Mumma why thele is clowd?( there is crowd)-- Candy asked.
Beta, a famous businessman is coming here, that's why...-- Aradhya said.
I also want to see-- candy said excitedly.
Beta, not now, there is various peoples, we will go sometimes later when crowd will decrease-- Aradhya said.
No Mumma, I also want to see who is famous businessman-- Candy again said the same things.
I said nh no..., We will meet with him sometime later-- Aradhya said and Candy pouted (≧(エ)≦ ).
Mumma, whele is youl one ealing (where is one your earing?)-- Candy asked.
In my ears son ʕ'•ᴥ•'ʔ-- Aradhya simply said while grinning at him because she know very well that it was her son tricks to make her fool and run away from there.
Mumma, you aal (are) deadly beautiful, you know I want to kiss you hele, hele, and hele (✪㉨✪)( here, here and here)-- Candy said while indicated at her cheeks, nose and not to forget lips.
Candy do you want to beat by me in front of everyone? Don't you have a little bit shame you shameless creature?-- Aradhya asked while knitting her eyebrows (ᵔᴥᵔ).
No Mumma, but you are leally (really) beautiful-- Candy said and take his face close towards Aradhya to kiss her when Aradhya put him down on the floor iritatingly
Candy you are getting naughty day by day (* ̄(エ) ̄*), and don't know why you always showed your these side outside, if you did this in-home then till now I give you punishment- Aradhya said angrily to him, Candy pouted in front of her but grinned in his inner mind (ᵔᴥᵔ)(◠ᴥ◕ʋ).
He is another name of troubleness.
Aradhya, good morning-- Mrs. Roy said.
Good morning ma'am-- Aradhya said, just for a few seconds her gaze shifted from candy to Mrs. Roy and our little monster take advantage of it, and he ran away from there like tiger.
Candy...-- Aradhya cried when she noticed that he was not with her anymore.
Leave him Aradhya, he will play in the college and guards are in the main gate they will not allow him to go anywhere, so there is no need to take tension- Mrs. Roy said.
Ma'am, you know last time what he did, I don't want to repeat that thing, excuse me, I'm coming-- Aradhya said.
Yeah, I still remember, how can I forget that laughter day, he is such a cute child-- Mrs. Roy said.
Ma'am, just for one day take him to your house then he will show his real side to you, and after that, you will never say that he is such a cute child because, in reality, his face is like that but from inside he is monster, who like to trouble everyone, only I get piece in the night when he asleep- Aradhya said.
Ok go Aradhya, catch him or he will again give you trouble- Mrs. Roy said while seeing at Candy who is running with his little weight and it's looking like a small football walking or someone just kicked at the football and he is running in his own way.
Aradhya ran behind him to grab him but our little monster take the advantage of crowd and disappear from her eyes.
Candy...-- Aradhya cried while searching him everywhere.
Candy is making his own path in the crowd and going ahead to see who is the famous businessman is and suddenly he pushed by someone and going to touch the floor when someone grabbed him at that instant and put him in his arms.
Mumma...- Candy cried in fear but soon he opened his eyes when he didn't feel any pain in his body and he meet with two black orbs, which is looking at him concern fully.
Are you ok beta (son)?-- DV asked with full of concern.
So finally son and father met with each other, both did not know each other but destiny make them stand together.
Yes, I'm fine, thank you-- Candy said.
Please put me down, I want to see famous businessman, I also want to be like him nh that's why, now put me down... I have to go..., I'm in hurry-- Candy said.
I'm that person my child-- DV said lovingly, he gets surprised that how a little boy know about him and how he is saying that he want to be like him
So you aal the famous businessman?-- Candy asked (・(ェ)・)questioningly.
Yes..., But who are you and where is Mumma and Daddy and how you came here?-- DV asked.
I'm Candy, no no..., I'm Dhailya (Dhairya), uff... My nickname is Candy and my leal (real) name is Dhailya (Dhairya) Verma -- Candy said.
Oh, Candy is very cute name just like you but beta how you came here in this crowd?-- DV asked.
I lan (ran) away from my Mumma-- Candy said while grinning and at the same time placing his hand on his mouth to hide his mischievous smile.
It's a bad thing beta, now your Mumma will search for you and take stress about you nh... Don't repeat like this in future-- DV asked.
Hmm, but I'm here nh, soon I'll go...- Candy said.
Ok, come with me, if you will see your Mumma then tell me ok?-- DV asked.
Ok..-- Candy said while showing him thumbs-up signed.
DV, come or this crowd will never let you enter in the college-- Amit said.
Guards follow us, Arya just be with DV-- Amit said and Arya nodded.
DV give this child to me, I'll take care of it-- Arya said.
No need-- DV said and headed towards with him.
The principal welcomed him and get shocked after seeing Candy in DV's arms.
Sir, give him, he is the son of our one of the professors, I think by mistakenly he came here, please sorry for this trouble, give him to me, I'll take him to his mother-- Principal said.
It's ok ma'am, he did not give me any trouble and he is cute too-- DV said while looking at Candy's face..
Yeah, sir, he is cute-- the principal said while smiling.
Come beta, your Mumma is waiting for you...-- Principal said.
But my Mumma is sealching (searching) me nh, let her sealch (search me)-- Candy said.
Leave him, ma'am, he didn't want to go anywhere-- DV said.
I think he likes you that's why he is not leaving you-- Principal said smilingly.
Yeah, I think you are saying right-- DV said.
Are you seeing him (DV), he is still like before, no one will say that he is in his mid-30s, he is still handsome or he is growing more handsome by his age, just look at his beards, it's so sexy, look at his black orbs, it's so mesmerizing and look at his plumpy lips, ohh...just want to fu*k him badly, if he will call for one night then it will be a heavenly night for me-- A girl said to another one.
Aradhya heard their talks and shook her head in disbelieve and said in her inner mind-- how their thoughts are, he is very much elder than them but still, these girls are looking at him in a bad way, chii...(disgusting), so rubbish.
Don't know where this monster is, every time he just gives headache, don't know why I took him here, it was my mistake that I fall for him after seeing his twinkling eyes, why I melted by his talks, soon the seminar will start but here I'm searching for my freaking son who likes to give torture to his own mother -- Aradhya said angrily to herself.
Hey, I didn't ask youl (your) name, what's your name?-- Candy asked.
Divyansh Singh Rajput-- He said.
Divash Singh put? It's so big name, how can I lelembel (remember) it?-- Candy asked questioningly.
Ok call me DV, everyone called me with this name -- DV said.
DV...?-- Candy asked.
Hmm, is it not good?-- DV asked.
D..yeah D I'll call you D-- Candy said.
D? It's nice and unique-- DV said.
Whose idea is this, mine..then it will be nice nh- Candy said and smirked at him.
Wow...first time I saw him this kind of child who knows how to make lines in this early age and how to smirked, not bad champ...-- DV said to him and smiled.
DV is smiling after so long time, great, this child make him smile, I think this city is really of Joy, here DV is joying with him-- Amit said while looking at DV.
Ok champ, now go to your Mumma I have to attend a seminar here-- DV said.
I'll also attend seminal (seminar)..., see I'm very big enough to attend everything-- candy said ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ.
But you are too small to attend it-- DV said.
No...Candy is not small, candy is 4 and half yeals (years) old, Candy is big and wise -- Candy said.
But beta...-- DV is saying when Arya said-- child come with me, I'll buy chocolates for you.
Lalach de rhe? ( you are showing me greed?) -- Candy asked while knitting his brows ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ) and Arya shook his head in denial as if he was saying that no son I'm not showing you greed but in reality, he was actually doing this (◔‿◔).
Bacha hu kacha nhi (I'm child but I'm not without mind)-- Candy said smirkingly。◕‿◕。 and Arya's eyes popped out with surprise.
Wow, what a brilliant he is...-- Arya said to himself.
He is so antic-- DV said in his mind while looking at him.
Candy..., Excuse me sir please give him, he is my son and really sorry for troubling you-- Aradhya said from behind and DV get shocked after hearing her voice.
In Dv's mind past is repeating, her past voice is coming in his mind and making him realize that it was indeed her voice.
She is my Aradhya, Yes it's her voice... yes she is my Aradhya...-- DV said numerous times in his mind to confirm it and turned around to see who is the person and he get shocked at that instant. He is just seeing at her face as if he did not see her before.
Bhabhi?-- Arya murmured in shock.
Bhabhi-- Amit said and suddenly he think about yesterday call when he talked with her, Yes at that time I said the right thing, that voice was none other her-- Amit mind said.
DV rooted at his place and the same goes to Aradhya, her face got blank after seeing him there, her mouth get shut after seeing him in front of her.
Past incident when he only get her duptta but didn't get her, he is just remembering that day while looking at her. In all he is just stunned and not be able to react anything.