Atilio waited every day for Guadalupe, seeing her pass had become a habit. He was always at that window looking forward to seeing that girl's charm.
"I need to talk to that maiden, find a way to be alone with her, but with that stupid father I don't see how!" Atilio grunted.
“Apparently her family is quite systematic, they declined her dinner invitation. Sebastian told me that they are very religious and go to mass every Sunday without fail.” Amelia remembered and Atilio loved the suggestion.
"So that's what I'm going to do, I'm going to become the biggest Catholic in this place!"
Atilio smiled, now he was sure he would see her a lot.
“ Are you that interested in that little girl? To the point of actually converting?” Amelia knew that the boss was not religious at all and had never been to a church.
“It's just that besides being beautiful, she's different from the others I don't know why, but I'm going to find out what I love about that woman so much, besides her beauty of the course.”
He spent the week counting the days until Sunday, he was always at the window waiting for her to pass and on those days he didn't have the honor to see them.
Sunday at Mass...
Guadalupe was as beautiful as ever, Esther always left her daughter well-groomed to go to mass because it was finally the only place besides the farm where they went every week. She had her hair down and a simple, lined dress.
“Do you want to go talk to the priest about your daughter's confirmation yet?” Esther asks, smoothing her daughter's hair with her hands.
"Yes mom, it has to be now before mass."
Dona Esther took her to the sacristy, but the priest asked her to wait a moment because she had a small problem.
“Dona Esther, can you help us for a moment? It's just that Father Antenor's tunic has just been torn and as you are a good seamstress, I think you need to get some stitches... ” Fernanda says, approaching apprehensive and afraid that the ceremony would be delayed for that reason.
“Do you mind waiting here for a moment, daughter? I promise not to delay.” Esther asked and Guadalupe nodded.
"I don't mind mom, you can go quietly and I'll wait for you and the priest here very quietly."
"Alright my angel, I'll be right back." Esther says, leaving with Fernanda.
Guadalupe stayed there in the sacristy, just waiting for her mother. Until Atilio came in and saw her alone as he wanted so much.
He didn't say anything, just stood up smiling slightly and admiring her beauty for a few seconds.
Guadalupe had her other senses sharpened, she noticed his presence and knew that there was someone else there despite the silence. Everyone in town knew about his disability, and if that person didn't report his presence, it must have been some stranger.
Afraid, she decided to go out towards the church hall where she could hear the voices of people waiting for mass and her father would come to meet her, but she ended up by mistake going towards his arms who wasted no time and grabbed her tight.
“Who are you? Why do not you say anything? Let me go!" She asked, trying to free herself from his strong arms.
"And I thought you were a prude, couldn't wait to throw yourself in my arms, can't you girl?" He responded by putting his face in that frightened young woman's neck and smelling her skin.
She tried to pull away, but he held her in his arms, no matter how bravely she fought.
“ What's going on?” the priest asked, surprising them in that love fight in the middle of the sacristy.
“Let go of my daughter right now, boy!” Esther demanded.
Atilio opened his arms and Esther pulled her daughter to her side, the girl was still panting heavily and trembling.
“I'm sorry about that, I just went in to talk to the reverend and his daughter came into my arms just like that...” Atilio tried to defend himself, he couldn't lose her mother's trust in any way.
“My daughter is blind and you sure scared her, just like when you surprised her going to town.”
“Blind? In truth?" Atilio's eyes widened when he asked and of all the things he expected to hear, that would be the last.
That sentence hit my ears like a bomb, how could such a beautiful young woman be blind?
“Unfortunately yes, are you going to say that you only now realized?” Esther questioned.
“Take Guadalupe for a drink of water she is pale, after she calms down we will talk straight about her confirmation.” The priest says, trying to put an end to that mess and start celebrating mass at once.
“Yes Father, excuse me.” Esther responds, taking her daughter outside.
“You shouldn't have touched her like that, boy, the girls here are all respectful and Guadalupe even more so.”
“Forgive me Father as I said I couldn't help it, I would like to offer donations to the church's charities. I want to collaborate and for that, I invite you to have lunch at my house tomorrow.” Atilio wanted much more than to appear charitable to everyone and thus gain the admiration of the young woman and her family.
The priest could only hear the donations part, of course knowing that a rich man would cooperate with the works of the church filled his eyes.
"That's right, I'll be there." The priest says, shaking Atilio's hand.
They returned to the church hall and the priest began to celebrate mass while Atilio and Amelia whispered.
“Son, please be more discreet. Everyone is noticing your backward glances.” Amelia asked close to Atilio's ear.
“It's just that she's blind! And I can't believe it.”
“And why not, Atilio? If her mother said why the doubt?”
“What just God is this who takes the light out of such beautiful eyes? This is a sin!” He responds, disgusted and unable to stop regretting what he heard about her.
“Sin is your lustful gaze upon her, in the midst of God’s house.”
"I'll try to behave myself, Amelia!"
At the end of the celebration, the priest approached the young woman and her family.
“Guadalupe is now of age to be confirmed, this is the last proclamation of the gospel before marriage.” He remembered the priest and Guadalupe smiled.
"I really wanted to talk to you about this, even if I don't get married I want to receive confirmation."
Seeing the priest nearby and talking with his most conquest, Atilio decided to approach too.
“Bless you Father and don't forget our appointment tomorrow.” Atilio insisted on showing that he had the priest's haste and kissed her hand.
“God bless you and I will not forget my son, I will be there punctually.”
Atilio left with Amelia, but not without taking a good look at Guadalupe.
"I don't like this man." Leonel muttered.
Esther thought that if her husband knew about his boldness with his daughter, he would hate it a little more.
“He seems like a good person, barely arrived in town, and has already offered to help with the church's charities and we'll talk about it tomorrow.” The priest tried to undo the impression that many had of the man he barely knew.
“Surely there must be some political yearning in all this goodness.”
“Do not judge lest you be judged, Leonel! And whatever the reason, what matters is that we are going to help a lot of people with his money.” The priest says.
"You are right, Father, God is grateful to all offers, and whatever its worth is the work!"
“Yes Guadalupe, you are right as always.” The priest responds, saying goodbye to the young woman and her family.
My father took us home in a buggy and as we made our way back, I kept thinking about the touch and voice of that Atilio guy.
Since the day that Ray of Sun lost his way I have never forgotten the sound of his voice, it was strong, deep and at times frightening.
Why is that man everywhere? Does it chase me? What could I want from a poor, blind girl like me?
From rumors and conversations, I know that he is noble, and rich and the girls even say that he is very handsome and strong.
Surely I must be a sad attraction to him, something outside his world of luxury and beauty, and that's why his attentions turned to me.
All I know is that I want to stay away from him, I feel like it's better this way for all of us.
On the way home...
“Her scent is still on me!” Atilio says as he sniffs his hands.
“Leave Guadalupe and her family alone, she has too many problems with her condition and they are old enough to have to deal with wolves like you.”
“So that's what bewitched me about her from the first second Amelia, I knew there was something different about that woman.”
"Son, get that girl out of your head, you've seen she's not like the other women in town you're used to playing with."
“She is blind, yes, but she is still a beautiful and attractive woman, she drives me crazy.” He says while driving.
"You're not the same, boy!"
I had to admit that Amelia was right in everything she told me, but I've always had absolutely everything I ever wanted in life…why would it be any different this time? Why pity? Compassion? No way, Guadalupe is just a beautiful young maiden and I know she would never want to be worthy of such feelings.
Following day...
Welcome Father, it's in your house." Atilio says, seeing Amelia open the door for her illustrious guest.
“The repairs they made made this mansion even more beautiful and pleasant, I remember your father the Commander, he was a good man.” The priest looked at how beautiful that farm had become.
“Yes, my father was a good man, it's a pity that he gave in to cigarette addiction.
Father, it is an honor for us to welcome you and I will serve lunch.” Amelia calls from the kitchen door.
“Then just tell me how much you need and right now I'll pass it on to charities.” Atilio says, sitting down and the priest too.
“First answer me, are you baptized, son?”
“Actually no priest, my parents never had religion as a priority in life.”
“Because you must be baptized, understand that for God to recognize your offering, it is important that you not only be from the heart, but that you are surrendered to faith and celebrate this new beginning as it has to be done.”
“Of course, Father, can I ask you a question?” Atilio asked, a little awkwardly, but it was necessary to know more about her.
“Of course I do.”
“Why did the Guadalupe family turn down all candidates for their daughter's husband? Why weren't they from the church? Or why didn’t they have financial possessions?”
“So your intention in collaborating with the works of God is to impress her family?” The priest questions, leaving Atilio in dire straits.
“Forgive me if I seemed bold and unreasonable with the question, but she is so beautiful and I am a young man (nervous breath) you understand, don't you?”
“If you really want to conquer Guadalupe, you must ask God to intervene in your refusal to start a family and you must prove yourself trustworthy to her family.”
“No one in this world is more trustworthy than me priest, they can be sure their daughter will be in good hands, please Father help me convince them that I can be a good friend. But tell me, why doesn't she want to get married?”
“Her heart is so big that she thinks getting married will leave her parents helpless.” The priest's answer rekindled hope in Atilio.
I see, now I understand.”
Atilio took out a wad of money and placed it in the priest's hands.
“I know that you will give a good destination to this small and simple offer of mine...”
The priest's eyes gleamed, it was a good amount and where those bills came from would surely come a lot more from now on.
The priest had lunch and left a few hours later. Atilio promised to be baptized soon and the priest also promised to speak well of his intentions to the family and of course to Guadalupe.
Even that day.
“Don't play with God Atilio.” Amelia warned, scared to see what Atilio was being able to do.
“I'm not kidding, I'm even willing to collaborate with his church monthly until...”
“I speak of your lie, you know what you really want from this poor girl.”
“Guadalupe will enjoy living in luxury with me, lying on satin sheets and having good food...”
“Do you intend to marry her?” Amelia asked, but deep down knowing what the answer would be.
“Of course not! I don't even tie myself dead, much less with her, who even beautiful is incomplete. Let's enjoy it together as long as it's interesting for me, then I give her a nice house to live with her parents, the priest himself said she fears leaving them helpless!”
“It will break the heart of someone who already suffers so much in this life, Atilio.”
"Stop all the drama, so it looks like I'm going to have the girl shot."
That night Atilio went to town and soon learned that Leonel was in the tavern drinking and gambling as he always did.
This was his chance to get closer and perhaps gain the old man's trust.
"Good evening, may I sit down for a moment?” Atilio asked, resting his hand on one of the empty chairs.
“I don't think this humble table is up to the young man's elegance.” Leonel retorted, with the cards in his hands and a glass of drink on the table and already half full.
The other men at that table smiled and made fun of the comparison, but Atilio didn't give up and sat down with them.
“What are you betting?” Atilio asked.
“Just a few bucks and a few chickens.” Leonel responded promptly.
Atilio smiled, that vice would be the bridge that would lead Guadalupe to his bed. They played until late and the old man returned, as usual, drunk and Atilio managed to get someone to take Leonel'shorseback to the ranch.
“I'm fine, I can go back alone!” muttered the old man, already drunk and unable to stand up.
"I'll take you in my car, so it's safer." Atilio insisted and placed him practically unconscious inside his car.
They went and late at night he knocked on the door of the house and Esther opened it.
“My God, drunk again?” Esther asked, embarrassed by the scene she saw.
"I brought him in for safety, hope you don't mind," Atilio says, entering with him and placing him on the old sofa.
"I thank you and I'm sorry for this inconvenience, my husband after getting old has given us a lot of work."
Atilio looked into that humble house looking for her, but he was not lucky enough to see her that night.
He returned alone in the car thinking about the next steps he should take towards.
She must be sleeping by now, that poor place is not for you. Don't worry, my beautiful Guadalupe, soon I'll lay you down on noble sheets.
"I'll warm you up with my princess body!"
He says, closing his eyes and imagining himself with her.