I blinked my eyes as they fell on a woman sitting in front of Mayra. Her jet black hairs were tied up in a messy bun from which several bangs were freely hanging on the side of her face. Her eyes were red and puffy, maybe due to constant crying. Her face was of slightly brownish complexion which was having tears imprints. My first instinct told me that she wasn't pretty in compare to the women's I've had shared bed with but then I re-remembered her tear stained face and automatically my eyes held interest in her.
I scanned her face again and this time, I noticed every single details about her. Her eyes were different, kind of similar to what I've read Author describing in their writing as 'hypnotising', she has a cute little button shaped nose and lips which were not pink coloured or full but simple and little dark. Her face was chubby and held few freckles.
Maybe, maybe she wasn't pretty like those models but she was beautiful of her own kind. Her messy kind of aura was intriguing.
" Max, please wait outside."
Mayra spoke in professional tone making me roll my eyes at her.
Damn, she can be quite edgy sometimes. She had spoiled my chance to have an impression on her cute patient.
Through my periphery I saw her looking at me. My ego satisfied automatically at her reaction and I secretly composed my posture with a flirty smile to spread over my face. Well, don't blame me. I just wanted to create an impression on her.
My jaw dropped in shock when that woman neglected me and stared back at her lap.
She should be running into my arms instead of persuading a sulking look on her face. I arched up my eyebrows and simply walked out of here when Mayra gestured me to do so.
I let out a breath and walked back and forth in the corridor while waiting impatiently for Mayra to come out so that I can drop her home.
My mind started bursting with thousands of questions but most of them were dominated by the woman inside.
I don't know why but there was something different about her. Her eyes– hold the f–ck. What's wrong with me? Why in the first place I am thinking about some random woman?
I need to have sex again, don't I?
Damn, Right.
Suddenly the door flew open and that woman walked passed by me without sparing me a single glance. I stood there gawking but somehow sifted my attention to Mayra who held a little frown.
" Mayra, are my charms fading?" I asked in a serious voice.
She shook her head and with that we walked outside towards our car. Once I turned the engine on, through my periphery I found her getting lost in her thoughts.
" She ignored me, she ignored Max Costello and trust me my ego is damn hurt. I mean how could–" I was halfway in my rant, when Mayra spoke.
" She had lost her boyfriend, Max."
I stiffened and automatically my eyes snapped in her direction. The frown on her face confirmed her words.
" Oh." I breathed out, now watching past the windshield.
Various emotions flickered in my chest. Pain. Now I know that why her tear stained face had held my curiosity. It wasn't her face but her pain.
" What's her name?"
" Erica."
Erica. I tested the name on my tongue and it rolled smoothly.
I tapped my finger against the steering wheel to divert my mind but instead thousands of old memories started invading in my mind like a hurricane. A wild suffocation build up in my chest making me struggle for breath.
" Take care, Max." Mayra spoke as soon as we reached her place.
I nodded and without wasting single second, I drove to my house.
I need a distraction before my mind blow up with all the memories which I've somehow managed to bury deep in my heart.
I sprawled on my bed and grabbed fistful of my hairs in a tight grip but still nothing happened. Like always, the pain was inevitable.
Distraction. I need something to distract my mind.
I quickly took out my IPhone and searched all the contacts before my eyes landed on the familiar name.
Cassie Fox.
I scurried my eyebrows and tried my level best to remember that when I had saved her contact number?
That Bitch. Definitely she had done this by herself.
I rolled my eyes and after gathering one large breath, I dialed her number.
" Max?"
" My house in ten minutes." I said and ended the call.
Seconds passed into minutes and finally after nine minutes, my rooms door flew open reveling none other then Cassie.
I ran my eyes over in lust over her body which was barely covered in black short dress. I licked my lips and without any delay, I stood up and pushed her on the bed. As she lay on her back, I removed my clothes and hovered above her. In a matter of second, I started kissing her as if my life was dependent on her.
She moaned and wrapped her arms around my neck.
Soon my mind started getting blank and all the emotions started fading from the back of my head. I chuckled in relief and tore apart her dress. Sliding down her panty, I thrust into her.
" You wanted someone to remove your frustration, wasn't it?" She asked.
I sighed and gave her the look to maintain breathable distance from me.
" How do you know?"
She smiled, genuinely and lean closer to kiss me but before that could happen, I shoved her away.
Why women has to be this clingy? I just need her for s–x. That's it.
" Because I love you, Max." She chirped.
I rolled my eyes but couldn't help to think that how tempting her body is. Have I mentioned that how good f–ck she is? Her body is addicting like any drug.
" You had said that you don't f–ck the same woman twice then why you called me?" She crawled closer to me and lay her head on my bare chest.
I clenched my jaw in frustration and pushed her aside. God, this woman is out of her mind.
I scoffed and as I was going to ask her to leave my house, something came over my mind and I smirked.
" YOU WANT ME TO F–CK YOU OFTEN?" I let out my words in blunt tone.
But like other women, she didn't flinched instead she nodded with a warm smile.
Eh? Is she mentally unstable?
" Then become my personal Whore. That whore who will offer me her body anywhere, anytime I want it to f–ck. Will you?" I ran fingers through my hairs and stood up only to wear my sweatpants back.