"Vanessa, Vanessa, I'm sorry I've not heard of such a person. If she was seen at a club, you could check the other clubs around." Selma said as she hopped into her car. She had promised Vanessa from the very day she started working with her that she would never tell anyone about her, how they are related or how they even met. “Such a handsome man, he must be her boyfriend. Maybe he can be my next husband” Selma thought and smiled as she drove off. Still on the search, "Where on earth could she be? Losing my job because of this witch was not worth it".
It's been two hours now and no one has come close to finding her. Miles had visited all the clubs no one had seen her. He had called Chris too, she was nowhere to be found. "Is this how you really want to leave me? Did God already take you" Miles kept the thoughts in his head.
A loud crash sounded. It had just made Miles almost hit his car's steering with his face. A large truck had hit just his car and it took out the car lights behind. Before he came out and checked the hit and saw what had hit him, the truck had zoomed off. It was the truck of Vanessa's kidnappers. They had left the initial hideout. News was getting out that Vanessa was missing and where they were was a calling place for the cops. They had moved out of town to one of the male kidnappers' houses. Of course, Vanessa was out, she was not conscious of anything , she couldn't even say how she got into the truck. In the other compartments of the van, sweet moans were heard. Perry's name was called and cried out. He was pounding hard inside of Theresa. She had always wanted to take his cock. They had a marathon sex through out the journey. Perry had being her crush since they met but she always had felt he was not the man she'd be in a relationship with. Taking his cock definitely could make her rethink that.
Andre had already made a police report and it was almost known by everyone she was missing. Her dad became sick and tired, he could not manage to go to the coffee shop. His customers were also on the lookout. They were worried. Everyone had always loved Vanessa, she was a good girl. Miles couldn't drive home, his car wasn't moving, so he had to sleep in it till the next morning before he got a mechanic.
"This is the house" the policemen had just arrived at Miles' place. He wasn't in. Trey had given them his address. They needed to investigate Vanessa's . Miles was just parking his car when he saw the number of police at his door. "Could this be because of Vanessa? Mr Lance told me I should go file a report. He didn't call them on me, did he? Or he doesn't trust me?" Miles felt he was asking himself a lot and hurriedly got down to know why the police were here.
"Good morning sir Mr Miles". one of the men in uniform just did the greetings.
"Good morning " Miles responded anxious and strongly bothered by what they would say.
"We are under investigation for a missing person and you are strongly one of the suspects".
The officers had just shown their identity cards and search warrants. "You don't have anyone you know that is missing at the moment?", the handsome looking policeman asked.
"My girlfriend Vanessa." He yelled as fast as he could. "I was on a look out for her and since I haven't seen her, I was planning to come file a report at the station today." Miles added.
"We still have to check inside this house". Miles let them in and after twenty minutes of thorough checking had involved the policemen spilling his coffee. There was no sign of her or a recent visit.
"We.couldn't find anything but you are still a suspect and we would need you to follow us to the station to file a report.
"Who made this initial report please?" Miles asked.
"A young man, I simply can't recall his name or look but I know it wasn't her brother because her brother gave us your information and the young man doesn't seem to know you. " the policeman answered. "Who could this man be and why is he worried about Vanessa" Miles thought in his head.
"Hey, Hey. Are you feeling jelly about the young man?", a policeman had just asked, making the whole other men laugh. Miles just grinned a little not wanting to completely ignore them.
"Omg, I need to put off this phone. The police may be on the look out already and might be tracking her phone. I'd be in a big mess." Selma just turned off Vanessa's phone and dropped it in one of her bags in the car. "She's not at home, I don't know where to look" Selma was already frustrated and pretty annoyed. She was already heading for work.
"Good morning Ms. Selma. You are not allowed into the club. Here is a letter for you" the security guard had just handed the letter to her. She didn't need to check it, she knew she just got fired and it was all that witch's fault. She just sighed and sighted Andre with a pretty angry face. "BASTARD!". She got into her car and off to her house. Murmurings and Cursing were all that could be heard in her car as she drove home. She was tired and pissed. "You had better come out and let me have my job back or I'll find you and kill you" Selma kept on murmuring, the curses didn't end too.
"Take the first turn on your left, there is a stair, take the stairs to the next floor, the first room on your right is his ward." The nurse had just explained Lance's ward to Trey, Miles and one of Lance's friends, Jon. Lance was rushed down to the hospital from his shop. He slumped while trying to serve a customer. He hit his head hard and had the hot coffee spill over his hands leaving it a large burn scar. He was already being treated and tests were carried out on him. He still needs to be at the hospital for a week. Trey cried out "when will all these problems stop? I'm tired already." "Everything would be fine, I promise. You are not in this alone" Miles offered and left a smile on Trey's face. "I should go get some food for him..I'll be right back."
Trey just left the hospital to get some meals for Lance. Vanessa and her kidnappers had just arrived in the house. She was tied up as usual. "Where are we? Why did you move?" She just gained consciousness and threw the questions as she cried out. "Someone please cover that girl's mouth" Theresa said not wanting to answer any of her questions. "You will rot in j-" she couldn't finish her statement before Perry had her mouth sealed. "Give her some nice meal by noon," Theresa said. "I need to sleep, I just had some good sex." "My cock is a nice meal you know " Perry whispered into Vanessa's ear before he went to the bathroom.
"Emergency! Emergency!! He is losing blood. Get the doctors ready. Call his relatives or friends you can reach out to. Inform the police also.