Liam Montgomery lived a fast paced life. Being rich and influential made him too busy and preoccupied.
[“Son, when are you coming for a visit? Your sister will be coming home next week and it would be nice if you could too.”] His father tried to hide the disappointment in his voice but he failed. Liam dropped the pen he was using to sign the documents his secretary left on his glass desk. He massaged his temples before responding to his father.
“I’ll try. I’ve been closing this deal with the Aussie’s and I can’t lose track of this now.” He stood up from his swivel chair and walked towards the glass walls of the building his family owns. He tapped the glass and from it’s hazy blacks setting, the walls turned clear and Liam stared at the glowing city lights below.
[“Liam, I unloaded you with the weight of your mother’s Financing firm as well as our Production Company, but now you’re obsessing with making your new IT empire number one in the world. Can’t you just slow down and try to have fun every once in a while?”] He sighed. This topic is wearing him off.
“Papa, I’m still overseeing Luna in managing the Financing Firm, so I’m not really hands off with that.” The Bluetooth headset he was wearing beeped signaling him that there was another call waiting for him.
[“Liam, there’s still another thing I would like to bring up to you. It’s about—“]
“Sorry to cut you, Dad, but I really need to take this call.” His father sighed at the other end of the line and said goodbye. He answered the call waiting and spoke to the Australian investors via conference call. Their time difference made Liam stay at the office late at night. After the meeting that ended at 2 am, Liam headed off.
The drive to his condominium was fortunately short. When he parked his car at the garage, he saw a familiar car next to his. He shook his head and dismissed the thought. It couldn’t be.
Liam went up the elevator to the Penthouse. His pad is as modern and techy as the buildings they own. The lights turn on and off with just a snap of his finger or his voice if not controlled with his phone. The furniture theme is black and white with touches of silver. The paintings that hang on his walls are all abstract in red and blue. These are the only color on his off-white walls.
He went to his bedroom that occupies one fourth of the floor. It is almost as big as the normal apartment in New York but with a roomy walk in closet and magnificent brass king sized bed with black and white fluffy covers.
He stripped down to his black Calvin Klein boxers and headed to his kitchen to get a glass of water. He stopped dead on his tracks at the doorway when he thought he saw some apparition beside his refrigerator. Liam had to squint his eyes to look closely. From the darkness of the room and the light illuminating from the hallway, he saw a silhouette of a woman that is drinking from a wine goblet. He racked his brains if he was expecting some guest but he wasn’t. Only his sister has the key to his home and she is in Italy at the moment with her spoiled brat best friend.
Liam bit his lower lip as he stealthily walked towards the intruder who seemed to be oblivious of his arrival, and so he thought.