Hayat's POV:
We had meeting with Mr.Malhotra again.. But I didn't think he was going to show up after last time shower.
And I was right he didn't came but his brother came.
"We are glad to have u here Mr.Malhotra." Then I was going to mix these two Malhotras..Maybe I can divide them as Moody Malhotra and I need to see how the second one behave..
"I am glad too Mrs. James.. I liked ur office it's kind of homey.." He said and I smiled.. I thought the same before.. Got it.. I will call him sweet Malhotra..
"Mr.Manik Malhotra u have the biggest office 10times bigger than this.." Mrs.James said.
"Exactly that's why my office isn't homey just a building of bricks.." He was really good not like her brother who was always grumpy.
"That's really kind of u.. If u want we can start our meeting now." Mrs. James said..
"I believe my brother already discussed everything but why he still wants to hold a meeting? I don't understand since I am here give me every details.." He became like a business man but his work demand that kind of attitude.
"Miss Hayat be ready with ur files.." Mrs James said and the meeting started..
At the end of the designs it was time for colors.. I provided him the themes and combination..
"I think themes and colors are perfect.. Our customers will surely like this.." Thank god.. Someone really understand my hard work unlike that smart ass.
"My brother might oppose it but u see he doesn't like these colors so he always trouble others about it.."
"Yeah I noticed.. He likes dark color......like his heart." Last part I said slowly but looks like he heard it..
He turned his head towards me and gave me a playful smile..
"Miss Mathur?" He asked and I nodded.. How did he know I am Mathur?!
"Can u show me around this office after we are done with the meeting?" He asked and I was confused.. I would love to but why me?
"Of course she will.. No need to ask." Mrs.James said while smiling sweetly and then looked at me sternly.. I sighed.. I wasn't going to say no.. I badly wanted to roll my eyes..
"I would love to Mr.Malhotra." I said to him and he smiled..
"I think we are already done.." He was right there was nothing left to discuss more..
"Shall we go?" He asked like a gentleman.. Why can't his brother be like him..
"Of course.." I smiled and led him towards the boss's cabin..
"U already saw the meeting room and this is Mrs.James cabin.. From here she order everyone around.." I said and he chuckled..
"I see she can keep an eye on the workers working down there.." He said and it's true..
"Ok.. Let's go.." He said and we went towards the cafeteria..
"You want something, Mr.Malhotra?"
"Please call me Manik when we are not doing any official work and it's not official.. And no I don't want anything.." He said and we crossed the cafeteria..
"I heard a lot about u from my brother.." He said.
"I figured.. U called me miss mathur when Mrs.James were calling me Miss Hayat from the beginning.."
"U are the first woman who dared to mess with him. Though he was angry but I enjoyed it.." He said and laughed..
"U ruined his car tyres, made him miss his appointments, u showered him with water,indirectly insulted him.. U are full packed bomb u know.. I wonder how my brother is still silent after all this."
"Is it bad sign that he is silent?" I asked nervously..
"U just pray, he isn't making any sort of plan to get back to you.." He said and shrugged.
"I so wanted to see u guys fight. It would be fascinating!" He said excitedly..
"It only turn ugly nothing to fascinate.. Let's show you my cabin.." I said and walked inside..
"It does look like a cabin of fashion designer and ur love for bright colors.. If my brother even enter in this room mistakenly, he surely will have a heart attack everything is damn bright.." He said..
"Bright colors make u happy and dull moody.. Like ur brother.." I said rolling my eyes.
"Come on..my brother isn't that bad..he just l... What?!" He stopped talking and his eyes were wide.
"What's wrong.."
"Is she ur sister?" He asked pointing towards the photo frame that was on my table..
"Yes... She is"
"Are u serious?! Nandini is ur sister!!" His eyes twinkling like a little kid..
"How do u know my sister?" I asked..
"We meet at a party.. Hell feisty.."
"She have to be feisty.. She is my sister after all.." I said and he laughed..
"She gave her number to me but I think I lost it.. Can u give me her number? I need to talk with her.." He said innocently.. Since Nandini gave her number to him then there is no problem to give the number to him.
"Okay.. 8492......7"
"Oh thank u.. U are so sweet!" He said pulling my cheeks..
"Why am I feeling like u are buttering me?" I asked,raising a eyebrow..
"Absolutely not.. I should go now.. See u later Dimple Queen.."
"Don't call me that.."
Manik's POV:
Hayat was really sweet and my brother hate sweet.. I couldn't believe Nandini is her sister.. Their behavior is same.. Feisty,stubborn and sometimes silly..
"How was the meeting with Mrs.James." bro asked looking at through a file..
"It was good with Mrs.James but amazing with Hayat.." I said and he looked at me..
"U mean Miss Mathur.."
"We are on first name basis.. She can be my best friend.."
"I sent u for business not to make friends.." He said angrily..
"So what? I did both.. Are u jealous or anything bcz of Hayat.."
"Are u nuts?!" He glared at me..
"Ohk sorry.. Let's go to the club today and don't say no.." I said and left from his study room..
"Maybe we will hook up with some hot girls there.." I shouted and chuckled.
"Woah.. Today is a busy day.." Bro said looking at the crowd in front of him..
"Yeah.. All packed up.. Bro let's take a drink from the bar then we will head towards the VIP section.." I said and he nodded..
"Are u still angry with Hayat?"
"Of course the things that no one ever dared are done by her.." He said angrily..
"She is good with her work and it's obvious she can't tolerate if anyone disrespect it.." I said and he behaved like he didn't hear..
"What's going on?" He said eyeing towards the very small crowd in front of the bar and bartender looked afraid..
"Don't know.." I said and we moved forward..
Suddenly everything happened so fast.. We heared a shout and the men in front of us jumped to the sides, making us face to face with two girls and one of them already thrown her drink straight towards us. And it finally landed on my brother!
"Hayat!!" My brother shouted angrily and there stand Hayat holding the glass and next to her was Nandini.. Both of their eyes were wide..
"Oppsie! It wasn't for u Mr.Malhotra." Hayat said with a nervous laugh..
"Oh! So ur name is Hayat.." The men who were in front of us before said..
"You.." Nandini was going to hit then but I stopped her..
"Why u want to know their name boys? They are taken so get the fûck out.." I said angrily and they back away..
"So they were disturbing you." Bro asked..
"Yeah.. And that drink was for them but u came in between.. So sorry sir.." Nandini said.. Sir?
"You are brother's secretary?" I asked and Nandini didn't answer..
"I didn't knew u two are sisters.." Bro said shaking his head..
"Neither do I.." Nandini said with a weird smile..
"Miss Mathur.. " brother was going to say something but Hayat cut it..
"It was an accident Mr.Malhotra. u know how much I respect u.." Hayat said and I chuckled.. Dear Hayat, brother knew how much of a trouble u are.. Brother surely planning something..