Rose Hastington
I don't know what happen to myself these days but as the wedding day got closer and closer my emotions drops. These days I've been so quite and not in a mood to eat and everything. I lost 3 kgs in a week because I didn’t eat and rest well. This wedding made my head go crazy.
Today I decided to take a break from everything, maybe stroll alone at the Central Park or maybe go for a long drive. I shut my phone and ready to go.
I walked downstairs, I found the boys were hanging out at the living room. Today they’re in a full squad which means they all here, Max too.
"Are you going to the office?" Luke asked as I walked down. I just shook my head. I wore my shoes and just walked out from the door.
"Where are you going?" I heard Max voice behind me and I just ignored him. I walked to my car and ready to open the door when suddenly he held my wrist making me turn to him.
"F*** off Max!" I said coldy.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He bursted and I scoffed annoy. I pushed his hand away from me and opened the car door but he shut it again.
"You lose weight." He stated and I ignored him.
"Can you just go away Max? I'm not in the mood to argue with you today." I sighed and pushed him away slowly.
"Wedding jitters? Or you don't like the fact marrying him?" He asked and I just got inside my car. I started the car and drove out from my house. I want to go away from everything. I put my phone inside my bag completely shut it down. I don't know where I'm going or what am I doing, I'm just following my heart.
As I drove my car, tears suddenly filled my eyes. I felt my heart was hurting. I’m tired. It's like I’ve had enough loving Max for 11 years. Marrying Austin will be the best decision even though I don't love him.
There's so much thing going inside my head right now and I can’t stop crying. I don't know what to do about this. I can’t think straight too.
It's just I want to runaway, I really want to runaway from New York and just get a new life somewhere else.
I stopped at a small cafe and decided to take out my phone. I turned it on and just waited for it to connect perfectly.
My eyes widen when I saw a text message from Max.
Max :
Where are you?
I chose to ignore that text, it's not worth it to text him back anyway. I looked up for a place with nature and just relaxing place to stay for a really quite long time before I get back to a crazy hectic work.
I wanted to go somewhere for a few months, maybe like 2 or 3 months will be enough, I need to get away from everything for awhile. I'll just left everything here and go there with my money. I looked up at the internet and found Tennessee as a relaxing place, should I get there or should go somewhere far away like Brighton or London.
Brighton sounds good.. it's by the sea.
Suddenly Max called me, I was quite shocked about it. I rejected it but he called me again. I kept reject it until I was quite annoy by him, I decided to answer his call.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Where are you?"
"None of your business." I answered coldly.
"Tell me where are you Rose!" He bursted and I sighed.
"Just stop bothering me Max, stop acting like you care. Go f*** another woman, I don't care." I ended the call and decided to block his number. I turned off my phone again and drove back.
I know at this time, there's no one home so I can pack a few things and just left my phone at home so no one can track me down. As I got home, I quickly ran up to my room. I wrote a message for my parents and brother. I packed a few things and booked my ticket to London. I jumped into the shower real quick and changed into my comfortable clothes. I don’t even bother to wear a make up.
I put my phone on the table and put away everything that can track my location down. I took my small luggage and went out.
I took a cab to the airport and prepared myself to leave New York for awhile. I might die if I stay here with all of these bad situations on my shoulder. I will be okay.. I guess. I’m mentally hurt and stressing out a lot these days, I need to fix myself first.
4 days before my wedding, I ran away to go somewhere far where no one can’t find me. I just need to get away from everything for awhile. I need to get away from Max, the arrange marriage and these stressing situation. I need to try to move on in Brighton, maybe find a cute and hot british guy.
As I got into the JFK Airport, I quickly check in and buy a new phone. After a few hours of waiting, I walked inside the airplane. I looked out through the mirror and sighed.
Goodbye New York. I'll comeback soon or maybe not.