Sophia's POV
I storm my way back into the Alpha's house mumbling under my breath the whole way.
"Fottuto pezzo di merda. Non avrei mai dovuto venire a questo pacchetto. (Fucking piece of shit. I should have never come to this pack)," I mumble under my breath. I was perfectly fine by myself and he just had to butt in.
"Sophia get back here now," I heard Titus yell at me. I turned around and stopped.
"Have you gotten it through your thick head that you've decided to stop acting like a dick and realize that no matter what you try that the stupid mate pull will still bring us together. Mates are supposed to take care of each other and while I'm having a panic attack in the other room you don't even think about coming to calm me down. I had top call Brody and you got jealous of him. You should be glad or you would have to deal with me for hours crying. Do you even know what happens when I have those dreams?" He stays silent.
"I don't know why you decided to act like you cared for me the first day you met me then decided that I wasn't worth your time. I'll leave tomorrow and won't bed in your way anymore," I say turning around. I felt a something grab my arm and turned me around. I was slammed into Titus' chest. His intoxicating scent filled my nose his hand crept up to my cheek and the other hand on my back keeping me in place. He brought my face to his. Our lips brushing over. My heartbeat started to speed up and my breathing became uneven. He closed the gap and I froze for a few seconds. I was stunned. After I came to my senses, I started to kiss back. I started to stand on my toes feeling the need to deepen the kiss. Stupid mate pull. Both of his hands were on my waist. My hands wandered from his back and ended in his hair. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I keep my mouth shut not letting him enter. He lets out a low grumble. I felt his canines start to grow. He bit my bottom lip as I felt my back hit something. I assumed it was a tree. He moved from my lips to my jawline. He traveled to my neck then rested on the area between my neck and shoulder where my mark was supposed to go. I tried to hold in my moan. I didn't want him to know I was in pleasure. I felt his canines brush the spot. I heard someone cough behind Titus. We both pushed away breathless. He leans his forehead into mine as we continue to catch our breath.
"I'm sorry for being a dick too you," he apologizes. After about a minute he looks behind to see who interrupted us.
"Alpha there's a pack of about 17 rouges at the west border," the warrior said. Titus sighed and started to walk away.
"I'll send Brody over to make sure you made it back to the house," he said before he leaves with the warrior. I let out a sigh and walk back into his house and go straight to the pantry. My wolf was grinning from ear to ear. I take out the Oreos and start eating. I heard the front door open and smelled Brody.
"Soph?" I heard him call out. I quickly hide behind the pillar in the hallway and saw Brody. He probably smelt me but didn't know where I was. As he walked down the hallway I waited for her to walk right in front of where I was hiding and I jumped out and screamed.
"Oh my god soph!" He said putting her hand over his heart.
"Hah I got you. You're a little baby," I laugh and clap my hands. I skip down the rest of the hallway with a grin on my face. I felt hands wrap around my waist and my feet were no longer on the floor.
"Brody put me down," I squeal.
"Nope. You have to say that I'm the most manliest man you've ever met," he says.
"Then I would be lying to you," I laugh.
"Then I'm not putting you down," He says holding me up still. I take my leg and kicked where the sun doesn't shine. He lets out a groan and drops me. I take this chance and go up behind him and kicked his leg causing him to drop down on one knee. I put him in a head lock and he starts tapping the ground.
"Okay okay I surrender," he laughs. I let go of him and roll onto the ground and lay there.
"Dang soph where did you learn to fight?" He says rolling onto the ground next to me.
"Well I went to the same beta camp you did just a year later so you should technically be able to beat me considering you are beta of the strongest pack in America and I'm just one in training," I say matter of factly.
"Well smarty pants you kicked me in no-no spot and caught me off guard,"He said sitting up.
"The first thing we learn in Beta camp is to never be caught off guard," I tell him sitting up also.
"Whatever," he said rolling his eyes. He stood up and helped me up.
"One day, when your not caught off guard, i want to fight you and I'll beat your ass anyway," I smirk.
"You wish," he said rolling his eyes.
"Just watch," I said confidently.
"We'll find a day but now it's 3:46 Am and you need to sleep because Titus will kill me if you're not in bed when he comes home," he laughs.
"Alright," I say walking to my room. I sigh and climb into bed and turn my lamp off. There was still light in my group. I turn to the source and I see Brody leaning on the door frame looking at me.
"Creep," I laugh.
He gives me a light smile, "Goodnight Soph." He closes the door and I slowly drift of into sleep.
When Sophie gets captured
9 days before last flash back
"Come on Sophia," Maya says dragging me towards our spot.
"What do you want," I groan. She sits in the little clearing and I sit across from her.
"Well I have to tell you my plans for my sweet 16," she says raising her eyes brows.
"Oh yeah!" I exclaim.
"You forgot?" She asked fake shocked.
"I would never," I say. We both laugh and continue talking. In the distance I heard the siren go off telling there are rouges approaching our territory.
"We should get going," Maya says getting up. I get up too and we start walking and I look back.
"I'm dropped my phone give me a sec," I said running back. I bend down to grab it and suddenly I couldn't see. I felt the bag over my head tighten and I let out a scream. I felt the wind rush by me and I'm thrown onto something hard. The ground under me started to shake. I felt my arms pulled behind me and cuffed. The sack was pulled off my face. My hair fell on my face and someone pushed it back.
"Hello Sophia it's a pleasure to finally meet you," the guy in front of me smirks.
End of Flashback
I sit up and let in a sharp breath.
"Sophie are you okay," I heard someone say. I almost screamed but I realized it was Titus. The lamp was on and Titus has only a towel around his waist and his hair was messed up in a cute way. My wolf wolf let out an approving purr that I wish she didn't. I feel the blood rushing to my face and I look away. He didn't notice and continues on the next thing.
"Did you have another nightmare?" He asks worried. I nod slightly.
"Wait...why are you in here?" I ask realizing that this isn't his room.
"I thought I'd stay in here just in case you had another nightmare," he says walking back into the bathroom. He comes back out in sweatpants and still no shirt.
"Why were you ignoring me?" I ask quietly. He heard me though using his werewolf hearing.
"I have gained a lot of enemies the few years I've been alive and I have more enemies than allies and if people know that I have a mate now, they're going to go after you," he says sitting down on the edge of my bed. "A threat has already been made against you."
"By who?" I asked shocked. How do people already know?
"Rouges," he says. I intake a sharp breath. Were they the same ones from when I got captured? What is they find me?
"What are you nightmares about?" He asks changing the subject. I yawn.
"I'll tell you another day not right now," I say laying down.
"Alright but you promise to tell me?" He asks.
"I promise," I say still looking at him. He turns of the lamp and gets under the covers with me.
"Goodnight Sophia," he whispers and kisses my forehead gently. He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. I snuggle into his chest and let sleep come to me. I was one of the rare times I didn't have any nightmares in my sleep.