Elena Colton
"Thanks" I said to Aiden and opened the door. I walked to his side to see him drive away first. Suddenly he opened his car window.. looking at me weirdly
"Help me" He begged and I shook my head
"Elena" Suddenly someone back hugged me and I can easily guess that it's Collin
"Hey Collin"
"Can we talk for a moment Clement?" Aiden looked at Collin seriously , Collin looked at him weirdly
"Give us 10 minutes" I said to him and Collin nodded , he walked away and I turnes to him
"Please help me okay? I'll give everything you want" He said and I looked away. Trying to calm my burning heart
"When is her birthday?" I asked
"Tuesday" He answered
"What do you want to do?"
"Sweet surprises , give her the purse and bam.." He's excited , I can tell by his voice
"What can you do for me?" I asked raising my eyes
"I will introduce you to my friend.. I bet you will like him or.. I'll pay you"
"I'll think about it and I'll tell you tomorrow" I said as I looked into that blue eyes
"Okay.. great" He smiled widely and I nodded. I gestured to him to go and he nodded. Closing the window and driving away. I walked to the bowling alley and found Collin sitting there looking at the bowling pins seriously.
I walked to him and sit beside him
"Let's play"
"Do you know that you're hurting yourself?" What?
"What do you mean Collin? Are you dreaming?" I chuckled and he turned to me with a serious expression. I'm quite startled to see that
"You like Aiden , why help him with Cynthia?" My eyes widen
"You were eavesdropping?" I asked in a mad tone
"You're his secret admire.. you took a photo of him when he's playing soccer , when he entered the school , when he- You fucking like him Elena but why do you keep hurting yourself when I'm here looking at you everyday having that hurt expression" He bursted and I looked at him disbelief
"How did you know?" I asked
"How can I not know? I only looked at you since I entered college and you have your eyes on him only" He said and I sighed
"What are you going to do? Tell him?" I asked annoy
"Why are you hurting yourself? Why?" He asked seriously , looking straight into my blue eyes
"Why hope something that will never happen is useless?" I looked away from him
"He didn't try to find you?" Collin asked and I shook my head
"He doesn't care.. He thinks reading a card like that is stupid" I looked down to my feet and can't help but sigh and wanting to cry
"Do you know how hurt I am everytime time I see you get hurt?"
"How do you even know?" I asked curious and disbelief at the same time
"Your eyes Elena , that beautiful blue eyes is full of hurt" I sighed and closed my eyes
"He and Cynthia are perfect for each other" I said painfully
"Are you going to help him?" Collin asked
"You're hurting yourself"
"It's the only way that I can get close to him" I said honestly and Collin sighed
"You're stupid Elena"
"I am.. so are you" I turned to him and he nodded
"Of course.. Stupid liking a girl who obviously like someone else but here I am still trying to reach this girl because she's damn worth it" I looked at him disbelief
"Since when did you know all this?"
"2 months ago" Oh crappy
"He really likes Cynthia"
"Of course , she's hot but dumb" He answered and I raised my eyebrows
"She's not dumb Collin" I glared at him for saying that
"You'll see why I said her dumb" Collin looked straight to the bowling pins again
"I can't like you Collin" I said truthfully because I don't want to lead him or something
"I know Elena"
"Why still trying?" I asked because I don't understand that
"Let me ask you that.. Why still trying when you know Aiden likes Cynthia?" Right.. Why am I still trying? Why am I still trying?
"It's our feelings.. we can't control it or choose who to fall in love with. The heart choose it Elena"
"I'm hurting myself and so are you Collin" I never realise that he's this kind and just.. so sweet. Why didn't I meet Colin earlier before I lay my eyes on Aiden?
"Yeah but you're worth to be fight"
"He doesn't want to know about his secret admire , he hates cards and things like that so I bet every notes and things that I gave already throw out to the trash" I sighed and he raised his shoulder not know the answer
"Why still doing it when you know he doesn't care?"
"Hoping for a change.."
"Why didn't you go out and be yourself about liking him?" I shook my head
"I like being a shadow even it's hurting me , I don't know why I kept hiding myself"
"You're not confident?" Colline asked
"Maybe.. I'm not beautiful , I'm not that smart. I'm just an ordinary , why would a guy like him go for a girl like me? That's stupid and insane" I said and Collin shook his head
"You're special , you're kind , fun and really outgoing. You're so wrong when you said that you're just an ordinary girl"
"Why didn't I meet you earlier before I lay my eyes on Aiden?" I said truthfully
"Fate Elena"
"It sucks"
"I know but I do still want to try with you" He looked at me seriously and suddenly I want to try too with him but I don't want to say it
"Try it.. you'll never know. The table might turn" I said and I saw a smile slowly appear on his face
"Yeah" I nodded
"Thankyou Elena.. should we play now?"