaling Victoria that it was time to speak English.

“That’s okay,” Natalia said.

He helped her out of the car.

“Beautiful evening,’ he said, draping his suit coat over one arm.

They each took one of Victoria’s hands. Tail led the way with her tail held high. There were a few people out walking their dogs. Everyone held a plastic bag in which to collect the waste.

Tail flicked her tail. A dog flinched and hid behind his owner. Any dog they passed veered away from Tail.

The corner cafe, which spilled out into the street, was busy. Food smells filled the air.

“Hungry,” Victoria said.

“Mag will have dinner for us,” Natalia said.

“Mag is at the hospital,” Uri said.

“Oh, yeah. I wonder if she left us something.”

“If not, we can go to Yiggy’s.”

“I love Yiggy’s,” Victoria said.

“My feet are hurting. If we have Yiggy’s it’s going to be takeout. I’m hitting the sofa and not getting up.”

“Will do.”

“The shop looks quiet,” she said.

Honk. Honk. Honk.

She looked up to see a flash of white. Seconds later, a goose landed on the sidewalk. The sounds of cursing floated down to them.

“Looks like Yiggy took my suggestion about guard geese to protect the new baby goats.”

“That’s a good idea,” Uri said. “They use them at the pond in Viperia.”

“Yes, I learned that today.”

As if by mutual agreement, they stopped. A minute later, two women came running out of the doorway that led up to the apartments over the shop.

“Goose. Goose,” they both said as if calling it.

The goose was strutting around the street, honking and looking indignant. Close behind it stalked Tail.

‘Tail,’ Natalia said.

Tail paused to lick a paw.

‘I know you’re ignoring me. Get over here.’

The two women corralled the goose between themselves and Tail. The goose showed it was more leery of the cat than the ladies.

“Goose,” one lady said, scooping up the goose.

They both hurried into the building with no explanation or any sign that they saw her.

“I’ll find out tomorrow,” Natalia said.

Uri turned them around toward their door.

“Up,” he said to Victoria.

She ran up the stairs with Tail. Uri gave Natalia a push.

“Do I need to carry you?” he said.

“I’ll make it. Give me time.”

He stepped ahead and almost pulled her up the steps, making a big deal out of each step.

“Stop.” She had a fit of giggles.

Victoria was waiting at the door for them. Uri entered the code so they could go inside.

‘Sofa,’ Natalia said with a sigh, lowering herself down.

‘I’ll check the fridge,’ he said.

‘What is there?’

‘Mag is a gem. Three wonderful looking sandwiches with a scoop of macaroni salad.’

Uri brought her a plate and a fork.

Natalia could hear Tail in the kitchen, crunching through her food. Victoria settled on the floor by her, where Uri handed her a plate. He sat in a well-cushioned armchair to eat.

There was a rumble of thunder overhead.

‘Summer storm,’ she said.

Uri nodded.

‘What the heck will Ian be serving on Friday?’ she said, in between bites. ‘Or is Rene cooking?’

Most Viperian dinners when there were guest was raw beef. Natalia had almost forgotten what Undent people served when there were guests.

‘I’ll call him tonight,’ he said.

‘Daddy, can we watch the storm from the roof?’

There was more rumbling overhead. Victoria’s eyes were bright.

‘Depends on how much lightening.’

‘But I want lots of lightening.’

‘No,’ Natalia said.

‘Please,’ Victoria said, making her eyes as big as she could.

Then she giggled, looking pleased.

‘What did you say? What did you do?’ Natalia said, wondering what body language he had used.

‘I’m eating my dinner,’ he said.

‘You are not taking my daughter to the roof during a thunderstorm.’

‘I’ll have her take her clothes off so they don’t get wet.’


‘She won’t have to take a shower before bed.’


More thunder rumbled overhead for a long time.

‘Most of it will be past by the time we get up there,’ he said.

She glared at him, knowing he was now trying to pacify her.

Victoria finished her sandwich.

‘I’ll wash my hands.’

Uri took her plate. She ran out of the room.

‘Hurry up.’ Uri held his and Victoria’s empty plates.

Natalia wanted to savor her sandwich, but Viperians always ate fast, a habit she had picked up.

‘I’m only two bites behind you.’

Uri took her plate when she finished and put them in the kitchen.

‘I’ll go change.’ He went into the bedroom.

Natalia heard people at the back steps. By their footsteps, she knew they were Viperian.

Uri came out. He was naked. ‘I heard Mag and Zena heading up to the roof. They must not have visited Bonnie very long.’

Victoria came running out. She was also naked.

Natalia stared at him. She thought Viperian behavior couldn’t amaze her anymore, yet they kept reveal astonishing things about themselves.

‘Are you going to let your dress get wet?’ He held out a hand to help her up.

‘You must be joking.’

‘Come on. We don’t want to be late.’


He pulled her dress up over her head. It was so loose that he could do so before she could resist.

‘Mommy. Mommy.’

Victoria was dancing by the rear door of the apartment.

‘You want me to go up on the roof looking like this?’

‘You’re beautiful,’ Uri said, pulling her out the door. ‘Everyone is going to be jealous of you.’

The door to the roof was open. Cool air wafted down on them. Natalia found it surprising that even Tail was coming along. A stool right beside the open door contained a pile of towels.

They stepped out to find Mag and Zena, also naked. A few roofs over, there were other people. Natalia noted they were all Viperians. None of them wore any clothing.

Big rain drops plopped on the roof, leaving bright splash marks. Tail darted around as if she was trying to catch them.

‘Just in time,’ Uri said.

Victoria danced, joining Mag and Zena.

Uri pulled her out to the middle of the roof. Overhead billowed black clouds. A flash of lightening zigzagged in the distance.

‘What if someone sees us?’

‘Only Viperians will be out here,’ he said.

She had to agree. There wasn’t a single non-Viperian in sight, even on Yiggy’s rooftop.

‘That’s because they all have the sense to stay inside.’

A sheet of chilly rain doused them.

Victoria giggled and danced. Mag and Zena danced with her, joining hands and moving in a circle.

‘This looks like some sort of ancient rain dance.’

‘We are appeasing the rain gods,’ Uri said with a laugh.

The rain eased. Mag threw them a bar of soap. For the next hour, they showered in the rain and washed their hair. Victoria slipped and slid through a soapy area she created until the rain washed it away.

‘It’s about time we had a storm that lasted long enough,’ Zena said, standing with her face to the sky and her arms held out.

‘It’ll rain all night,’ Mag said. ‘I watched the weather report.’

‘Yiggy won’t have to water her gardens,’ Natalia said.

The rain slowed. It was now getting dark. The people on the other roof tops were leaving. Mag handed out towels when they passed her to head down the stairs.

Zena closed the roof door right when there was one more clash of thunder.

‘You better hope there aren’t any security cameras up there,’ Natalia said.

‘There aren’t,’ Uri said.

Mag collected the wet towels at their door.

‘Good night.’

Once inside their apartment, Uri took over the care of Victoria.

‘PJ time.’

Natalia saw he didn’t even wait for her to complain before he showed a tooth. Victoria moped, but headed to her room.

‘Sofa,’ Uri said to her. ‘I’ll be over shortly to massage your feet.’

Natalia slipped on her dress and settled on the sofa. She listened to Uri tell Victoria a bedtime story about the rain fairies and the thunder trolls. When he came back out, she felt like she was almost asleep.

‘You smell rain fresh,’ he said, settling at the foot of the sofa by her feet.

‘Feet,’ she said, directing his attentions.

‘Only two more weeks or less,’ he said, putting his hands around one of her feet.

‘Then I’ll have a year’s reprieve and you’ll get me pregnant again.’

His hands were warm. The massaging felt heavenly.

‘Another girl. That way we’ll only need a two-bedroom house.’

She eyed him. ‘Victoria is very adamant about wanting her own room.’

‘Normal behavior for the firstborn. As soon as Matilda is born, that will change.’

‘I know you say that. And I know Tia says that. But does Victoria know that?’

‘Viperians don’t like being alone. She’ll want to room with her sister. Firstborns have it rough because they have their own room and they’re alone. They won’t shut the door, and that means parents have to keep their door open. We were lucky with getting Tail. My mother said I kept sneaking in and sleeping with her until Tia was born. We shared a room until she was ten and I was thirteen. Even then, we always had cousins over. Mag. Zena. But I was still the only boy. I learned a lot about girls.’

‘Except for how many venoms they have.’

‘Just enough.’


He laughed. ‘Bed.’

Natalia wondered what sort of nightmare she would have. Even though she felt tired, it took her some time to get to sleep. Uri fell asleep immediately. She agreed with him about the mattress. It wasn’t as comfortable as the one they had at the house, which had to be thrown out because it smelled too much like smoke.

It amazed her at how the smoke permeated into areas where there had been no fire. They had to toss out any furniture, bedding, and curtains that were made of or contained cloth. Their insurance company wanted them to have it all cleaned, but what an Undent thought was clean still reeked to a Viperian.

Her entire body felt exhausted with just the thought of shopping for both cars and furniture. What was Uri thinking? She was in no condition to spend hours at an auto showroom or in a furniture store.

Her nightmare that night was about new furniture up on the roof getting soaked with rain and hit by lightening, while Victoria, Mag, and Zena danced naked around the soggy furniture.

‘Rene will be in the shop.’


She couldn’t figure out how that fit into her nightmare until she realized Uri was sitting on the bed beside her. He wore his suit, looking like he was ready to go to work.

‘Ian said he would walk Rene to the shop before he headed off to work. You can spend the day with her.’

‘Great. Instead of sweets, she can stuff herself with fatty fried egg rolls.’

‘I spoke with Ian about that, but he said Rene likes sweets better than fried food.’

‘Is Victoria up?’

‘Of course. Mag is here, but you shouldn’t sleep too much longer.’

‘I’m getting up. I have to pee anyway.’

He helped her out of bed and gave her a hug and a kiss.

‘See you tonight.’

Natalia headed into the bathroom. She had the bathroom to herself for once. Either Uri was occupying Victoria or her focus was watching out the window. Victoria had a fascination with watching people out the window.

She did her quick shower and dressed. Today, she decided she needed to wear some underwear. Yesterday, she had only worn the dress. Around Viperians, this was normal. But if she was going to spend the day in the shop, she decided she should dress more decently. She also chose a longer dress to wear.

‘Here’s breakfast,’ Mag said, when Natalia stepped out into the living room.

Victoria was sitting at her table, staring out the window.

‘Thanks, Mag.’ She sat at the counter to eat. ‘What is new out the window, Victoria?’

‘Goose and horse poop.’

‘Say, what?’

‘Goose in the street, but they caught it,’ Victoria said. ‘Horse kicked and poop fell into the street.’


‘I think a cart horse doesn’t like his driver. It tried to kick him, and hit the poop catcher on the cart instead,’ Mag said.

‘Exciting day. Looks like I’ll be spending it with Rene. I hear she is in the shop.’

Victoria nodded.

Natalia rolled her eyes. ‘Just what I need.’

Mag said nothing and kept her face neutral. Natalia knew this was a form of agreement.

‘Are you going down to the shop with me?’

Victoria nodded vigorously.

‘Are you going to wear your new hat? It will match your outfit.’

Victoria shook her head and giggled.

‘If you need to wear a new outfit every day, you’re going to be expensive.’

Today, Victoria wore a blue and white sundress. Both Yiggy and Lisa loved making clothes for Victoria. She had little worry about dressing her other than where to store the new clothing. Lisa and Yiggy seemed to make two or three new outfits a week.

Natalia finished her sanguine tea and her mug of tea. She rose to use the bathroom one more time. Victoria and Tail ran after her.

When they left the apartment, Natalia immediately felt the humidity.

“I thought the rain would cool things down.”

Outside, she could see more black clouds.

“Hopefully, we don’t get wet when we go home.”

Victoria and Tail ran ahead of her.

In the shop, Rene was sitting on a chair watching Lisa and three other ladies sew.

“Good morning, Rene.”

“Nattie. Good morning. Let me get you a chair.”

Rene hopped up, showing surprising energy to grab another chair.

“Thank you. I can’t stay in one position too long.”

Lisa waved, then went back to her sewing.

The place smelled of food. Natalia could smell the sweet rolls that Yiggy made for the breakfast crowd. She wondered if that would be a problem with Rene, imagining her going into a feasting frenzy.

“I’m fascinated by their skill,” Rene said. “I’d have poked myself a million times by now.”

“Lisa has always been a good seamstress, even in high school,” Natalia said. “She’s sown most of her own clothing.”

“All of it now,” Lisa said.

After a half hour of staring at the ladies, Natalia decided they needed to move.

“I have to get up and move around. I might as well go over to my bank. Do you want to come along?”

“Certainly.” Rene jumped right up.

“Victoria, stay here with Lisa.”

Victoria was playing with cloth scraps. She nodded, not even looking up.

“It’s only two blocks over,” Natalia said when they stepped outside.

The humidity had increased.

Natalia looked around.

“At least the goose isn’t down here.”

However, she was looking for a golf cart. There were none in view.

Rene laughed. “Ian and I saw it come down. Those Chinese ladies were just frantic, swearing up a storm. I think it’s funny that they talk in their own language but swear in English.”

“We do have some good swear words. Yiggy, the main seamstress of my shop, keeps a small farm on the top of the roof.”

“Ian took me up to see the garden beds on our roof. Each condo owner gets a plot. Someone already filled ours with vegetables. It becomes a free for all if no one plants it by June or something like that.” She laughed. Her voice had a high trill to it.

“Lisa’s building has garden beds. Yiggy’s group, that lives in the apartments above the shop, plants and harvests most of them. They use a lot of it in the restaurant.”

“Locally grown is best.”

They reached the corner. Natalia already felt hot and sweaty. Rene had sweat dripping down her face, which was turning red.

“Only another block,” Natalia said.

Rene nodded.

A cart horse trotted by. Its coat glistened with sweat.

Natalia led her around the next corner. It was only a short distance to the bank door. Rene was almost wheezing.

“Are you okay?”

“Humidity. Makes it hard to breathe.”

“Yes, it does. We’re heading toward that door. It’s air conditioned. We can sit down and rest.”

They reached the door. Natalia opened it for her. She thought Rene wouldn’t make it, but she did. Inside, Natalia led her toward the conference room. Luckily, no one was using it.

“Are you okay? Do you need some water?” Ravi was right there, looking concerned.

“The humidity is terrible. I really hoped the rain would cool things down,” Natalia said.

“It just made things worse,” he said.

“I’m okay,” Rene said between breaths. “A little sit is all I need.”

Ravi hovered over them while they sat. Natalia gave him a brief wave, and he finally left. She wondered if she needed to call Emergency and take Rene to a hospital.

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