Autumn North
"Let's go shopping after this" Joan said as we all got into the car
"No" The boys said in unison
"But the girls want that too , let's go tomorrow" I said
"Okay fine!" She said since she got a lot of glares
"What are we supposed to buy?" Matt asked
"Don't know.. Just buy randomly" Andrew said
"I want in and out so bad , can we stop by there?" Aiden said
"I'm starving too" Morris said , we're using jeep and since we're 7 people : Matt is driving , Aiden is on the back seat , Dylan Morris and Andrew sat on the 2nd row and me and Joan at the back with no seat. After we bring groceries we have to sit on the boy's lap. We have no choice none of us wants to drive so we're not taking 2 cars
"Let's eat first , ask the rest what do they want?" We parked the car
"Let me help you princess" Morris gave me his hand and I held his hand to get out of the car. He ruffled my hair and yes..
Since we were a kid Morris has always been my knight in shining armour. He's always there for me and he's just always protect me and taking care of me
"What do you want to eat?" He asked
"Cheese burger as usual and animal fries too" I answered
We entered the restaurant and of course people's eyes are all on us. We never fail to make attention everywhere we go. We looked at the menu and walked to the cashier to order
"What do you guys want?" Matt asked
"Cheese burger" I said
"Double-Double burger" Morris said
"Me too"
"Me three"
"Me four" The boys are settling with the bigger one
"You Joan?" Andrew patted her head
"Animal fries only"
"Oh I want that too" I said
"Let's take a seat" Joan pulled me to the empty seats and yes people are still staring. I'm use to this attention since I'm an actress and the 7 Gold Life's kids
"Should we go bowling?" Aiden asked as he plopped down across me
"Drop the groceries first then we can hangout" Andrew said
"Let's go to party" Dylan said and I rolled my eyes
"I'm 20" I said
"So?" Dylan raised his eyebrows
"I can't drink yet.. wait! You too!"
"You guys can drink coke" Morris said as he put our food in front of us
"Let's just go bowling" Joan said
"Someone's been poking his eyes on you Joan" Matthew teased and Joan looked confused. Matt looked at the guy and Joan followed his direction and yes a cute guy is staring at her
"There's some slut looking at you too" Joan snapped back cause she hates being tease
"Who doesn't love me?" Matt said cocky , I munched on my burger and ignoring the bickering between these two
We always took people's attention but they never dare to approach us. Why? because there's one incident that came to Cailey until it made people won't come near us. So no one dares to..
"This is so good" Andrew said looking at his burger with love
"Of course it is" We ate it in silence , we talked about things little bit but since we're so hungry we munched it all
"Don't even dare" I warned Morris not to take my animal fries
"I dare" He took it and I smacked his arm hard. He groaned in pain
"That will bruise" Matt said
"Let's go buy groceries cause I'm dying to sleep" Aiden said and we all stood up and made our way out. We got into the car again and next stop grocery shopping
"Now many carts do we need?" Joan asked
"2" Dylan answered
"1 is enough"
"It won't be enough , trust me"
"Take 2 already" Andrew said and I pulled out one and Joan pulled another one
"Let's go from the left section" Dylan said , we started to walk there and guess what we're just randomly taking junk foods.
"This is ridiculous , we have all of these in the cupboard. We need to buy vegetables and fruits and meat things like that" I said looking at our cart ridiculously
"Babe.. you sound like a housewife" Morris put his arm around me
"I'm going to be a housewife soon of course I need to practice"
"Who's the lucky guy?" He asked innocently
"Someone who is lucky enough to have me jerk" I pushed him away
"Do we need bacon?" Aiden asked pointed
"Yes.. let's buy a lot" Dylan said
"This is crazy" Joan mumbled and I can't help but agree because usually our parents are the one who do this but since they have a meeting so we don't have a choice
"Fillet fish?"
I bet this will be a disaster.. and guess what? After 1.5 hours turning around and around we're done with 2 cars full of junk foods.
"I need to learn how to cook" Joan said
"Go learn with Lauren" Dylan said
"She can't teach people , I need to attend cooking class"
"What for?"
"It's cool if we know how to cook!!" Joan said as she picked up the lightest plastic bag and I took one too.
"Let's go, little one," Aiden said, pushing me to go out from the mart. We walked to the car and put all the groceries at the back. Now we have to squeeze in on the 2nd row with the boys.
"You're so big!" Joan said to Andrew
"So it's my fault? We need to be healthy and awesome Joan" He said as Joan sat on his lap cause we have no choice
"Come here you.." Morris patted his thigh and I got in and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me more to him. My breath got hitch suddenly and I can feel my body getting hotter and hotter
"You smell nice" Morris whispered making me shiver
"Don't flirt you two" Matt said and I smacked his head since I'm sitting behind him
"Who can I not flirt? This girl is beautiful" He stated making my heart went weird
"He always does that to other girls.. so it's not weird" I stated but the truth he never did that