BLSC #12 (of 15) BLSC(Billionare Love Story Children Series)【Search beyondlocks and enjoy her 41 books~】Matthew Lemier...
Chapter 1
Scarlette Thompson
"Yes.." I ran towards the customer and started to take their order and ran back to give the order.
"Scarlette.. Clean up table 8."
"Yes." I ran to table 8 and quickly cleaned the table up. I ran back to wash the dishes. I keep working as a waitress and dishwashing girl for 6 hours and I need to go to work at a clothes shop.
My mind went back to reality when a sound of plate dropped on the floor. My eyes widened and I looked down. Oh shit! Not again..
"Scarlette!" Oh shoot shoot.. I kneeled down to get all the glass pieces that scattered on the floor. Shit!
"Scarlette.. not again." I looked up to see Kevin, he kneeled down and helped me.
"Don-" Before he can say it again.. I cut my finger. Kevin quickly pulled me to the sink. He turned on the water and put my cut there.le cgu
"Stay here." He said and I nodded. He quickly took care of my mess. I helped him.
"Scarlette! Again??" Suddenly my boss Rodie walked in. I looked down and sighed. O
"I swear.. you already broke 10 plates in a month." He said.
"I'll make sure she won't break a plate again, sir." Kevin said.
"If you break one more.. You'll be fired."
"I will be responsible for that, sir."
"Argh!" Rodie walked away and I sighed. I turned to Kevin..
"Please.. please don't do it again." He said and I nodded.
"Scarlette.. Table 10!" I jumped.
"I'll take care of this.. you go."
"I'm sorry and thank you.." I said and planned to go away but Kevin caught my wrist.
"Come here." He took out a bandage from his pocket and put it on my cut.
"Go.." He smiled and I nodded. I walked out and started to serve customers again. Today is a really tiring day and I need to breathe a little bit.
"You okay?" Kevin asked as he stood beside me.
"Yeah.. I'm good."
"Okay then.. Bye Scarlette." He smiled and I nodded.
"Bye Kevin.. Sorry and thankyou." I smiled and waved. I walked away and plugged my earphones into my ear. I looked at the time and I still have 1 hour before working. I walked to a cheap taco place and bought one small portion. I'm so hungry and I haven't eaten since this morning.
I walked out with a taco in my hand and I walked towards my next workplace.
Suddenly my phone vibrates.. oh god. I put my phone in my bag. I'm holding a plastic bag and I'm holding a gaco on the other side. Shit!
I ignored the fact that my hands are full.. I tried to take my phone out from my bag when suddenly I bumped into someone.
"Oh my god! Sorry!" My eyes looked straight at the stain. My taco literally smashed into his suit. Oh shit! I immediately threw the taco to the nearest bin and took out a wet tissue from my bag and quickly tried to clean the stain.
"I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry." I said repeatedly.
"I can't believe this." He said in a deep voice.. that made me look up.
Oh holy krabby patty spongebob..
Is he a greek god or something? How can I bump into a really handsome and hot guy?
"I'm sorry." I said and our eyes met..
"I need to go so just give me this." He took my wet tissue and left.
"Sorry!" I said and he just walked away at a great speed. I looked at his back. Oh shit my taco! I walked to the bin and looked at my taco. Shit! I just took a bite.. I closed my eyes and sighed.
Today is another clumsy day.. How can I be born to be this clumsy?
I walked towards my next workplace and couldn't help but feeling so down. I'm tired of this life but I can't do anything about it.
I graduated from a design school. I got a scholarship for it when I was in college. I got into a few companies to design things but because of my clumsiness.. I got fired 2 times and the other 2.. I quit because I didn't feel click with all the other employees.
Now.. I'm trying to apply for another design job again but there's still no information or calls about it. Maybe no one accepts me.
My phone rang again and that made me go back to reality..
"Hello." I picked it up.
"Yes grandma?" I asked.
"What time will you go home?" She asked.
"Today.. it will be around 10. Why?"
"Phil and Nancy are coming over.. They wanted to see you." Phil and Nancy are my uncle and aunt. Phil is my dad's big brother. They live in Ohio and they often visit New York for work.
"Oh okay.. I'll be home at 10."
"Okay.. They miss you."
"Okay Grandma.. I'll go home early then."
"Good." She ended the call and I smiled. Phil and Nancy are my only family beside my grandmother. They live in Ohio and they have no kids. When my parents died.. they're the one who took care of me at first but my grandmother wanted to take me so yeah.. I ended up with my lovely and talkative grandmother.
My stomach growls and I curse under my breath for it. Stupid me to throw away the taco.. it was a reflect because I was afraid that the man will be mad.
Speaking about the man.. he's one hot meat.
Oh Scarlette.. forget about dating. No one will want me anyway. I'm clumsy.. not fashionable.. often wearing no makeup.. hair everywhere.. so skinny.. pale.. not attractive.. I always put my hair in a ponytail or in a bun.. I know.. I know.. don't just me.. and the craziest fact is that I never even date someone.
Guys never even ask me on a date.. Ha Ha Ha.. pity? Yes..
Gosh.. When will my curse end? I'm waiting for a prince charming to come..