Swishing my hands trying to get the attention of any people while trying to be above this salt sea water. Chasing my breath when I get a chance but also quickly being eat by the water due to the strong waves hitting my body. Trying to swim and back above the water to catch my breathe but here's the wave again pushing me under.
I don't know how much water I'm drinking but based on what I feel it's a lot and it slowly makes me hard to breathe.
I can't die now and I'm still too young. I still have a lot of dreams that I'm just starting to build in my mind. I'm still not ready! I know I am already panicking.
My hands were tired of trying to get up from the sinking and I was losing my breath. My body could no longer fight the waves that were bigger than mine. My foot hits a corals from that pounding wave. It hurts but I have to get out.
I poured all my strength to get up, I couldn't catch my breath, when I went down again from the big wave that came from above. I joined the rotation of the wave which caused me to hit another corals.
When I became weak, I could no longer fight the waves that were beneath me. I guess this is the end of me. Dying without no one knowing. I just let the water move my body. I slowly closed my aching eyes.
I woke up from sleep wet with sweat, catching my breath and with a rapid heartbeat. I feel like I was drowning earlier.
Holding my chest even though my hand was shaking, I took my medicine pouch on the side of the bed as well as the water, I drink my medicine to calm me down.
Holding my stress ball can also makes me calm. I sat up straight and started to press the ball. "Take a deep breath and close your eyes." I whispered to myself.
I do the inhale and exhale to help with breathing. About thirty minutes later I felt better so I decided to cook breakfast first. I just made a simple sandwich and milk.
When I finished eating I took a shower. I went down to the parking lot of my condo wearing my dark green office pants paired with black color coat and spaghetti strap inside it.
"Good morning, Mam Venice." My teammates here on the 25th floor greet me.
As soon as I got to my cubicle I started the long day.
"Jen! How's the research going on about the furnitures I asked you?" I asked a colleague here.
She is new to the team so he still needs support. "M-mam. Because..." I raised my eyebrow.
"I-I'm sorry but .. I-I haven't done it yet because I slept early last night."
I didn't wake up well and then this is how my day would start? Wow.
The presentation is tomorrow so the research had to be done if we weren't going to be fascinated.
I will grow old early if my head is always hot. I close my eyes to calm down. "Venice.. calm down, okay?" I talk to myself.
I just helped Jen with the research because I'm done with my part. Later we will have a meeting with Architect Hernandez to finalize what he will present tomorrow.
I looked up at the top of the elevator where the red arrow was pointing upwards. I pressed the button on the side again to open it directly once it reach on my floor. I bent down while waiting when I noticed that my strappy ankle stilettos were untied and it opened just in time so I went in first.
I was holding the folder in my right hand where Ramone was sending me to Allyssa because a friend needed it. While my left hand was trying to reach for the strap of my shoe.
The difficulty of tying it with one hand, I did not even realize that my grip on the folder loosened which caused of it to fall.
A man knelt in front of me. It picked up the folder and handed it to me. That's where our eyes met. I was stunned by its eye color, hazel that sends shivers into my spin
I can already hear my heartbeat and I feel like I miss him so bad but I don't know him. "Let me help you, Miss." I stand up properly.
I backed away slightly as a warm hand grabbed my ankle and pushed it forward. He looked up to me. "May I?" I didn't answer because I was still shocked.
His hazel eyes is new to me. I put one foot first so he could fix my stilettos. "T-thank you." I'm embarrassed to hold my self properly. My voice is shaking. What the heck.
He's now standing beside me. I turned to him slowly and noticed the tip of his nose. "You're new here?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Oh my bad. This is the first time I saw you here that's why I thought you're new." Shutting my mouth I nodded slowly.
From our reflection on the elevator door I can see his beautiful breath taking eyes. I can also see my reflection, it's good that I retouched.
We were filled with silence. I was so stunned by his reflection. He wasn't looking there so I assume he didn't notice that I'm staring, right?
"Are you on the 30th floor too?"
"H-ha?" I was preoccupied because of his eyes.
I heard him chuckled so I looked at him who was also looking at me. "I assume your also going to 30th floor. You didn't press any number."
Gosh! I was too amaze to realize that. I quickly click the 35th floor. "Oh! You're going to the CEO." I just nodded.
When the elevator signal sounds that we were on the 30th floor, the young man came out without saying goodbye. Come on, Venice! Why will he say goodbye, he just helped you and you don't even know him.
When I got to the 35th floor where the office of the CEO and his secretary, my friend, was, I handed him the folder. "Oh, you should be thankful that I am not doing anything so I agreed to bring that here."
"Thank you friend!" Allyssa said.
"By the way. I have a question."
"Do you know anyone on the 30th floor working?"
"A lot." She brows the folder I gave.
"Well, he's tall, handsome and he's eyes arehazel-" I hadn't finished my sentence she already answer.
"Oh my! Venice! Don't tell me you never heard of him?" I shook.
It made me feel like I had lost half my life because I didn't know that man. "He's Engineer Sean Rivera! One of our best Engineers. Where have you been girl you didn't know him. You often go with engineers and architects and then you don't know him!" She sounds so disappointed.
"I am mostly around architects, not an engineer." I left her without saying goodbye and went back to the 25th floor to prepare for our team meeting later.