love, do you remember some days ago I told you I would be traveling to Madrid? Maxwell asked his wife, yes love, I remember, has the time come so soon? It's just the other day you told me that. True, I will have to leave on Saturday evening and am sad I won't be taking you with me, he said.
There's no problem with you not going with my love, I understand it's business and furthermore I really don't like traveling so it will be much better if I don't go with you, besides I have Rose with me, that was the older woman they hired, with her around I won't be bored, we'll be chatting with her. I hope you won't be staying for long because if you do I will come to get you personally, let alone the fact that I don't like traveling.
Maxwell laughed at that but he looked uneasy, scratching the back of his head, he asked if she would like to go to the palace for the days he would be away, she stared at him, she had not thought of that, it would be nice spending some time with his family, she then remembered the look the queen gave her when they left the palace the last time they were there, it was her first and only time she had visited the place, she tensed up at the memory of that, Maxwell sensed her uneasiness and help her hand in a comforting way, squeezing it gently, he knew his family well, but he knew they would treat her well so he comforted her and assured her that everything will be fine, after all, it was for a short while and they would be back together, she still felt uneasy but she had to trust him so she nodded in agreement. She asked more about his family.
Well beb, I will just be honest with you, there's my mother, sister, and my dad, they are nice people and extra good when they like someone, My sister, the princess and given the same name is more outspoken, she speaks her mind without giving it a second thought, she might be annoying but you should not mind her, that's how she's, she likes who talk as much as she does. My mom the queen is also nice when she thinks you deserve it but can be so overbearing at times, you can't notice easily when she's annoyed because she's good at hiding it but you will notice her change of attitude, The king was way easier to get along with, he talks less but has a bad temper when one gets on his wrong side, beb am not telling you this to scare or make you uncomfortable, but to let you be mentally prepared so that you won't have to be bothered by their behavior, you just need to mind your business and nothing will go wrong, trust me he said squeezing her hand harder if this trip isn't very important I can't be leaving you there but you will have to wait patiently for me beb. Please promise that you won't mind them, it's because am not assured of your security in my absence, otherwise I can't let you go there without me, but you have Rose to go with you, he was trying so much to convince her and she wasn't about to make things hard for him so she nodded, as her usual habit, he was relieved at that.
The next morning was Saturday Maxwell had packed his traveling bags, he was used to this so he didn't trouble Angel with the folding and arranging of his clothes, he was ready to go and dressed up, and he was nice enough to pack his wife's bags too since they would be leaving together, max planned on dropping her to the palace before proceeding to the airport, angel wanted to see him off at the airport but Max didn't agree to that, he wanted to leave her safe at home, he was not ready to hear any stories of her disappearance on her way back to the palace, that was funny, Angel thought, she didn't believe people still disappear In this century...She can't afford to have him worried that much, it made her feel bad, she agreed half-heatedly but it was still okay. They had told Rose that they will be staying at the palace for the time being and she was also ready with her bags outside, she was very happy that she would stay in the palace, she had not pictured herself visiting the place for a day let alone living there for two whole weeks, she was very eager to get there and Angel could see that they left the premises and we're driven to the palace, it took them 30minutes to get there.
The queen was very happy to see her son after a long time and she smiled from ear to ear, she stepped forward to hug him, but her smile froze when she looked over his head and saw Angel behind him, she felt instantly annoyed but quickly hid that behind her smile. She welcomed them in and asked the workers to take in their bags, she wondered if they had come to stay in the palace, her unvoiced question was answered almost immediately by Maxwell. When they sat in the sitting room, he told his mother that he was traveling and he could not leave the angel alone at his place so she would be staying with them for some days before he comes back, the angel didn't show her joy then, she nodded and welcomed them once again, she Angel was introduced to her and she asked one of the maids to show her to a guest room, later Maxwell took Angel to his room upstairs and showed her every corner of the room, asking her to fell, comfortable, she already was, the smell of his perfume was still there even though he had been away for some time. When the time came for him to leave, they went down, before he left they hugged for some minutes before parting unwillingly, she bid him farewell before going back upstairs.
Maxwell went to the airport thinking of how much he was going to miss his wife, he felt like going back to her but he had to do this, his business rivals will have to face his anger for separating him from his wife a short while after their wedding, he's going to deal with them in a way that they will not think of messing up with him in the future.