“ Mr. Morgan ”
“ Sir?” Alex called while tapping his sleeping boss. The middle-aged secretary stepped back staring as his boss opened his eyes slowly. Alex straightened his back and his Dark blue tie which matches his Dark suit.
“ How can I help you” Chris grunted out, the day has not been a good one for him. Well, which day was ever good for Mr. Chris Morgan? Yes, he is the richest businessman in the entire city at just thirty years of age. He inherited the company from his father on the verge of bankruptcy at the age of twenty-five and since then he has worked hard to make the company what it is today.
Alex has been his secretary since he took the title of CEO and the man had done a wonderful job at it. He is like the right-hand man of the young Morgan.
“ You are getting late for the court sir. Today is the last day of the custody battle” Alex said while pointing at his wristwatch reminding Chris about one of the worst moments of his life.
He had met Cecilia when they were in high school, he was the school's popular jock and she was part of the cheerleaders. They dated throughout high school and he had asked her to move in with him during their college days which she refused.
Cecilia to him was the most beautiful woman he had laid his eyes on until he learned of her vain and selfish attitude. Under those beautiful hazel eyes and the glint that forms around them whenever she smiles is a sinister and cruel attitude. That wonderful lips always colored with red are full of sarcastic words and foul language that are always laced with venom.
He thought she changed after they got married but he realized that the red flags had always been there he thought he was in a fucking carnival. He loved her so much that he was blind to all her antics, heck he thought her withdrawal syndrome was just an anxiety problem.
He married her nonetheless and the marriage was nothing to write home about. They were always fighting and it got worse when he took over the company, she would throw a raging fit anytime he had meetings with important clients and get bitter if he wouldn't drop his credit card for her to buy one ridiculously expensive bag. What a vain airhead!
He endured the marriage long enough and when he finally grew enough balls to ask for a divorce, she got pregnant for him. It made him happy and she promised she will change for the baby's sake. No more unnecessary arguments, no more ungodly hours of drinking wine and swearing too loud for the neighbors to have full ideas of what is going on by the time it is morning all he got was bombastic side eyes from their neighbors.
She said and promised but got worse after weaning the baby. Her alcoholism was so worse, Chris was afraid of leaving Liya alone with the bird-brain vanity mistress he called his wife but at least she will soon become an ex now. If I've had enough was a person it will be Chris Morgan at the moment.
He stretched out his muscles and cracked his fingertips as he rises from his chair. He nearly stubbed his toes against his office table which brought a wince from him. He tried to look for his car keys but
" Here sir” Alex handed them out to him. Chris smiled gratefully at the old man under his Dark circled eyes. He needed the nap Alex woke him up from but this court hearing is really important. He quickly headed out of the building getting into his car.
4 hours later
" Congratulations man, welcome to the single life again" Liam Evans, one of Chris's best friends hugged Chris tightly immediately after he stepped out of the courtroom.
“ Being single again at 35 is nothing to be proud of Liam" Chris sounded serious but there are traces of happiness and peace in his expression. Not only is he finally free, but he also got his child's custody.
His life is going to be very peaceful now, it's just him and little Liya and heavens know he will go against the world to protect his daughter. That's the only female asides from his mother he will burn down the world for. Cecilia used to be but now she can go fuck herself. He smiled remembering their last conversation after the hearing.
“ You can't take my angel from me!" The bitch had screeched like a mountain banshee.
" I am her mother! I deserve to be included in my daughter's life" She continues throwing tantrums like a toddler. Chris won't be surprised if it was confirmed that six-year-old Liya had more brain cells than her shell mother.
" Oh, now Liya is your angel? I could remember you calling her a little spawn of the devil that gave you horrible stretch marks countless times during your rage fit?' Chris had to grit his teeth together to avoid lashing out at the woman in front of him.
“ I am her mother and mothers raise their daughters, “ she said.
“ Why would I do that to Liya? Imagine being saddled with a poor excuse of a mother like you?” he spat back.
“ You can't take my daughter away from me” she screamed.
“ Mrs. Morgan! I'll have to throw you out of the building if you don't keep quiet. Your case is over, you can either be quiet or leave!” a middle-aged woman called out from the courtroom.
“ I hope you get the help you need Cecilia. Bye,” Chris walked out on her looking stress-free and happy for the first time.
“ So where is Liya?'” Liam asked trying to wear his seatbelt.
“ She is with my mother, she had a whole princess-themed tea party for her so she can get along with other kids there” Chris replied smiling at the mention of his daughter.
“ I know you might probably be like ‘I have work tomorrow’ but there's this club that just opened 30 minutes from here..” Liam started but Chris cut him off with a very resounding no.
“ But we have to celebrate your single life!” Liam exclaimed.
“ Not on a workday!” Chris deadpanned.
“ Come on Christian, even if you don't drink, you need to get some actions you know” Liam continues.
“ No!”
“ I'm just worried about you, you look sexually frustrated! Who knew the last time Ceci had given you some action?” Liam smirked knowing he hit a point with those words. Chris groaned and reluctantly agreed with his low wit friend.
They turned the car around straight to his penthouse, it was late already by the time his cook fixed them some food and he took a shower to relax his body. He wore a more casual attire, a round-neck shirt that screamed against his bulging muscles. Even at 35 with Marital issues, he managed to work out and look good for his age. He paired the top with a pair of jean trousers and a pair of really expensive Nike shoes.
He met with Liam outside and zoomed off to the club, the bouncers didn't even bother to check their IDs, which bouncer won't know the faces of two of the richest men in the country. Heading to the VIP, he noticed a lady at the corner of his eye standing awkwardly in a corner, not dancing, not drinking just there like a first-timer.
Maybe she is a first-timer but there is something oddly intriguing about her him that he couldn't even place his hands on. Hell! He swore under his breath, who in the world starts sampling women immediately after his divorce?
He catches up with Liam with the thought of that real lady at the back of his mind. If Liam noticed anything happening, the man didn't comment on it he is just too happy to get his divorcee friend drunk for the night.
Two girls in their early twenties were already waiting at the VIP section, One was a blond with an unimaginably slim body like that of a model, she wore a skimpy stretchy gown that barely covered her ass with a pair of six inches-high heels. She introduced herself as Claire.
The other girl is a brunette with a very curvy body probably done under the knife because an ass as wide as that can't be really on that small body. Her surgeon did a bad job because they don't look natural at all. She wore a crop top and a short skirt that looks 3 sizes smaller for her. She introduced herself as Debbie.
Champagne was wheeled in by a man in his late twenties and the girls started pouring the drinks. Chris excused himself outside to pick up a call that he claimed was very important just 20 minutes into the party.
It was a bitchy client that manage to turn his happy moments sour, he concluded in his mind to just enjoy the night and deal with the client later. He turns around only to bump into someone. He muttered some colorful words under his breath.
Oh, it was the lady he saw earlier, his sample. She looks scared not horrified even.
“ Oh my God, I'm so sorry I eh hmmm... Sorry,” She scampers away from him putting some distance between them. Wait is that a blush? Wow, this lady continues to spark his interest and many things the reasonable part of his mind wouldn't be able to agree with.
“ Hmmm, it's fine. You don't have to act like you saw a ghost” he grunted out but to him it just made him sound like a douchebag judging from the lady's Expression.
“It's fine really” Only when he assured her does she manage to calm down a little. But after that everything was awkward, he doesn't know what to tell her or what to say in general.
“ Would you like to join my friends and I?” oh no Chris! You didn't just invite an actual stranger you met three minutes ago to Join your circle? His brain whispered