Reaching home, I quickly changed into sweats and a baggy T-shirt.
Lucy was hovering, I understand that she was worried for me and wanted to keep an eye on me. But her walking around me on eggshells, waiting for me to explode any second now didn't really help.
"Oh! Crap….the interview." I spoke aloud, suddenly remembering.
"I'm so sorry Lucy, I…" I started but she cut me off.
"Seriously? That's what you're worried about?" She yelled in surprise.
"Do you not see what happened to you or are you just crazy? For heaven's sake Bel, you almost got raped." She muttered, instantly regretting it.
That really stung.
I was again about to burst out but I held it in as I felt moisture in my eyes.
" I'm sorry Bel, I didn't mean it like that. I have no idea what you're going through and I don't want to make you feel worse than you're already feeling. My damn mouth just doesn't know when to shut up." She joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Anyway…...I'm hungry. Wanna go out for some lunch or should we just order a pizza or something."
"I really don't want to keep you from anything if you're busy. You can go to work if you want since you're feeling better anyway. College is starting in a couple of days anyway, so there's just a several days more left of your internship."
"Bel, I'm not leaving you here alone." She said, her chiding tone made it clear this was not open for argument.
"Fine." I said, grateful, I really didn't wanna be alone right now.
"So, what should we do for lunch?"
"I don't know. Do you know when Daniel's getting in tonight? " I thoughtfully asked.
"I don't know, about 5 I guess."
"Let's just order some fries. We'll have dinner when Daniel gets in."
"Ok, I'll order. You pick out the movie. Oh and please pick some chick lit type of movie or maybe a rom com. I'm sick of those action movies you always make me watch." She grunted as she screwed her nose up in disgust, making her way to her room down the hallway.
I chortled with laughter as I looked through the cassettes, picking terminator 2… always. That movie was just the best, nothing could be as exhilarating as Arnold Schwarzenegger playing cgi.
I was finally feeling better, I thought as I sat down beside Lucy on the bean bag. Even though my Lucy and Daniel's family was filthy rich, they didn't really spend money on ridiculously expensive things.
"I don't even know why people get so hyped up over this movie, Arnold is just part cgi, there are lots of movies revolving around part cgi characters, what's so special about this one?" Lucy quipped as she munched on the hot fries which had just arrived.
"Ok….hold on there sister", I said incredulously.
"There might've been movies before terminator 2 with part cgi characters but Terminator 2 features Arnold who could only really exist through cgi. T2 was the moment cgi became truly exciting and everyone was like 'holy fuck, look at that'. T2 gave cgi a new face." I completed, catching my breath.
"So don't you dare call T2 just another 'part cgi movie'." I huffed, finally done, my chest swelling up with victory.
"Fine...whatever you say, you cgi geek." Lucy grumbled, snatching the fries from me.
I just smirked in response.
A few days later
College had finally started and everything was back on track.
I made my way through the corridor as I peered down at the map, trying to find out where my class was when I bumped into a hard wall.
I stumbled back and I would've landed flat on my ass if a pair of very muscular hands hadn't caught my waist. It wasn't a wall I'd hit.
"Hey, slow down there."
I looked up as I heard a low, husky voice, slightly teasing I must say.
And just froze up for a sec, taking him in and boy was he gorgeous. He was a freaking ball of fire...he was so fucking hot. Jet black hair shaped into perfection by a really nice smelling gel. His face seemed like it'd been sculpted by Pablo Picasso himself. His white skin perfectly showed off in his black hoodie.
He was all hard, I could feel his slabs of muscle against me.
And that's when I realized I was back on my feet but still holding onto him with my arms.
I quickly let go of him to avoid further embarrassment.
That's when I noticed his hands were still on my waist as he let go. I blushed a deep red but tried to hide it with my hair, making it fall across my face.
"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" He questioned, looking thoughtful.
"Class. Duh!" I said, smirking at him. Thank god I got my sassiness back.
"Nice one."
"So which year are you in?" I said casually, trying to play it cool.
"I'm in the same building as you, so...I'm in third year." He said, a faint smile on his lips. God, those luscious lips. "Duh!" He added, his eyes laughing at me.
A blush crept up my neck to my cheeks, why was I blushing so much?
My hair did an excellent job of hiding the red tint on my face.
When suddenly, he reached for me, tucking my blonde hair back. He'd caught me off guard as I blushed wildly again.
I shook my head to try and let the gold curtain to fall over my face again.
"Don't." He suddenly said, tucking my hair back again on one ear.
"I meant, this style doesn't really suit you. You look much better with your hair back." He uttered, in his faint, husky voice. I unconsciously leaned in towards him to hear him clearly.