Camila/YouAfter going through some drama with your father, you are both offered a teacher/student exchange to Habana, Cu...
Chapter One
Flight to Havana, Cuba boards in 20 minutes. Passengers please make your way to the international gate.
"Well, that's us."
"No shit." You mumble under your breath. Your father glares down at you which only makes you smirk.
"I'm gonna miss you both." Your mother says, wrapping her arms around your father. Your eyes roll when she did so. Not because it was your two parents hugging, but for other reasons.
Your mother then moves to you, smiling when she sees your normal behaviour, disinterested and annoyed. "Aw turn that frown upside down!" She says, trying to hug you but you step back.
"Lili, please. Don’t be weird."
Your mother rolls her eyes at you as you fold your arms and give her a frown.
"Well, at least you know my name. I'll see you guys next month. I love-" Before your mother could finish her sentence, you had already left.
It wasn't that you didn't like her, but most of the decisions she made, you disagreed with. You only want what's best for your mother but because of the circumstances, you had no choice but to let her be.
"Are you excited? I know I am." Your father says as he drapes his arm around your shoulders.
"Of course you are perv. Don't touch me." You growl, walking at a faster pace.
You and your father weren't exactly on good terms, not after what happened at school a few months ago.
"Y/n," Mrs Carter says as she approaches you.
"Hey Mrs Carter. What's up?" You reply, frowning when you saw she was holding your fathers guitar. "Is that my fathers?"
"Yes, he actually left it at my house. I was wondering if you could give it back to him?"
Slowly, you retrieve the guitar from Mrs Carters grip before looking at her with squinted eyes.
"Can I ask you one question?" You ask skeptically which Mrs Carter nods in response.
"What was his guitar doing at your house?" You watch closely as the young teacher bites her lip, avoiding eye contact with you.
"Nothing that you should worry about. Tell your dad I'll be around for dinner at 6." Before you could question her, she had already left the scene.
There you stood in the school halls confused. Until you remembered that you and your mother weren't going to be home around 6pm. Your father had arranged a girls night out for the both of you. Now everything made sense. All the late nights at work, PTA meetings, school trips, they were all covers for what your father had really been up to.
Growling lowly, you make your way to the music department where you saw your dad flirting with one of the young students. You didn't notice he did that till now. "Get out." You say to the girl.
The blonde then looks at you with a bitter stare before rolling her eyes. "Later, Mr Apa." The girls says before leaving.
"What's wrong, honey." Your dad says, fixing the loose papers on his desk.
"Don't fucking honey me. Why the hell was this at Mrs Carters house?" You huff, throwing the heavy guitar on his desk, forcefully.
"W-w- How did you get that?" He stutter, taken back by what he had been seeing.
"Doesn't matter how I got the damn thing. What is really going on and if you don't tell me then I'll tell mum who's coming over for dinner." Your dad looks at you with wide eyes.
You knew at this point that your theory about him was right.
"We're just work mates." Your dad lies, making you scoff and shake your head in disappointment.
"You're such a bad liar."
The whole plane ride, you hadn't spoken a word to your father, you hadn't even given him a glance. Here and there, he would look at you with guilt and empathy, but you didn't care. Even when you knew the truth about his ways, he still lied to you. That was something you never forgave him for.
Hours later and you had finally landed in beautiful Havana. You wanted to be excited but you were forced to be here, by your father. The both of you had been selected for a teacher/student exchange. Realistically, your father was selected and insisted that you tag along.
You wanted nothing more than to be away from your father. But you'd rather be with him then stay in the same house as your mother, knowing what she didn't know. If you two were alone long enough, you'd end up telling the truth about your father, which was something you didn't want to do.
"Mmm, the air taste better here. I like it already." Your father says as the both of you make your way to the taxi's.
"Keep telling yourself that, stud." You mumble before getting into the bright coloured taxi. "Why does everything look like it's from the 70's?" You ask confused and amazed at the same time.
After the long and quite ride to the hotel, you found yourself standing in front of the Hotel's counter. Biting your lip, your eyes look over every inch of the hotel. You could easily say it was one of the most beautiful hotels you had ever been to.
"Hello, my name Is Lauren and I'll be escorting you to your suite." Looking in front of you, you saw a beautiful light skinned woman.
"You look a little young to be working at a Hotel..." Your father says, making you roll your eyes.
The woman smirks as she walks in front of the both of you. "I don't work at this hotel," She says opening the elevator. She then looks at you surprised at how attractive you were.
She then shakes her head when she realises you had to be at least 17. "I own the Hotel."
Looking to your dad, you see his eyes widen which made you snort quietly. He really did know how to look like an idiot sometimes.
"You two must be the exchange customers from....New Zealand, is it?"
"Yeah, we're here for a couple months." Your dad replies as your eyes mindlessly travel down to Lauren's ass.
"Great," Lauren says as the elevator doors open. "More money for me. This way." She says leading you to your room.
She then stops before handing you and your father a key. "Enjoy your stay," Lauren says glancing to you. "Let me know if you need anything."
You let out a sigh as Lauren walks away, giving you a perfect view of her ass that fit perfectly in her charcoal pencil skirt.
"She was intimidating." Your dad comments as you watch Lauren disappear into the elevator.
"And hot." You whisper to yourself.
"Got everything?" Your father asks as you make your way to the door.
"Aw nah, I don't have everything that's why I'm leaving." You say sarcastically as you exit the room.
Your dads talking became muffled when you shut the door behind you.
Smirking, you make your way to the elevator where you bump into Lauren.
"Oh, hi." You greet awkwardly, wondering why she was in this area of the hotel.
"Good morning. How was your sleep?" She asks, pressing the butting to the bottom floor.
"Really good. The beds here are amazing." You comment, tapping your foot awkwardly.
"I never got your name by the way." Lauren says, turning to you.
"Y/n." You reply, holding your hand out to shake Lauren's.
"Nice to meet you, Y/n." Lauren says as the elevator doors open. "Well I guess I'll see you around. Enjoy our day." Lauren says before leaving.
You let out a sigh as she walks away yet again. You didn't know why you weren't as attracted to her as you thought you'd be. Yeah you thought she was gorgeous, but you never thought anything of it.
Besides, you weren't out about your sexuality yet. No one knew. Not even your best friend, Normani. It's wasn't that you were ashamed, it was more about not being ready for the world to know.
Eventually time went by and you found yourself heading to the gym for PE. As much as you hated admitting it, PE was your strongest subject. It was the only subject you could get up and move around. That's why you enjoyed it so much.That and watching the girls play sports.
Fourth period and you still hadn't made any friends. Most of them spoke Spanish and whenever you tried to talk to them, they would always look at you strangely.
Sighing, you sat on the bleachers alone, waiting for the PE teacher to turn up.
As you were waiting, you could see a few girls glancing at you while clearly speaking in Spanish. You knew they were talking about you, you just hated that you couldn't understand them.
"They said you're pretty for an island girl." You hear a voice say from behind you.
You frown when you see a blonde wearing glasses and a headband. "What?" You ask confused.
"Those girls aren't saying anything bad about you. The one with the long hair thinks you're cute." The girl says, nodding towards the girls that had been staring at you.
"You speak english?" You ask, giving the girl your full attention.
"Obviously," she says rolling her eyes as she sits next to you. "My family speak Spanglish. So you're the new exchange student no ones talking about."
You look at the girl feeling slightly intimidated by her. Although she was small, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. That scared you.
"Of course no ones talking about me." You mumble, leaning your elbows on your knees.
"They're talking about the hot Music teacher. Do you know him?" The girl asks, leaning on her knees also.
"Ahhh," you hum nervously. "No?"
The girl giggles as she nudges your arm. "If you're trying to lie, you're not very good at it. You can trust me, I'll even be your friend."
"He's my dad." You sigh in defeat before pouting.
"He's your dad!? But he's so hot and you're so-"
"Not?" You question.
"I was gonna say old but that too." Your eyes roll as you look towards the gym entrance.
There you saw one of the most beautiful girls you had ever laid your eyes on. Her slim and well built figure, led you to believe she was the PE teacher. Either way, you couldn't help but drool over her.
"Good morning class, I hope you had enough rest last night. I want drills for 15 minutes then lining up against the wall for a round of dodgeball." You felt your eyes glaze over as the woman spoke.
Even though you couldn't understand anything that was coming out of her mouth, she made it sound effortless and attractive. You knew you were going to have trouble paying attention in this calls. Lucky it was only PE.
"Oh. We have a new student. What's your name?" The teacher asks, looking towards you with curious eyes.
Your eyes widen as you feel your throat run dry. All eyes were on you but the only eyes you were scared of were hers.
"I-I'm Y/n." You say, regretting your words and how awkwardly they had come out.
"Welcome, Y/n. I'm Miss Cabello. 15 minute Drills then dodgeball. Off you guys go." Nodding, you stare at Miss Cabello with heart eyes before being tapped by the girl beside you.
"I'm Ally by the way and you my friend, have got it bad for the PE teacher. Literally you and every guy teacher at this school." Ally says before pulling you on to the court.
"What? Me? Like Miss Cabello? I'm not gay." You sigh, stretching your limbs.
"Never said you were. You don't have to be gay to like her, Y/n. There is a thing called bi."
Your nose scrunched when the thought of dating a boy crosses your mind. You knew since you were young that boys weren't a gender you wanted to date. Girls were softer and felt better than boys.
"What if I don't want to be labelled anything?" You ask cautiously.
"Then you don't have to be. All you have to do is admit you like Miss Cabello and then we can move on."
Biting your lip, you look towards Miss Cabello who seemed to be lost to something in her phone. It made you smile how she could literally stand there and do nothing, and you'd still be entertained.
Not even halfway through the lesson and you already had a crush on someone you shouldn't.
"I don't have a crush on Miss Cabello. I'm not gay."