Chapter Six
Not My Scene
We got to the party and all split up within 10 minutes. Charlie and Ezra were on my back so I stuck by Jade's side until they left. Charlie and Leo went to go play beer pong, Ezra went to smoke a cigarette, Luke took Jade and went to dance, Joy and Kai went to get drinks, and the last time I saw Noah he was talking to some pretty brunette girl.
I waited until Ezra stopping watching me like a hawk so I could dip out of the party. It wasn't really my scene. I kind of hated parties more than anything really.
It wasn't that whole "I don't want to be in a room full of sweaty bodies, a bunch of out of control teenagers who I have to deal with a school everyday" type of thing. It was because I didn't like drugs and alcohol. You can have fun without doing either and frankly, it was dangerous and stupid to put yourself in a situation where you don't have control over your actions.
Long story short, this was just really not my scene and I didn't want to be here.
The only reason I agreed to come was because Charlie and Ezra started looking at me like I was a fragile little child so I said yes before anyone in the group would catch the looks they were sending me. I didn't want to be the pathetic one because frankly, I knew I was the most hard-core out of all of them.
I cursed myself for wearing a thin long-sleeved shirt because it was starting to get cooler out the more night it became.
I walked outside the backyard and found myself walking through the massive home's garden. It wasn't as big as my mom or dads house but still fairly large.
I walked through the garden until I was far enough from the party where I could only hear the light beats of the loud music but couldn't make the song out properly. I noticed a large white tuscany swing that I took a seat on. There were fairy lights on around the swing, bringing light and a cute look to the area.
"Hey," I looked up when I saw Cade.
"Hi." I mumbled awkwardly. "I didn't expect to see you."
Cade laughed lightly, shoving his hands into his jacket pocket as it was getting colder the later it got. "What are you doing all the way out here when the party's in there?" He came over and gave me a questioning look, wondering if he sat down. I smiled and moved over a bit so he could sit on the swing beside me.
"Party's aren't really my scene... I honestly don't think I'd willing choose to come to one myself but here I am." I laughed lightly thinking about how it was my fault I was in the situation, really.
"Can I guess the rest of the group convinced you to come?" Cade looked at me, a soft smile resting on his lips. It was surprising to think about him and then about Braxton because they really were polar opposites. Braxton had a rough exterior, he was quiet and closed off and you could easily see he wasn't approachable and didn't really like having to talk to new people. Cade on the other hand, he was sweet, very kind and funny, someone you genuinely felt comfortable around and wanted to get to know.
I nodded, a small smile laying on my lips. "Yeah, I guess. We were supposed to go bowling and ending up here. Why are you out here when the party's in there, anyways?"
Cade laughed as I repeated his words to him, "Party's aren't my scene either. I'll party, sure but people get too... hands-on and annoying when they're drunk."
"So who dragged you here then?" I looked at him, amused and content right now. It was weird but it was oddly calming and... kind of nice talking to Cade. He was a likeable guy who was easy to be around. I didn't feel like I had to put up any walls or dodge personal questions that made me feel awkward like I did around everyone else. That was a nice thing considering the one person I felt comfortable around - Ezra, I was somewhat avoiding.
"My friends," he sighed, shaking his head lightly but he didn't seem upset or bothered. "We were at the movies and were going to get food when they decided to hit the party up. I was going to leave but figured I may as well be the designated driver."
"I don't know even know where any of my friends went," I laughed seeing as I was with a whole entire group of people and for all they could know, I could be dead right now and they would have no idea.
"Ah, I can help you out with that one." Cade grinned. I raised my eyebrows, intrigued. "Joy and Kai are probably hooking up in some corner or bathroom or bedroom... or anywhere, really. Luke is wild, always dancing or jumping onto tables singing bizarre songs." I laughed and nodded my head in agreement because so far what he was saying seemed accurate. "Leo plays beer pong and let me tell you - he gets insanely competitive, it's really funny but eventually he'll pick a fight that doesn't turn into a full blown out fight because he's too drunk. Charlie starts off playing beer pong with Leo but he kind of sucks so he ends up drunk crying or ranting to anyone who will talk to him. I haven't seen or heard much about Ezra but he's usually outside smoking a cigarette somewhere. He's usually the designated driver because he doesn't drink as far as I've seen."
"Yeah... sounds like him." I mumbled.
"Jade's a fun drunk. She's usually being an idiot with Luke or off somewhere just dancing and laughing."
"What about Noah?" I looked at him in inquiry when he had mentioned everyone but his brother.
Cade scrunched his noes up in thought, "Noah disappears a lot. He doesn't party as much anymore but he use to always end up with a girl somewhere."
"So he's the player type?" I quirked an eyebrow. I heard rumours about everyone here and there but never paid much attention to them.
"He use to be. Now he keeps to himself most of the time because girls would get too clingy and not understand that a one night stand didn't mean they were married the next day." Cade laughed, his eyes lighting up in amusement as he thought back to memories, from the looks of it.
"Not sure it's all in the past." I chuckled dryly.
"What do you mean?" Cade looked at me, confused.
I shrugged, not fazed, "He was with a girl when I last saw him."
Cade looked at me in thought and then shrugged, "Hm, well he did change a lot and that player reputation of his died down. Now he usually stands off to the side and makes sure Leo isn't getting alcohol poisoning or picking a beer pong fight with the wrong guy." Cade laughed.
I smiled lightly but it wasn't heartfelt. "You sure know a lot for someone who doesn't like to party himself."
Cade sighed, leaning back on the swing and looking at the stars that were shining in the sky. "I use to. Party, that is."
I leaned back as well and also looked at the stars. I wanted to ask him why he doesn't but refrained myself from doing so. It wasn't my business.
Cade looked at me, "you're not going to ask why I stopped?"
I looked at him and smiled, "No. Thinking about it, sure. If you want to tell me you can but it isn't my place to inquire."
My expression went from smiling to a subtle look of confusion when I saw a smile grow on Cade's face. "What?" I mumbled quietly, suddenly feeling like he was about to laugh at a giant pimple that automatically grew on my face.
He shook his head lightly, still smiling, "Nothing, you just... you're something else, Tiffany. I think it's sweet that you think the way you do - the whole it's not your spot to ask. I just mean, nobody else would hesitate for even a second before asking why."
I chuckled and looked back to the sky, smiling as I spoke, "It's not a big deal. I just don't force myself into someone else's business. Enough people noes around in mine so I understand that it's annoying and pestering sometimes."
"People noes in your business because you're reserved and quiet. I noticed you the first day you came to our school because there's that mystery about the pretty, quiet girl that makes you want to get to know you."
I looked at Cade, unable to stop myself from smiling. My cheeks heated up because unlike Noah who had called me "mad", Cade saw me as the "pretty, quiet girl" who held some mystery. I don't know why my mind travelled back to the grocery store where Noah noted that I was mad and not peachy. It was nice hearing a compliment and pretending I wasn't worn down with everything I had on my plate.
I sheepishly looked away from Cade, feeling like a pathetic little school girl who was hiding her blush.
"Hey, this is off topic but Braxton told me about... your guys' encounter." I looked at Cade, my face going back to straight. "It wasn't a big deal but... he actually wanted to apologize to you. He's just not very good at..."
"Social things?" I offered for Cade who was struggling to find the right words.
Cade nodded, smiling sheepishly as he spoke about his twin. "Yeah... he's the more quiet one as I'm sure you picked up on."
I nodded, "I did. I didn't mean to freak out on him, I just..."
"Not about the party and drugs scene?" Cade offered this time, smiling as he finished my thoughts. I nodded again. "It's okay," he continued. "Braxton felt like a jerk for how he reacted anyways."
"It wasn't my spot to say anything I just... well when I realized I guess I couldn't help my physical reaction. The look on my face was enough for no words, you know?" I sighed as I focused on a single star.
Cade nodded in understanding, "I get what you mean. I've been trying to get him to stop for months but he hasn't and it worries me. I'm trying to give him space but that isn't helping so I'm letting it play out for a bit before I take further measures."
"What are you planning in doing?" I asked as I looked at Cade again. "I mean, if you don't mind me asking."
Cade smiled at me, seeming like my words made him happy or something. "I'd tell Adriel first. I know he acts like a horny cocktease but he always has good intentions and he worries a shit ton and gets very protective. So does Noah but when Adriel gets angry he can be very intimidating. If that failed I would go to my mom because she's understanding and calm unlike my dad who... well none of us are close to him."
I nodded, looking at Cade as he spoke. I loved the look in his eyes when he spoke about his family. You could tell he worried and cared a lot for them which was nice to see especially because I didn't have that most of my life. My mom and I just didn't have that kind of relationship where I could come home from school and rant to her about my boy troubles while she helped me with my Calculus homework, you know?
"I can tell he's a good kid. Everyone looses sight of the tracks for a while but as long as he has someone there to catch him - in time, I'm sure he'll be okay."
Cade grinned, "Well, he's my twin. We sort of have so psychic connection so I know when he needs a hand. Some That's So Raven crap, you know?"
I laughed at his reference, surprised he knew the show. "You were a Disney kid?"
"Oh come on," He gave me a captain obvious look. "Disney classics beat Nickelodeons any day."
I chuckled, "Don't act like Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide isn't what got you through middle school."
Cade started laughing, both of us... well, happy and having a good time. For the first time in a while I actually didn't want the night to end so I could forget about the whole day and start over the next day. "Very true but what abou-"
"Sunsh- Tiffany?" Noah cleared his throat, confused as he saw Cade and I laughing together. His jaw clenched, "What are you doing out here in the cold?"
The smile got wiped off my face, "What are you doing here, ace?"
"I was looking for you because Luke was freaking out saying he had no idea where you were. I wanted to make sure you were okay." He looked beyond confused and a little surprised to see me with Cade. "What are you doing with Cade? I didn't know you guys were friends."
"We are, big brother." Cade stood up and shook his jacket off himself and handed it to me. "We were so caught up in that I didn't notice you must be cold. I'm so sorry." He genuinely looked guilty.
I gave him a thankful smile, "I'm fine, really. Keep your coat."
"You can be stubborn when it comes to Ned and his survival guide but not to this, T." He ignored my what I said and draped his coat over my shoulder. I gave him a smile again, taking advantage and putting his coat on because I really was cold.
"What are you talking about?" Noah looked between the two of us, a dumbfounded look on his face as he tried to understand what was going on.
"Nothing we were just talking." Cade shrugged nonchalantly.
"Okay, well I'm going to drive you home. Everyone else is... well whatever about them. Let's go." Noah didn't really give me a chance to decline his offer because from the hard look he gave me, I knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Aside from that, he already turned around and slowly started walking away. Slow enough to make sure I would follow.
"Well, I'll see you at school, Cade. Thanks for... you know, making the party a better scene to be at." Cade gave returned a smile as he nodded goodbye and watched me catch up with his brother.
I caught up to Noah and called his name multiple times but he didn't stop and listen to me. He ignored me as he walked through the backyard, back into the house and out the front door. I was calling him loud enough for him to hear me over the loud music but he still ignored me.
"Noah!" Finally, I managed to grab his arm. He was strong enough to be able to pull his arm back but he stopped and turned to look at me.
We were now outside, a bit further down the road by the curb where his car was parked. We got still easily hear the music from the distance we were at but it wasn't so loud that we would have to yell over it.
"What the hell is your issue?" I snapped, getting angry. For a second, I could see the surprise on his face which made sense because I hadn't ever had an outburst like this in front of him before. I never really got mad, irritated, sure but I was usually pretty dull and not fazed by anything at all. At least since I've moved here, I've been pretty monotone and not concerned about anything.
Almost instantly, his facial expression went back to neutral like it usually always was. "What?" He asked nonchalantly, like he had no idea what I was mad about.
I looked at him in disbelief, not being able to understand why he was acting all innocent now. I was angry and I knew he could tell, "Are you serious, right now? Who are you to just come in there and say you're driving me home as if you're my father. And then you ignore me blandly when I try to talk to you."
Noah didn't say anything for a moment as he looked at me and went over what he would respond with in his head. "You didn't seem interested in the party and who else was going to drive you home when the rest of our friends are drunk?" His voice was calm, not fazed that I was clearly annoyed at him. He spoke so dully as if he were bored but from his eyes, I knew he was intrigued. Not like he were amused or enjoying me being mad, but like he didn't want me to just up and walk away from him.
I crossed my arms over my chest, my eyebrows pulled together, "I could have gotten an Uber. Cade could've dropped me home." I saw Noah's jaw clench when I said his brothers name. "Nobody asked you to play dad and drive me home."
"So then why'd you follow me out, anyways?" His response took me by surprise but I didn't let him see it. I was good at concealing my emotions like that.
I gave him a flat look, my eyes narrowed, "You walked away before I had a chance to say no."
"You can still leave now," He stated firmly, crossing his arms over his chest in almost a challenging way like he thought I wouldn't walk away.
A grin grew on my lips. I looked at him in, now amused because did he really think I would struggle to walk away from him, or something? I shrugged my shoulders and spun on my heel, turning to walk away.
"Tiffany," I heard Noah sigh in frustration. He gently grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking.
I turned back around to face him and raised my eyebrows as I looked at him, a small grin on my lips, "What? I recall you saying I can leave."
Noah's features softened, a tired look in his eyes as he let his guard down. "I'm sorry okay, I just... I'm sorry." He seemed at loss for words, not being able to explain why he was acting. "Just let me drive you home... please?"
I wanted to be stubborn to annoy him more but decided against it. Truth was, I did need a ride home anyways and it's not like I wanted to be at the party in the first place.
I didn't say anything as I walked past him and went to the passenger side of his car, opening the door and getting in. Noah took a second before he also walked over and got in the car.
"Where did everyone go?" I asked once we had started driving in quietness, no sound but the tires moving on the road and a song faintly playing on the radio on a low volume.
Noah shook his head in an 'I don't know' manner. "Ezra is bringing your brother and Leo home. Leo was wasted, Charlie wasn't too bad last I saw him, just tipsy. Jade didn't drink a lot so she got her and Luke an uber home and Joy and Kai were off doing God knows what but they'll manage."
"You didn't drink?" I asked even though I knew the answer. I meant it more in a way that was wondering why he didn't drink.
Noah shook his eyes, his eyes trained on the road, "Nah, someone had to make sure everyone else was okay... and we have school tomorrow."
It didn't really sound like he cared much about the fact that we had school tomorrow so that must've not been why he decided to not party too much tonight. "Wasn't feeling it tonight, I guess. What about you?" He glanced at me for a second, "You don't drink?"
"No." I said dryly, looking out the window. Not anymore, at least. I could feel Noah's gaze on me, like he were analyzing me trying to figure out what I was hiding.
"You and Ezra are a lot alike." He said softly.
"Not really," I mumbled quietly. Ezra and I had very different personalities now. We use to be a lot alike but not so much anymore. He was very... arrogant in a way. Not in a bad way but he was always analyzing people in a what seemed like a judgemental way. He was kind of a jerk but he had a big heart. He would always say what's on his mind, not concerned about what other people thought of him. I guess we did actually have a lot in common but I kept more to myself and stayed quiet whereas he would blandly say whatever he was thinking. He gave off that vibe of the guy in the leather jacket with a smoke in hand, silently watching everyone with a smirk on his face. He had a bad boy reputation because that's what people would stereotype him as when you look at him. It was kind of true except that he wasn't a giant man-whore.
"Razzi and I have been through a lot together so we just... connect really well. I know what he's thinking without him even having to say anything." I explained with little detail.
Noah nodded in understanding, "I get that." He mumbled quietly, his voice distant for the first time. "I mean that's kind of like Luke and I. He gets me better than anyone because he's been by my side my whole life."
Luke and Noah were close and I've known that since I first met them... well, since the second time I met Noah.
It was obvious. They were always hanging out and together and would share knowing looks just like Ezra and I would.
"Was everything okay? At the diner earlier, I mean." Noah asked, a bit of hesitance in his voice. Whenever he asked me questions he almost seemed afraid because he was scared on how I would react. I knew he asked anyways because he was trying to figure me out. I guess it was the me being a mystery thing that Cade had mentioned.
"Yeah, everything's fine. He can have a short temper at times."
Noah laughed dryly, "I noticed."
"He's a good guy," I sighed. I wasn't sure why I was saying this to Noah but something was compelling me to. "He had a hard exterior but he's a good guy. He just-" I stopped myself and shook my head, going silent again.
Noah looked like he wanted to question me further but he didn't which I was thankful for especially because he never did stop asking me questions.
When we had gotten to my house, Noah looked like he wanted to say something again. "Well... um, thanks for the ride." I mumbled softly, looking at my hands before looking up to see him looking at me with a soft look in his eyes.
He gave me a small smile and nodded in a "you're welcome, no worries" sort of manner.
I looked at him, a weird but small smile on my lips. I think I was waiting for him to say something else. I cleared my throat, "Goodnight, ace."
"Goodnight, sunshine." I heard him say as I got out of the car and walked up to my front door without looking back to him and his car again.