"Yes, he's been served," Lisa responded.
"Oh! Has he signed them?" Jane asked.
"No. He said we need to talk and he would never sign them."
"What?! Incredible! Isn't he done with you? What is holding him back? Oh! Is he afraid of gossip or alimony? Did you see it now? I have told you to leave that fool for a long time. So what are his reasons for not signing?" Jane asked.
"Jane, I walked out on him when he insisted he wasn't signing. I was frustrated and depressed. He has made me understand that I have no worth in his life. I pulled through because of the enormous love I had for him, but... I want to let go... I am tired. News and videos of his scandal leak daily. I have become a laughing stock. I was dying but nobody knows. Do you know the number of sleepless nights and pains I had before concluding to get a divorce? I finally gathered my wits and got the papers only for him to throw my efforts down the drain and deny me my salvation. I thought that was what he wanted. I had envisaged the look of mockery he would plaster on his face and his scornful laughter but what did he do? He denied me freedom and dragged me in the mud. I walked out on him to feel human but I was preyed upon. My pride was stolen, I was wounded," Lisa responded and wept.
Jane drew closer and consoled her. She was in the dark and confused. She couldn't understand why her friend made such comments.
She asked calmly. "Lisa tell me, what happened to you?" Jane was becoming impatient and scared. Lisa was a strong woman, she has never seen her so broken.
"I was raped all through the night by a stranger and I thought it was my husband".
"What?!" Jane screamed and jumped from the bed. "How did it happen? I mean..."
" I was heavily drunk, I can't remember much, just pieces... Even if I remembered, do you think it's something I want to recall?"
"Oh my God!" We should report this. If you wouldn't mind, I can investigate this for you." Jane moved closer but Lisa pushed her away.
"We should report that I was raped? Did you hear yourself? Are you out of your mind? Do you know who my husband is? It could affect him enormously." Lisa yelled.
Jane remained silent while her heart yelled in pain for her friend. "There you go again, shielding him after he had given you nothing but humiliation. Moreover, you guys are soon separating." Jane thought and patted her friend's shoulder.
"Do you know why I eventually sought divorce?" Lisa asked. "No. You refused to tell me." "I will tell you today." Lisa began.
"Two weeks ago, I was preparing to leave for the store after the kids had gone to school. I was almost done when I heard curses and knocks at the door. I rushed out only to be pushed aside by the intruder... and guess who she was. It was Marie, my husband's secretary. The whore my husband brought home about a year ago."
"Oh! That scandal!" Jane yelled.
"Exactly." "So? Why was she there? Did your husband bring her home again?" "No, but they have been together since the day I caught them in our bedroom. Rumor has it that Alex rented an apartment for her which I confirmed to be true. She bursted into my space without notice. She threw me out of her way and walked in majestically. "Ma'am", she called out. "We both know whom your husband favoured. Based on that fact, we might soon be sharing this facility. I preferred it here than my apartment."
"What?! She said that to you?" Jane interrupted.
"I mean it."
"What a crazy bastard!"Jane cursed. "Above all, she told me she was two weeks pregnant and guess who the father was? My husband! She said all manners of things and dragged me in the mud. I broke down and cried bitterly," Lisa said and shuddered.
"My husband did not come home that day. He lied he had a function. The next day, he returned home late and drunk. To my uttermost surprise, he had left before I woke up the following day. It was obvious he was trying to avoid the discussion. I got infuriated and went after him. I wasn't a stranger in Evans Mechanics. I know the company's layout like the lines of my palms. I was right at his office. It was silent and I thought he wasn't in. I was about to leave but suddenly decided to check the ante-room that was linked to his office. I clicked the door opened... and guess what? Alexander Peterson was busy fucking his pregnant mistress in a grand style. Marie did not regard my presence, rather she pulled Alex in for a kiss and looked at me straight in the eyes."
"Goodness gracious! You stayed too long with that beast. That was torture!" Jane interjected.
Lisa sighed and continued. "I stood transfixed at the door. This wasn't new anyway. I turned to leave but heard Alex speaking to his mistress. "Are you crazy? That was my wife!" The word wife made me feel irritated. "Lisa! Wait." Now that I think back. I think I heard him scream my name. Tears flowed unhindered and I cried all the way home. My heart hurt badly, I was losing my sanity. When I got home, l left the door ajar and turned in as I cried my eyes out. Few minutes later, Alex banged in. He was the last person I wanted to see, I never expected he would come after me. He could have come to pick whatever he must have left behind, I told myself and laughed out loud. Alex pulled my arms from behind. I flinched and ran from him. I was as surprised as he was at my reaction. I never realized I have come to hate him that much. "Lisa, it's me," he said in his usual cool demanour and made his way towards me. "What do you want from me?! Do not touch me!" I screamed and he halted. Alex was surprised. He took his seat far enough from me and said he would explain... 'What you saw was..." Lisa mimicked him.
"I cried out loud and he stopped while I said "What I saw was normal, it's not a big deal."
"Lisa, I am sorry. I have hurt you". He left his seat and squatted a few inches away from me. "Don't touch me" I screamed and ran into my room. I cried all through the day while Alex continued to knock softly at my door.
I walked out around evening time and Alex was there in the sitting room. He walked towards me with a hamburger. "You must be hungry". I flipped the snacks over and said calmly. Alex, we need to talk. "I am all ears." "Your mistress came around two days ago. I am sure she must have informed you that she is pregnant."
Alex was expressionless. I couldn't not decipher if he knew already or not. "How does that concern you?... and watch your tongue, I don't have a mistress!" He responded, picked up his suit and left. He did not return for a whole week."
"Are you serious?" Jane asked. "Yes, I am. I couldn't reach him. His phones were switched off and I had no nerves to check him at work. I realized I was gradually going insane. My eldest son complained about my incoherence, forgetfulness and withdrawal. My heart grew cold and my hatred became stronger as well as my resolve to leave. I got the divorce papers ready and waited for his return. He returned yesterday night and apologized. He lied that he had to attend an imprompt meeting outside the country and he was too busy to call. I shoved the papers at him. At first he did not consider it, he dropped it on his reading table and I called out to him, "I have made it easier for you. When the rumors start flying, you could just fix a press conference, tell them I served you the papers and blame it on me. The alimony? I don't need any of it. He ignored me and said he needed some rest. "Just sign those papers, you can go rest in the house of your pregnant mistress, I am sure you rented one for her. Please just sign those papers before leaving." I yelled.
"Sign? What do you mean? He picked up the papers and read through.
"Lisa! What has gotten into you?! Why do this? Can't you see any change in me? I am trying hard to be a man that deserves you. Listen, I fired Marie already."
I laughed out loud "I was too blind to realize you never deserved my love. You fired Marie? What has that got to do with me ? Do you take me for a fool? You think I am not aware of the number of extramarital affairs you have had? Cut the crap, It's too late. I am leaving."
"Lisa, I am not signing this. Let's talk. I know I have been a jerk... I can start all over... I mean I... we..." "Shut it, shut the crap! You gonna start all over with a pregnant mistress? I have had enough of your humiliation!" I shouted, picked-up my purse and ran out of the house.
"Alex pushed me out of my limit. I set out and sought solace in blocking out all the horror and humiliation in my head but what did I get? I wasn't fortunate enough. I fell into the hands of another beast. I won't ever forgive Alex".
Lisa ended with strong resolve, she was determined. Her eyes were dry while water built up in Jane's eyes. She pulled closer and Jane hugged her tightly. "Having you by my side helped me make it this far. Thanks for being who you are." Lisa thanked her friend and got ready to leave. "I have to go now. Until the proceedings are over, I am still a married woman." She dazzled her ring finger sadly.
"Are you sure you are up to this?" Jane asked.
"Yes I have no option, the earlier I face it, the better. I can't wait to be free," Lisa said.
"Alright I will keep in touch," Jane responded and hugged her tightly.