"Excuse me sir?"
A small voice penetrated through his peaceful silence and he slowly opened his eyes to gaze upon the intruder. His eyes met with the hazel eyed receptionist and he saw her standing a few feet away from him, conveniently giving him the comfort of his personal space-something other girls or women always failed to do-with a small smile on her face.
"Would you like anything, sir? Maybe a glass of water?"
For a few minutes, he only stared, not uttering a single word. Then he pulled his shades down his nose, revealing his eyes. Immediately, he saw her visibly tense up as the smile evaporated from her lips and her eyes widened in realisation, fear and surprise. He let his eyes go up and down her body, taking in her appearance. He was right. She wore a black skirt with black heels.
He only let out a deep breath before putting the shades back on his eyes. Resting his head on the back rest of the couch, he waved her off and he could hear her hurriedly retreating footsteps.
For a few minutes, he remained like that until he heard the ringtone of his phone go off. It was Carol.
"Hmm. . .?" He answered.
"J, you can come on in now."
"Do I really have to do this?" He was counting on a last minute change of her heart.
"Oh but you already promised," her resolve might be cracking. Now, all he needed were the right words.
"I know but what about the meeting. I really have to go," he tried again. Who knew? Maybe she would take pity on him.
"No way! I'm not taking no for an answer. Get up here this instant," Or not. She shouted and immediately hung up.
He let out a deep sigh before getting up and walking towards the elevator.
"It's the third floor. Door in the middle," the blonde said quietly before the elevator door clicked shut.
He took off his shades and tucked them in his pocket before immediately heading for the door in the middle of the small space that seemed like another lobby although it was totally empty. He pushed it open without knocking and he was once again welcomed by the well designed office.
The colours, black and gray dominated the room with the dark red rug acting as the only different shade. The furniture was well arranged and he looked to the floor to ceiling window at the far side of the office to see the streets of Manhattan below and rolled up against the ceiling were black coloured Venetian blinds. To the opposite side of the room was a pretty chic cellarette dominated by what looked to be mostly fruit wines and quite a number of Cabernet Sauvignon.
'Looks like she also had a good taste in wine.'
Admittedly, he had expected a very crowded place, flirtatious receptionists or secretaries who sought his attention and even someone with bad taste in designs and colours but he was pleased with what he was seeing.
He finally looked up to see who his supposed therapist was going to be. His eyes met with the figure of a lady dressed in red, seated behind the desk. He couldn't see her face because she had her head down as she brought out a few items from her desk drawer but he noticed that she had glasses on and he suddenly hoped that Carol hadn't brought him to meet an old or middle aged woman.
"Oh good, you're here," Carol called out as she turned to look at him while dabbing her nose with a tissue. Her eyes were a bit red and her nose, a slight pink.
'Had she cried?'
He looked back at the seated lady and as though they were drawn to each other, she also lifted her head and met his gaze. He had to admit that he was very wrong when he had assumed his supposed therapist was an old or middle aged woman. The lady seated before him was everything but old. She looked to be in her early or mid twenties.
He let his eyes take in her appearance. The glasses sat atop the bridge of her nose, making only a bit of her eyes to be vividly on show and it looked like she had green eyes.
Her hair was pulled into a bun atop her head and her face was beautifully sculpted. Her small and pointed nose looking perfectly straight. His eyes went lower and he felt himself harden at the mere sight of her pink plump and lusciously looking lips which was daubed with little gloss, making the light hot pink colour of her lips glimmer seductively.
He ventured lower to her slender neck and her collarbones which were on show above the neckline of the top of the dress she wore. He didn't know what was so special about her collarbones but he found them sexy and for a brief moment, he imagined himself running his tongue across those beautiful lines, tasting their ethereal flavour.
Daringly, he went further and his eyes stopped at her substantial looking breasts. Unconsciously, he gulped and looked back up at her face while cursing the damned desk that shielded the rest of her body.
They kept staring at each other and when he looked deep into her eyes, trying to find the usual fear or terror he normally found in the eyes of basically anyone who stood before him, only to find eyes void of any expression. Her eyes revealed nothing, not even a tinge of emotion and he could feel his curiosity and slight anger flood through him.
She wasn't scared of him.
It was either that or she just didn't know who he was, but that was nearly impossible because everyone, across the entire U.S. knew who J.K was. He continued to stare with his cold, emotionless and intense orbs, determined to elicit that fear in her like every other person but there was still no reaction from her. How was he supposed to threaten her to not even attempt to counsel him?
Suddenly, someone cleared their throat and he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked to the side and saw Carol giving them both a look with a mischievous smirk. He was glad she had done that because his mind was beginning to conjure diverse dirty thoughts about the lady in red.
The aforementioned lady passed a curious look at Carol who exclaimed and jumped to introduce them.
"Oh I'm sorry. Emerald, here's my brother, Jordan Kale. Jordan, my therapist and friend, Emerald Pearce," Carol introduced with a smile.
Emerald Pearce.
She rendered a small smile to him before speaking, "Nice to meet you," she greeted but he was too stunned by her voice to even reply.
She had a very mellifluous and velvety voice with an underlying accent that sounded Australian. He was taken aback by how soft her voice was and he could feel his member harden even more. She was turning him on without even knowing it.
He felt a nudge to the side, courtesy of Carol prompting him to give a reply to her greeting. "Same," he replied huskily.
'Really, Jordan? Same? That's all you could come up with?' His subconscious chastised. She had rendered him speechless.
"Well, I'll leave you guys to get to know each other better and maybe decide on a schedule for your sessions?" She suggested as she stood up and grabbed her stuff, intentionally not meeting Jordan's eyes. Emerald passed her a nod to which she smiled at.
His fists tightened as he grew tense. Carol was getting way ahead of herself here but he knew what to do. If she wouldn't listen, then he would've to 'persuade' someone else. At this thought, his eyes drifted to the gemstone seated behind the desk.
Carol began heading for the door but she stopped beside him to whisper into his ear.
"It seems like she doesn't know who you are. This should be fun," she remarked mischievously before sashaying her way out of the office, leaving only the both of them.
He kept staring at the lady in front of him, his curiosity rising even more. She was as relaxed as ever and not at all tensed, as though he were a typical everyday person she came across on a norm. As though feeling his burning gaze, she looked up at him.
"You can have your seat," she gestured towards the chairs placed opposite her and he complied, still staring at her. Did she really not know who he was?
She opened her black notepad and flipped to a new page before placing her pen in the middle of it. He watched as she clasped her hands together and leaned forward on the desk.
His eyes immediately darted towards her busts which were now protruding even more through her dress due to her position, making them look even bigger than before.
His mouth suddenly felt dry and he swallowed thickly, feeling his joystick throb against his pants. On the exterior, he appeared calm and collected but that was a total contrast to how he currently felt and this was all courtesy of the gemstone in the red dress seated before him.
Yet he couldn't help but ponder on Carol's words. 'This should be fun.'
"So, where shall we begin?" She asked in her velvety voice again.
'With you in between my sheets. . .'