Bright and early that morning the Cullens' very "welcomed" guests arrived at their new residence. Alice reluctantly prepared their rooms through the night, one for every Volturi member for when they take turns to visit. They didn't even bother knocking on the door or ringing the bell, considering that they knew the Cullens could sense they're coming.
Carlisle opened the door and greeted an emotionless Marcus, an excited Felix and bored Demetri, "Gentlemen. Please, come in."
The three Volturi members entered the mansion and a whistle escaped Felix as he took in the place's beauty. Esme had that magical touch when it came to indoor decor.
"Make yourselves at home," Carlisle added out of politeness.
"We sure will." Felix replied and turned a full 360 degrees to admire the place, "I sure will."
"May I request to see my room, Carlisle?" Marcus asked quietly.
"Of course. Alice will give you a tour around the house and garden. It will be a second home to you for a while." It pained Carlisle to say those last sentence just as much as it pained his family to hear it.
Just imagine receiving the news you'll be rooming with your world nemesis, arch-enemy, the devil itself.
"A century won't be enough to accept it," Rosalie muttered as she stomped off to the kitchen with Emmett close on her heels.
Alice showed Marcus to his room in the North wing, considering he's an ancient after all and deserved to have a suite. Felix received a room in the East wing while Demetri got a room in the West wing, right next to Alice and Jasper. It was Edward's idea to have their rooms far apart, just in case of some diabolical plan they made.
Upon passing the North wing on their way down, Demetri caught the addicting scent of human blood that turned his eyes from crimson to pitch black. He looked into the hallway and let his feet take him towards the second to last door on the right.
Grace's nursery.
Swallowing, he pushed the door open and stepped into the room, which had a direct door to Carlisle and Esme's room and their shared balcony. Demetri slowly counted the paces to the crib in the far corner, forcing himself to ignore the smell of the warm, rich, oozing blood that he'd recognized from anywhere in the world. A smell that was unforgettable, one of a kind, addicting, appetizing...
He felt his fangs grow as he looked into the crib, right at the sleeping Grace all cuddled up in a light blue blanket and a bat plush toy. The sharp ends poked at his bottom lip, threatening to cut through if he didn't feed that very moment. He leaned in and inhaled the scent. It burned through his nostrils straight into his throat and he couldn't resist any longer.
A low, throaty growl escaped him as he launched forward… but merely an inch from her little neck he was tackled through the window right into the balcony.
Emmett crushed his head against the floor, making it crack at his temples and cheekbones, "Two minutes. We leave you alone for two minutes and you already try sucking every precious drop of blood out of Grace?!" Emmett growled, "What the hell's wrong with you?! She's a baby!"
"Let me go, bear boy, or else things will get ugly." The tracker threatened with his face flat on the floor, "But I highly doubt it can, since your face holds the record."
This time Emmett tightened his hold and caused Demetri's nose to crack all the way from the tip to his left eyebrow. He wouldn't have stopped if Carlisle and Edward didn't show up to drive him off. Demetri didn't have any luck in taking his time getting up though. Felix also showed up and held him by the shoulders in a death grip. The two groups split ways, the Cullens checking up on Grace and the Volturi going to Demetri's room.
"That was too close." Edward muttered in boiling anger, "If I haven't heard his thoughts in time he would've... I can't say it, I can't think it!"
"Edward, don't -"
"No, Carlisle!" he argued, "Look at Grace. She slept through it all. That only shows how vulnerable she is. We can't leave her alone for a second."
Carlisle sighed as he saw what Edward pointed out. He knew Edward was right, that they couldn't be sure about Grace's safety as long as the Volturi, mostly Demetri, were around. He knew that they'll have to take turns in guarding her but he also didn't want to make this a burden to anyone.
"It won't be a burden." Edward stated, reading his thoughts, "Bella and I will watch her first."
Carlisle nodded in appreciation, "Thank you. And in the meantime, we have to make some rules, considering this is still our home and they're only guests. Starting with none of the Volturi, especially Demetri, is allowed to see Grace without our supervision."
Edward nodded and walked off, probably to tell the rest of the family, and left Carlisle with Grace. He looked at her sleeping form, her cuteness as she clutched her bat toy tightly, completely unaware of what just happened three minutes ago. He couldn't help but feel guilty for bringing her into a dangerous world like the one he is living in; a world full of vampires and werewolves and what else. Would she have had a better chance if he and Esme had dropped her off at the police station to find her real parents instead of bringing her home? He saw her vulnerability, her helplessness and shook his head.
"I don't regret anything, my Grace."
It's been three days since the incident and Demetri hasn't left his room the entire time. Marcus could only be seen once a day, wandering around the house or returning a book he borrowed from Carlisle. Felix, on the other hand, was always around, pestering Rosalie and Alice or just annoying the hell out of the others with his witty remarks. Emmett even let him play on his PlayStation if he promised to shut it for longer than five minutes. They were slowly losing their patience.
Carlisle entered the living room with a bottle for Grace, who was currently caged in Emmett's arms. She laughed uncontrollably as he nuzzled his head in her neck and made funny barking noises.
"How do you stand the smell of human 24/7?" Felix asked as he appeared in the doorway, "I would've lost it by the third day."
"Years of practice and some common sense, which you lack obviously," Rosalie grumbled and scooted closer to her mate.
They expected him to make another remark, but instead, a new presence entered the room. Everyone looked up when seeing Marcus strolling in. Even though he was an immortal vampire with vampiric strength, speed and elegance, he still moved like an old man and spoke as if he was going mute. He often came off as slow and shaky. He straightened his suit - thankfully they exchanged their formal robes for suits - and took the armchair next to Emmett and Rosalie's sofa.
"Good morning, Marcus." Carlisle greeted formally and politely, "We're all thrilled to see you've left your room to join us."
Somewhere behind him Jasper rolled his eyes, being 100% sure no one paid attention to him. Marcus nodded and looked over at Grace, who was currently also staring at him in curiosity. She always showed interest in new people she hasn't seen before.
"I came to see the child." The ancient spoke in his soft, shaky tone, "Little Grace if I'm correct."
He didn't ask to hold her though, but Grace shot forward with her tiny hands and arms wide open as she tried to get to him. Emmett was hardly in time to catch her or she would've crawled over the sofa towards him.
"It alright, Emmett." Esme said, "Let him hold her."
She had no worry or fear when she said that. She knew very well that everyone who has ever come in contact with Grace fell in love with her. It was a gift she had as a human baby. Why would it be different for the Volturi? Edward also read his mind and confirmed by nodding that Marcus wouldn't do any harm. He was indeed the less threatening member of the Volturi.
The ancient didn't tense or seem uncomfortable as Emmett handed Grace to him. Little Grace pushed herself up and stood on his legs to grab his hair. She grew fond of long hair when she was too long in Bella's company, as she always played or tangled her tiny fingers in anyone's tresses.
Marcus held her by her short upper body to prevent her from possibly falling as she curiously examined him. She poked at his nose, placed both her hands on his cheeks and even pulled on his ears. The entire Cullen Clan held their breaths - even though they didn't need any - to see what he would do if he grew annoyed. But Marcus tolerated the whole situation very well for a 3000-year-old ancient who was considered royalty. Without a word, he took the bottle of milk from Carlisle and fed little Grace. Anyone close by could see the obvious smile forming on his face as she hiccuped afterwards.
"She is truly something, Carlisle." Marcus commented after giving back the bottle, "I assume you and Esme are her assigned guardians."
"We found her, yes." Carlisle affirmed, "But we haven't decided who'll be her parents. We're all very attached to her. It makes it hard to decide."
Silence followed after his words. It was true. Considering the fact that Carlisle and Esme found her and brought her home, they should be her parents and oh, how they wanted to be. But being compassionate and generous as the leading couple, they didn't want to claim the title ‘parents’ before knowing how the rest of the family felt.
Everyone knew Rosalie wanted nothing more in the world than to be a mother. She would do anything to have a child of her own and to be called "Mom" every day, as well as Emmett, who always sided with his mate.
The fact that Grace was so much attached to Jasper made the whole decision even harder. He and Alice never talked about becoming parents, neither showed any interest in children. Grace's presence made that dark, hidden side known when she got Alice to dress her in the first place, and Jasper to overcome his thirst for good.
Last but not least there were Bella and Edward who literally sped through parenting with Renesmee growing up so fast. They both missed holding her in their arms, and Esme once caught Bella snuggling with one of Nessie's baby plush toys. Renesmee even considered Grace the sister she always wanted, which was the cherry on top.
The decision on who will be Grace's parents was hard, no further comment. Carlisle gave very much thought in that matter and only one solution crossed his mind: to let little Grace decide for herself when she can talk. The first person she calls ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’ gets to be her parents. That way everyone will be satisfied.
Felix interrupted the silence with a fake yawn, "Well, you folks are all very entertaining while you’re brooding, which bores me half to death again. I'll be with Demetri if anyone wants my charming company."
He left the family and Marcus and ascended up the stairs towards the West wing. He never bothered knocking when it came to Demetri, so he just went in. The tracker was standing frozen against the door frame that led to the balcony and could easily be mistaken for a statue or a mime by any random person. Felix closed the door and crossed the rather large room to his best friend.
"I haven't seen you for quite a while." he tried cheering him up, "I almost thought you were burned to death by the sun."
Demetri sighed, "We don't burn in the sun, Felix."
Felix held up his hands in surrender, "Whoa, okay. No jokes, I get it. Do you, uh, want to talk about it? I know I'm not good with giving advice. That's what Chelsea's there for, but still, I'm a good listener."
Demetri finally faced his friend, thinking about his offer, "I can't believe my blood singer's a damn child. I have the Casanova title in the guard. I was expected to be the one to find a mate that would make Heidi's good looks seem like a joke. This is a humiliation to me, Felix!"
"Hey, dude, you had no control over it, okay?" Felix said, "Just like Edward didn't choose to be with Bella. It's this stupid vampire curse, you end up with the human whose blood smells the most appetizing."
Demetri shook his head, "After you left me here when I almost killed the child, I went to town to satisfy my… needs. There were countless of women leaving clubs or restaurants, many of them alone. I planned on just choosing one and do whatever I pleased with her in an alleyway before killing her. Guess what happened? I froze. I couldn't bring myself to even kiss her! Even though she wore this slutty attire and tried rubbing herself off on me, I couldn't do anything to her! Except killing her to at least satisfy the thirst. All I could think of was the damn child!"
A moment of silence followed before Felix burst out laughing, "You'll have to wait eighteen years to be with a woman?! This is priceless! Demetri the Casanova, no sex for eighteen years! Damn, that's bad. Can I have Heidi then?"
The tracker growled in frustration and nearly slammed Felix's head against the wall, "Do not tempt me! Don't you realize how humiliating this is?!"
Felix chuckled lightly at Demetri's frustration, "I can't believe I'm giving you advice, but here goes. Go see the child. Marcus had the chance to meet her this morning and he literally adores her. Maybe she'll have the same effect on you."
He left the tracker to think about the advice, actually planning on playing PlayStation with Emmett.