After attending class Jiya came out and saw her dad is waiting for her at school gate..
"Daddyyyyyy" Jiya shouted and ran towards her dad..
Ashar looked at his princess and kent down to take her in his arms. Soon Jiya reached there and hugged him tightly...
Ashar stood up and hugged her back with love..
"How was your day princess?" Ashar asked her..
"Good dady but a boy torn my book's page. And he lie in front of the teacher" Jiya complained him..
"Really! Okay dear then I talk with the boy's parents tomorrow. Okay" Ashar told her and Jiya nodded...
"You are already here" They heard a voice when Ashar turned he saw his wife is coming towards them..
"Why you are late love? Princess's school closed five minutes ago and you are coming now. What if our princess got scared when she couldn't find us outside?" Ashar asked his wife...
"Ashar I am only five minutes late. And I was stuck in traffic" Hoor replied..
Hearing this Ashar speaks up," That's why I was telling to arrange homeschool for Jiya. And by arranging it you don't have to come here everyday also you can keep her eyes on her" Ashar explaine again thinking this time his wife will agree with him..
But unfortunately, Hoor speaks up," No. Jiya will study in this school only. And from tomorrow, I will cone here at least half an hour earlier"
Ashar about to say something but Jiya speaks up," Dady it was the boy"
Hearing her, Ashar and Hoor both look in front of them and saw a cute little boy talking with a man happily.
The man put the boy on his shoulder and and the boy starts moving his hands and legs like he is king of this country...
Hoor and Ashar both smiled at his cute act and looked at Jiya and asked," What about her love? Is he your new friend?" Hoor asked her..
"Friend?? No he torn my princess's book's page. Hold my princess I am going to talk with his dad. His dad needs to stop pampering his boy" Saying this Ashar about to go and Hoor hold his and hand.
Ashar looked at his wife then towards them and saw they are already in car and soon drive away..
"Why you hold me? I need to talk with his dad, Hoor?" Ashar asked his wife..
"Before saying anyone to stop pampering you should stop it first Ashar. And Jiya what did the boy did to you?" Hoor asked her daughter..
Jiya looked at her mommy then explain everything to her..
Hearing this Ashar speaks up," See, what the little boy did?" Ashar said Hoor...
"Ashar the boy doesn't have the knowledge yet to understand that he can't torn book. And if is wrong so what about yesterday night when your princess torn your dream flie's page to wipe her hands?" Hoor asked Ashar..
"I know, my princess did it but she thought the file is tissue paper. It is not her fault" Ashar again defend his daughter..
"Exactly, the boy must thought her book is a tissue paper. Why when our daughter can thought your file as tissue paper can't the boy thought her book as tissue paper?" Hoor asked her husband...
Ashar about to say something again but Jiya speaks up," Daddy I am hungry"
Hoor and Ashar looked each other then get in their car with Jiya...
And the other Hand
A man around 27 entered his mansion with his son. Who is sitting on his shoulder..
As soon he entered his little boy starts speaking seeing maids," You white dress it. And red dress you do that. You green dress do it. And you....daddy put me down" The little boy told his dad fearfully...
The man got confused seeing son's fearful face so he looked forward and saw his lovely wife looking them angrily...
The man put his son down and asked his wife confusingly," Why you are looking at us angrily Zoya? Look our Prince is scared"
Zoya starts taking step towards them angrily and He took his son again in his arms..
Standing in front of them Zoya asked," What did you learn at school Armaan?"
Armaan looked at his mommy nervously and speaks up," Many things"
"Oh! Really baby?" Zoya asked again..
Armaan looked at his dad..
"Of course he learn many things at school love. Why you asking same question again and again?" The man asked his wife..
Looking at him Zoya speaks up," I will talk with you later Mr. Shayan Malik. Let me talk with your boy Mr. Armaan Malik..
"So Mr. Armaan Malik which school started teaching children without books?" Zoya asked his son..
Armaan looked here and there nervously..
"What happened Zoya" Shayan asked again..
Looking at her husband Zoya speaks up," Your beloved son left his all books at home and fill his bag with chip and chocolate" Zoya told her husband and expect he will get shocks..
But Shayan just looked down hearing this..
Zoya looked at her husband and her eyes got widen.
"Don't tell me you gave this idea to Armaan?" Zoya asked him..
"No. Daddy didn't give this idea to me" Armaan speaks up..
Shayan looked proudly at his son for saving him but his face went pale when Armaan speaks up again..
" Yeah. Daddy didn't give this idea to me but he changed my bag with the chocolate bag. Isn't it daddy?" Armaan asked his dad..
Zoya looked angrily at her husband and Armaan looked down..
"Why did you do this, Mr. Shayan Malik?" Zoya asked his son..
"Oh. I thought it is first day of his school and first day always boring so I gave him some food to eat" Shayan told his wife..
"What???" Zoya shouted at her husband..
"Yeah but look our boy borrowed a book's page from a girl to read" Shayan tried to cover this matter..
"Really!! Armaan did you really borrowed it for reading?" Zoya asked her son sweetly..
"No, mommy. I took it for placing my empty chips and chocolate packet" Armaan told his mommy innocently..
Shayan closed his eyes knowing this a storm is coming..
Before Zoya speaks up they hear heard a glass breaking sound.
Hearing this sound Zoya looked towards kitchen then at her beloved husband and son but they both disappeared..
Zoya looked up and saw Shayan entered their room with Armaan..
Zoya looked at them and smiled....