London Present time:
Nicholas POV
I was sitting on my office table and signing some papers for the new project, my business keep on booming. I know I will be busier because of it, I am workaholic indeed, I spent my whole life keeping myself busy not to think of her so I will not dare to do anything that will ruin her happy life with her own family.
Ever since that day, the very moment I have seen her she didn’t leave my mind. All I could see was her. Every time I close my eyes, I see her beautiful face. In the past year I tried to date other woman that Olivia arranged for me, she made fucking sure that those meaningless dates would distract me not to destroy a family out there. But that only girl is my distraction.
Those were only dinner date and we never ended in bed when that was the usual thing for me. But everything’s changed; I didn’t want to touch any other women ever since I saw her. That’s my choice.
All I want is her, ONLY HER.
I still could not believe myself, how I managed for a year not chasing her, when I could easily get her whether she lives in the other side of the planet. All I could do is to send orders to my men but instead I asked Olivia.
I asked her, asked? No!!! I begged her to get my girl for me. I, Nicholas William never ever beg for something or someone, in just a snap I get everything what I want. But with Olivia I begged to get her my girl. She’s a second mom to me; she is there for me all the time. She’s my only family and Darren, when my parents left me.
No w, I knew why I ended up wasting a year not getting my girl and that’s because of Olivia.
My thoughts were interrupted, speaking of Olivia, she is calling me on the phone, by this time, I am sure she is heading to the airport.
“What is wrong with you Nicholas? I thought you already forgot her. She is married and has two kids, for God’s sake! Why don’t you just look for another woman out there?” She said yelling at me, “Please do not back off.” I said to myself. I can’t send my men to get her for me because I know she would probably freak out and I don’t want her to get scared. That is why I asked Olivia to do it. I had a hard time to convince her because she knew that it was not the right thing to do, I knew she would do it because she loves me so much like her son with her own condition. I agreed to that, just to hear her say yes to my request.
“Oh please Olivia, we’ve already talked about this. Just bring her to me.”
“And what will you do with her family?” she asked.
“Just bring me my girl and I will settle it myself.”
“Look Nicholas, the only reason why I am doing this for you it’s because you agreed on my condition, that if things didn’t work out on both of you in two months, you will let her go back to her family and I trust you with that.” She dropped off the call without letting me to say another words. She is pissed off. She only calls me in my full name when she is very pissed off me.
Sitting on my swivel chair smirking I said to myself. “I will never let her go back to her husband.” Oh yeah, the heartless and the cruel me is back. I am Nicholas William and will not stop till I get what I want. I should have done it a year ago and I will not waste another year this time.
It was very exhausting day but it’s worth it and I am too excited because I know in two days, I will see my girl, my woman, my queen..... I WILL FINALLY SEE HER AGAIN.
Yes, it was not my first time to see her; it is actually my third time.