Eyes are the window to the heart.
For helping a mysterious old man, Ardhan Aji Pradiptio was rewarded with a mysterious...
Chapter 1. Attention Center
"Why is my salary only this much, sir?" asked a young man in his superior's room.
"You can't work well, if you want your full salary, bill all your clients! "The client doesn't pay, why is he asking for a big salary." scolded the boss.
“But I beg you, sir, don't cut it again this month. I will work even harder," he said.
“What hard work? followed by a promotion, the result is the same; the tender never won, and your project failed. "Luckily, I still keep you, otherwise it would be a shame because you wanted to get married, I would have fired you last month," continued the old and fat man with thick glasses.
“I promise, sir, I will change. But please, don't cut my salary again."
"Hey Ardhan, I can return your salary, but all your client's arrears must be cleared within two days."
"Yes, sir, thank you very much."
After saying this, he walked out to his room. When the thin man was about to enter his room, suddenly someone called him. "Mr. Ardhan, this is a list of clients who must be billed, and make sure all their arrears are cleared as soon as possible. Or your salary next month will also be cut!"
"Okay, ma'am, I'll try," answered Ardhan.
Ardhan then continued his steps towards his workroom. In the 3x3 meter room, he chooses the clients he will visit today. Ardhan will do everything he can to get his salary back in full.
After sorting and selecting, he settled on four companies because they were located close to each other. Ardhan prepared all the necessary documents, then left his room and moved towards the parking lot. With his beat-up motorbike, the man was ready to carry out his duties.
After struggling on the streets for 45 minutes, the man finally arrived at the first company. Ardhan immediately went to the receptionist and explained his aim and purpose for coming to the company. There was no need to wait long, the person he wanted to meet immediately came to him.
"Good morning sir, sorry I’m-"
"What are you doing, Mr. Ardhan, I know what my obligations are. There's no need for you to come and charge at the office like this!” said the man with thick glasses; he looked angry at Ardhan's arrival.
"I came here with good intentions, just so you know, your bill is overdue—"
“I know and I am not absent, our company will pay the bill. But there's no need to come here, it's just embarrassing!!” The man interrupted, he was getting even angrier. The commotion between the two people prompted the company's security team to approach them.
"Yes, if you don't want to be embarrassed, pay the bill, sir! I'm the one who got the sap!" Ardhan replied no less fiercely, his emotions were overflowing.
"Throw him away, sir! "Come here impolitely," said the man to the two security guards. The two well-built men immediately took Ardhan out of the company lobby. They pushed Ardhan until he fell on the hard floor.
"You go away! Never come to this company again!!”
Ardhan, who was annoyed and embarrassed, immediately left the company, walked to his motorcycle, and immediately left. The bitter thing that Ardhan found earlier did not make him discouraged, he was determined to settle all of his clients' arrears. And now Ardhan is moving towards the second company.
Different from the previous company, in second place, Ardhan did not meet with the financial staff but only the frontliners. "We are very sorry, Mr. Ardhan, our company cannot pay now, but we will pay the bill as soon as possible," explained the female employee.
“Approximately how long, sis? I need certainty about the time to report to my superior. "The due date is too far behind," insisted Ardhan.
"We cannot confirm the exact date yet, we will try to do it as soon as possible."
"Just like this, sis, tell your boss that tomorrow I will come back here again. Because I have to get clarity on the payment date, thank you.”
After saying this, Ardhan left the company and moved quickly to another company. The two companies he visited had not been able to pay even though it was getting late, making the man panic.
Ardhan rushed to the parking lot, started the engine of his battered motorbike, and got ready for the third company. In the middle of the road, his motorcycle suddenly stopped. Ardhan chuckled in annoyance. "Damn, use all the strikes!" he cursed as he pulled over the motorbike.
Ardhan tried to repair his motorcycle. He checked the engine repeatedly, but it wouldn't start. Ardhan, who was annoyed, tried to rest for a while to calm down his emotions and the confusion within him.
When he was sitting on the shoulder of the road, his brown eyes accidentally saw an old grandfather digging through a trash can. The grandfather seemed to be looking for leftover food, and Ardhan, who remembered his grandfather's figure, felt sorry for him. He then approached the old man.
"Excuse me, Grandpa, what are you looking for in that box?"
"I'm hungry, son, I haven't eaten since yesterday," answered the grandfather while looking down.
Ardhan's guess was correct, the man in formal clothes was in doubt. On the one hand, he felt sorry for Grandpa, on the other hand, he also felt hungry, plus he only had a little money left.
“I have a little good fortune for Grandpa, please accept it. "You don't need to look for food there, just buy it at the stall," said Ardhan as he took out change from his trouser pocket. It turned out that his compassion was greater than his hunger.
"Thank you, son, finally I can eat," said the grandfather smiling. Ardhan was happy to see that Grandpa was happy. “I can't repay your kindness but I have something for you.”
The old man in shabby clothes took something out of his small bag. Grandpa gave a pair of white glasses to Ardhan. "No need, Grandpa, I don't need these glasses," said Ardhan.
“Just accept it, this is all I have. "I hope it can help you with your work," said the man, forcing Ardhan to accept it. Finally, Ardhan accepted the object the old man had given him, although with a heavy heart.
"These glasses look old-school, like they're reading glasses," he muttered. The man returned to his original place. Ardhan, who was curious, then tried to wear the glasses. He looked in the rearview mirror. “Pretty good for me.”
The man then tried to look toward the street. In the next second, he became afraid of himself and took a step back. Ardhan, who panicked, tried to remove the mysterious glasses, but the object continued to stick, he couldn't remove it no matter how hard he tried.
What Ardhan did was, of course, the center of attention for other drivers. One of the drivers stopped the vehicle and intended to help Ardhan. "Well, this is Mas Ardhan, right? Why, sir?"
"Ah, it's okay, sir," he answered.
"Is it true that Mas Ardhan is okay?" The man repeated this, and Ardhan nodded his head quickly. "I happen to be waiting for Mas Ardhan to arrive, you know. Can we now go to my office?”
"Are you waiting for my arrival?"