The wind blew strongly, carrying my long and wavy hair with it. I didn’t bother to tie it up and let a few strands fall on my face.
I smiled at the familiar sight in front of me. Not a single person was walking around this place except for me. It was rare for people to find their way here, which is why it became one of our favorite spots to visit in the past. We found peace and freedom in this place.
Or so I thought.
This place was the only silent witness to everything that Travis and I went through. From the happy moments to the painful ones. In joy and even in sadness.
After what happened that night, this was the first time I returned here. Or rather, this was the first time I mustered up the courage to come back.
Everything was still fresh in my memory, as if it had happened just yesterday.
I still vividly remember how Travis looked at me with pleading eyes. His sad face and the tears that endlessly flowed from his eyes.
I blinked away the liquid forming in my eyes, trying to prevent it from completely falling due to a bitter memory.
A few minutes passed, and I took a deep breath when I heard faint footsteps not far away. As it approached closer to my direction, it grew louder, coinciding with the rapid thumping of my heart.
Time seemed to slow down as the other end of the bench I was sitting on creaked slightly. It was a sign that someone had occupied that seat.
The familiar scent of his cologne quickly invaded my nostrils, confirming that he was indeed the newcomer.
It seems that Travis didn’t change his choice of perfume at all. So, I can say that there’s still something about him that hasn’t changed, at least to some extent.
I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to form the right words in my head. I didn’t look at Travis and kept my gaze straight ahead. I tried to calm my trembling knees.
This is it, Tiffany. Nailed it.
“I’m glad you made it. I thought you wouldn’t be able to come,” I started the conversation.
I wanted to pat myself on the back for the directness of those words coming out of my mouth. I surely wouldn’t know what I would do if I stumbled.
“It just so happened that my schedule wasn’t busy during this time,” he calmly replied, as if it were lulling me.
Right now, I just confirmed that his soothing voice never failed to affect me.
I closed my eyes tightly. How I missed his voice. How I missed his smell. And how I missed him so damn much!
I nodded and stared at the river in front of us. “How have you been?” I bravely asked him.
Several uncomfortable moments passed, and I couldn’t help but feel the nervousness that, with the strength and speed of my pounding heart, reached Travis’ ears.
I know that deep inside his mind, a lot of questions were popping up about why the hell I asked him to see me after almost four years of ignoring him and not seeing each other.
I thought he wouldn’t answer my question anymore. So, I was slightly surprised when he suddenly spoke.
“I’m fine.” His voice was cold this time, making me shiver.
I tried to ignore that feeling and force a small smile.
“That’s good to hear. How about Aunt Sandy? Uncle Tyron? Verina?” I asked in succession.
But I suddenly felt a pang of sadness as I remembered his family.
Ever since we broke up, I have lost all contact with them. They still tried to reach out to me after we broke up, though. But I was the one who willingly avoided them.
“They’re good,” he replied curtly. I could hear the impatience in his voice, as if he wanted to leave because he felt like he was wasting his time with me.
Well, who am I to ask him to spare his time? I’m just his ex-girlfriend, anyway.
Travis is now a well-known actor and leading man in the showbiz industry. A star beyond my reach. I’m even lucky that he granted me the opportunity to talk to him now.
Being in the showbiz industry has been Travis’ long-time dream. This opportunity is one of the ways he sees how to quickly help his family.
There’s no doubt about his talent for acting, especially during role-playing activities back in university. Above all, he had a passion for singing and a soothing voice. So, I wasn’t surprised at all by what he has achieved now.
Just as we were separating back then, I found out that he got accepted into the audition he joined for a commercial. As much as I wanted to celebrate with him at that time, I knew too well that I would just ruin his precious moment.
So, I decided to decline his invitation to come to the party his friends threw for him. Since then, I have completely severed our connection.
In an instant, I felt like there was a high and thick wall separating the two of us because of the way he treated me now. The excitement I felt last night vanished like a bubble.
But I can’t blame him. I can also sense that he really wants to leave, especially from the very seat we’re now occupying.
However, I haven’t said my real purpose yet.
The weather is gloomy now. Adding to that is the cold breeze. So I can’t help but regret leaving my jacket inside the car.
I bit my lower lip to hold back the sob that wanted to escape. I tried to endure the pain I’m feeling in my heart right now.
It’s also my fault that Travis is treating me this way now. I know that I deserve this kind of treatment from him, and I already knew that this would happen.
Still, I asked for this.
“That’s good to hear. It’s been a long time since I last saw them.” I nodded and glanced down at my feet as if they were something interesting before continuing. “So, a leading man, huh?”
“Yeah. Finally.”
I couldn’t hold back anymore and finally turned to look at him. That’s when I noticed he was wearing shades even though the sun wasn’t shining brightly because of the weather.
Well, it’s understandable. It would be difficult, and he might get mobbed by his fans if anyone saw him. Even though it’s just the two of us here right now, it’s better to be safe. Just a glimpse of him and his fans would almost faint. That’s how strong his attraction is to people.
As I witnessed during his mall tours, the crowd would go wild the moment he stepped on stage, simply waving and smiling at them. It was as if he wasn’t aware of how breathless he made them just by his presence.
A wide smile escaped my lips. “You know what? I’m really happy for you. I saw how hard you worked to get to where you are and to become who you are now. So, you deserve to reap the rewards of your hard work.”
Travis didn’t turn to look at me, but I noticed a glimpse of a restrained smile, just enough to reveal his deep dimple.
I stared at his face for a long time, from his pointed nose to his red, sexy, moist lips and defined jawline. I also noticed the growing stubble on his chin. I couldn’t make out his eyes because of the shades he was wearing.
When he remained silent, I let my eyes roam over his entire being. I couldn’t help but be amazed at what I saw. Those muscles and biceps. I still remember how my hands used to explore them. They weren’t as prominent back then, but now...
My gaze then shifted to his hair. It looked as if he had just run his fingers through his slightly messy hair. Before, it used to be neatly styled and well-groomed.
But there’s one thing I prayed for that hasn’t changed about Travis.
“How about you?” he asked, bringing my wandering thoughts back to reality.
I looked away. I wasn’t sure if he was looking straight at me earlier or not. Nevertheless, I felt as if he were examining me like some sort of specimen.
I smiled as I recalled what I’ve been busy with lately. “I have my own photography studio, and I’m now a professional photographer,” I answered with a hint of pride.
“That’s great,” he replied lifelessly, as if it were an ordinary occurrence wherever I am right now.
I couldn’t help but look up at the sky, trying to set aside the churning feeling in my stomach due to his cold treatment.
“The weather is nice today, isn’t it?”
Seriously, Tiffany? Is that all you can come up with?
We were enveloped in silence once again, with only the strong gust of wind as the only audible sound in the surroundings.
Just as I was about to speak up and convey my real purpose, something made a noise. I glanced at Travis, who now had a furrowed brow as he retrieved his phone from his pocket.
Upon seeing the screen, his face lit up. I wondered who the hell was calling him to make him that happy.
“Hey,” he greeted with a smile to whoever was on the other line.
Damn that smile of his.
He remained quiet for a moment, listening to the other person’s words. This gave me an opportunity to observe him more closely.
I wanted to hold him, embrace him, and...
Kiss him. But I refrained myself because it wasn’t the right time for that yet.
Baby steps, Tiffany.
After a while, Travis nodded and suddenly stood up.
I felt alarmed. He couldn’t leave yet. I haven’t told him my true purpose for meeting him!
“Okay. I’ll be there in thirty. Just wait for me. Don’t be so stubborn this time, Jela.” His voice carried a threatening tone.
But wait. Who?
I couldn’t continue opening my mouth when I heard the name he mentioned.
He bid farewell to the person on the phone and ended the call. His smile automatically vanished when he turned in my direction.
“I have to go already. Someone is waiting for me, and I still have a lot of more important things to do.”
Before I could utter a word, Travis had already turned his back on me, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.
I used to be that someone who waited for him. I used to be his someone— the most important one above anything else.
Beyond his dream.
A solitary tear escaped from my eye as he disappeared from view. Maybe this is not yet the right time.
If only I could go back in time and change the choices I made, take back the words I said, and ease the pain they caused him.
Just wait for it, Travis. I promise to make things right again.