It WAS finally 6:45, which only meant that Raphael could leave to go to Peach's Pub, where his precious Tami would meet him again.
She had sent a text earlier to confirm if he was coming or not, and he made it pretty clear that he would definitely be there. He grabbed his phone from the bed, along with his wallet before heading towards the car where Nick was waiting, once again.
'Definitely keeping this one', Raphael thought as he approached the car. He liked Nick. And that was rare for Raphael.
"Good even Mr. Léon. To the pub I assume? " Nick asked as he held the door open again.
Raphael never liked the gesture, since he could get his own doors. But he didn't see the point of closing it and opening it again. And when he told Nick that he could do it himself, he still always found Nick with a bright smile, fully clothed in uniform and holding the door wide open.
"Yes. I am to be there in ten minutes." He simply said, as his phone went off with a call. Maddie's name flashed across the screen. "Yes?"
"Hello sir. Just reporting that all the things are bought and on their way to your mansion in the Grand Bahama. Was there anything else, sir?"
"Nothing else Maddie. Thank you" He casually dismissed. "I'll transfer a bonus to your account for the extra work"
"Wow thank y-" Raphael quickly hung up the phone, not really wanting to hear how high her voice went due to her excitement. Believe it or not, Maddie's voice alone contributed to half his headaches. She heard what he had to say, he heard what she had to say, so the conversation was over.
His leg shook as he got closer to the pub, and he attempted to get a lid on his nerves when he actually pulled into the parking lot. It was less crowded than the day before, and he liked that.
He offered Nick a nod as he exited the car, making his way towards the entrance, being met with the warmth and great aroma again. Except, the place didn't feel foreign to him anymore.
He spotted her a few booths away, and though her back was turned away from him, his heart raced at the thought of seeing her again. He sat in front of her once he was at the booth, and she had her head so deep in the phone, that she didn't even notice.
Raphael took the opportunity to take in her beauty. She wore a simple sleeveless yellow dress, and her hair was let loose over her shoulders instead of in a bun like yesterday. His lip tilted in one of his rear smiles as he ogled the woman who was undoubtedly his.
His Tamika.
He cleared his throat gently, shaking her from whatever she was peering at on her phone, as her beautiful blue eyes darted to him. Tami's shock transformed into delight as she beamed at him, momentarily hopping from her seat to give him a quick hug.
"Hey sorry about that. How long have you been sitting here?" She asked with a light blush. "I came a little early"
It delighted him that she seemed eager to see him too, and the scent of her from her quick hug made his mind all fuzzy. "I just got here. How are you?"
"I'm great actually." Her hand reached up to tuck a curl behind her ear, a habit of hers whenever she was nervous. "A little hungry though".
"Okay" He nodded in agreement, smiling a little as he ushered the waitress over. "Any new suggestions?" His eyes danced in amusement as hers lit up, and she nodded eagerly as she showed him various meals.
He eventually chose an entrée that he thought would like. She immediately engaged him in conversation again, and he didn't mind one bit.
Tami was more than eager all day to see Raphael again. She hadn't had a chance to tell her family about her reunion, since she got in an argument with her mom in the morning. Whenever the two weren't on speaking terms, the whole household had tension. So, she spent the whole day at the beach, only going home to get ready for her night with Raphael.
That was partially a part of the reason why she was so early for the meet tonight. She didn't want to stay in there any longer. She loved her family, and anytime she and her mom would 'catch up', all they needed was a day or two.
She had planned that after her meet with Raphael, she would go home and tell talk to her, and inevitably tell her family about the wonderful reunion.
She still couldn't believe that this was the little boy who she had befriended years ago. He wasn't a little boy anymore.
He was all man.
She chatted away with him about random things, trying to get to know the new Raphael now, and compare how different he was from nine-year old Raphael. He was indeed different, and he had a little mystery about him. But she didn't mind. She loved a good mystery.
"So what are your plans for the rest of the summer?" He asked her only minutes after finishing the wonderful food. Her eyes shone brighter as she took a sip of her soda before answering.
"I was actually planning to spend the next two weeks here, after which I'll leave for the US. It is where I'm going to medical school" His heart sunk at that. He didn't hear anything else after that sentence.
She was going to leave. She was going to leave HIM again. His mind tried to scold him, telling him that it was her life and he should be happy for her and her moves in life. But his heart couldn't bear it. He just got her back.
"And Malik will join me in fall, so I'll only be alone for a month" She added, causing an undeniable dominance to rise in him.
"Malik?" He asked with a perfectly raised brow. His reaction startled her, but he didn't bother to change it.
"Yes...He's my friend. We went to school together. I actually invited him.." She pursed her lips a little as she peered at her watch. "He said he would be late but I didn't think he would've been this late. You don't mind don't you?"
"Yes actually" He told her truthfully, and it was her time to raise her brow, so he quickly reworded the phrase."I just didn't know"
She nodded in agreement, feeling a little odd. She didn't understand his very sudden change in mood. At one minute he was calm, and now he looked like he was about to throw his phone across the room.
"Did I say something?" She confronted, not really liking his reaction. "If it bothers you, I can tell Malik not to come"
"No it's fine. I'll be leaving anyways" He mumbled as he moved to exit the booth, but her pleading eyes stopped him.
"Wait Raph don't go. What did I say?" She could see quite clearly that he was upset about something. She just didn't know what she had said to upset him this much. Raphael was such an odd man. Good one minute, then in a whole different mood another minute.
Raphael knew his reaction and attitude was what worried her, but he couldn't help it. It was just a part of what he had to deal with on a day to day basis. And though Tami was the only human being who evoked any sort of human emotion from him, even her wouldn't always be reprieved from his true nature.
"Nothing. It's just me," he told her truthfully. He had his own truth to deal with, but he didn't think this was the best time to tell her.
"At least have a drink with me before you go" She offered with a smile, her eyes big with hope.
Despite the fact that Raphael was tearing up about the fact that she was leaving soon and will spend the next four years with 'Malik', he couldn't refuse her. He excused himself after asking what she'd like at the bar, before heading over to a bartender.
The bartender, Larry as his name tag provided, took Raphael's order and skillfully made the expensive cocktails. He grabbed his wallet to retrieve his card, when something caught his attention.
It was a tiny ziplock bag of a very familiar substance that he kept in his wallet from time to time. He kept GHB on him now and then, especially when he knew he would be doing a lot of travelling. All he did was take a tiny bit to make him sleep for the remaining of the flight or car drive. His prescribed pills only helped when he was going to bed, but never in those situations.
The little devil on his shoulder whispered something preposterous in his ear, but it had a good point in his view. The woman who's HIS, was going to leave him, and maybe he'll lose her forever this time.
He couldn't let that happen. He had to get her to love him--to accept him. Even if it's just until the end of summer he had to try. And then, he'll personally fly her to America in fall for school, and stay there with her until or if she comes back to The Bahamas.
It could work. He was sure of it. Just two months--two months were all he needed, and Tami will be his forever.
But he knew that if he didn't do this--if he let her go, she'd be gone forever. He couldn't live with himself if he let that happen.
Raphael looked over his shoulder, seeing her at the booth with her head in her phone. He then gazed back at the bartender, seeing that he was now preparing the second drink. The pub was relatively empty, so nobody saw when he took a pinch of the GHB and dropped it in her drink. His chest clenched at his action, but he reminded himself that this was for the best.
This was only for her.
"Thank you" He nodded to Larry as he walked back to the table towards her. She beamed at him as he handed her the drink, and he resisted the urge to take it from her and sail it through the window.
He was torn between two sides of himself. One side looking at it with humanity, logic and non-selfishness. While the other selfish, possessive and 'tired of being alone' side of him, refused to let the other side win.
'She'll forgive me', he told himself. 'She has to'.
Tami picked up conversation again, trying to get rid of the tension that fell minutes prior. But eventually, her words became slurred, and her eyes began to droop. She believed it was the cocktail, but Raphael knew too well. He brushed away the guilt that rose in his chest as he caught her falling glass.
"Hey feeling tired?" He asked, even though he knew the answer. She nodded as her eyes continued to droop.
"I think it's my bedtime," she mumbled as her head bobbed. Raphael quickly added a tip to the tab he had left on the table as he swept her from her seat. He tried to keep her as awake as possible as he led her to the exit, simply because he didn't want anyone to see and be suspicious.
Once he hit the outside air, her legs became noodles and she was out cold. He scooped her in his arms, admiring her soft features as she made for Nick's car.
"I'm so sorry," he mumbled to her sleeping state as he quickly made his way out of sight. Nick was already there waiting, and when he saw them, his eyes widened in shock.
"Oh my gosh. Are we heading to the hospital?" Nick asked with pure concern and worry, seeing the situation. He thought Tami was hurt.
Raphael quickly sat in the car with the beautiful sleeping woman still in his arms. He shook his head as Nick quickly backed out of the lot, still thinking they were going to the hospital.
"No Nick. Take me to the airport." He instructed, paying no mind to Nick's confusion."I am leaving the island."