Cailey Locason
"So this is so damn small" Zac said as he looked at the small lift
"I know right" I agree with him
"So we have to squish in there together?" He asked and I nodded
"You go in first" I said and he got in , I got in too. Zac circled my waist with his arms and pulled me to his chest. Shit.. damn Zac
I slide my Gold Card and press 2
"I like this" He commented and of course he likes it
"Let me go before I elbow where the sun doesn't shine" I threatened
"We just met this morning but damn Cailey , you're so cute" I think he's getting weird , the door opens and we walk out. I led the way to our private room and saw the boys and Lauren already there.
"Who are you?" Lauren asked as she saw Zac
"You both the only girls who don't know who I am" Zac said and I plopped down beside Lauren
"I'm Zac Malvon , Sean's cousin and Matthew's cousin cousin"
"Lauren Hastington , that bastard's sister" Lauren pointed at Chris and Chris just rolled his eyes. Zac plopped the seat beside me and at the same time the door opens revealing the Lemieres and the twins.
Why suddenly the crib is full of people?
"Shit" Lauren hissed and I looked at her sadly
"Should have known that he would come here" Lauren said whispering. Not only me who is sad looking at Lauren but Joan too. She send signal that we should go out
"I'm going to starbucks with Joan and Lauren" I announced and they nodded
"You're going?" Zac hold my hand and I nodded
"I don't even get your number"
"I'm the one who will text you so wait for that text" I smirked and he eyed me
"I trust you Cailey , you better text me" He pointed at me and I nodded. Pulling Lauren and Joan out from the crib
"You brought your car?" I asked Lauren
"What happened?" Joan asked Lauren
"Let's crash your house" Lauren said to Joan and she nodded , let's go
"I bring my car with me"
"You bring yours?" I asked Joan and she nodded
"See you at your house" I said dragging Lauren with me , we go down one by one. I looked at Lauren sadly , I decided to drive her car instead of she's driving it. I quickly drive to Joan's house without saying anything and Lauren just blankly stare into space
"Okay spill" Joan said as we walked into her room , we all lay down on the bed
"Crystal and Autumn are on her way here"
"Just spill and I'll tell them the short version" I said and Lauren nodded
"He said that it doesn't feel right , he wanted us to be best friend like old times because he doesn't develop any feelings for me" Lauren said
"Who? Lemiere or Samuel?" Joan asked and I glared at her for asking that
"Blane and I already ended things long time ago Joan , even we hooked up again 2 weeks ago. We agreed to end things and besides that's 2 years ago.. I already move on"
"What's with the Lemiere?"
"He.. he said that he doesn't develop any feelings for me even how much he tries to , so he decided to just be best friends like we used too"
"That's a freaking lie!" Joan bursted
"What did I miss?" Autumn and Crystal bursted into the room and I quickly explain them quickly
"My brother said that? What a fucking bastard!" Crystal said
"He said that he still wanted to enjoy his single life before jumping into a relationship" Lauren added
"How about getting back with Blane?" Autumn said bluntly and we all turned to her
"Actually he wanted to get back with me because he's my first love and I'm his first love so first love is hard to forget even we already broke things up" She said sighing
"Then get back with Blane and show Dylan Lemiere what he has been missing!" Joan said
"Not that easy Joan , we're all bestfriend. I can't just get back to Blane when Dylan just said that he doesn't want me"
"I think my brother does have a feeling for you but he still love his bachelor life.. you have to teach him a lesson" Crystal smirked
"I think I need to be single for awhile"
"I think you should pick Blane , I mean you two broke up just because of distance" Autumn has a point and I agree
"Distance sucks.. and we broke up 1.5 years ago"
"But he wants to get back to you again" I said and she sighed
"I will not come to the crib for awhile , I hate seeing Dylan"
"Well you can't avoid him continuously because we often meet" Crystal has a point there
"You know that next week is Blake's birthday and we are all going to LA right? You know shit will happen" Joan warned and right.. I forgot that next week we have to go to LA
"I won't come"
"What excuse will you make?"
"Let's go to London" She looked at us all and I looked at her crazy
"Are you crazy?"
"No.. yeah let's go to London" She repeated
"You aware that our dad's control our credit cards right?" I asked and she nodded
"You still hoping for us to go to London?" Joan asked
"We can go to Miami.. by car" She smirked
"Are you kidding me?" Crystal asked
"We're going to be in trouble" Autumn added
"Oh come on , I don't want to see Blane and Dylan these days. They both gave me headaches" Lauren groaned and threw herself to the bed
"Oh boy.." I said
"Oh come on , I'll tell my mom to let us go" Lauren begged
"No matter how your mom tries to protect you and let you go , your dad will find you Lauren. You know how your dad loves you" Crystal and she has a point
"Let's go to Tennessee then" Boy..